
  • 网络The Butcher's Wife;Woman of Wrath
  1. 事实上,《杀夫》只是一篇在启蒙传统之下的对于经典的戏仿,它的创新性明显不足,标志性意义明显不强。

    Insufficient in its creativity and significance , The Butcher 's Wife is considered as a mock epic in the traditional enlightenment .

  2. 李昂的代表作《杀夫》,从性角度切入,揭示了中国女性悲惨的生存状态。

    Entering from the sex aspect , , written by Li Ang , Indicates the miserable living condition of Chinese Females .

  3. 《杀夫》对于反封建、性意识等问题的启蒙向度十分明显,却浅尝辄止。

    Its tendency to enlighten such problems as anti-feudalism and sexual consciousness is obvious , but it does not study further than showing the tendency .

  4. 清末春阿氏杀夫案在司法档案和纪实小说中有着不同版本。

    It has different versions about the case'Chun E Shi'at the last of Qing Dynasty in files of judicature and the novels of record of actual events .

  5. 以及文化水平较低、对家庭暴力的错误认知和不稳定情绪、法制观念淡漠等受虐杀夫妇女自身的原因。

    It is also related to the battered women 's own reasons of low-education , misunderstanding of domestic violence , emotional instability and weakness in the understanding of law .