
jī jiàn
  • parts;work;machine member;organ;machinery;parts of a machine;mechanism
机件 [jī jiàn]
  • [machinery;parts of a machine] 用于装配机器的各个零部件

机件[jī jiàn]
  1. 机件的表达方法CAI课件及其应用研究

    The courseware " expression methods of parts " and its application

  2. 中国可能购买了1999年在塞尔维亚被击落的夜鹰F-117的机件并获取了相关知识。

    China may have bought parts of US F-117 Nighthawk shot down over Serbia in1999 and gleaned knowledge from them .

  3. 这台机器的机件非常老。

    The mechanics of the machine are very old .

  4. 打手、钢丝布和梳针等金属机件都会损伤纤维表面。

    There exists also much fibers surface damage brought about by beaters , card clothing , faller pins , etc.

  5. 他瞅着我手拿锤子,手指沾满了油污,伏在一个在他看来丑不可言的机件上。

    He looked at me there , with my hammer in my hand , my fingers black with engine-grease , bending down over an object which seemed to him extremely ugly …

  6. 基于VB的发动机有寿机件控制系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Control System of Engine Machine Assembly Based on VB

  7. 本文介绍上海纺织机件二厂改进1511M型织机送经机构的做法。

    The article introduces the measure to improve the warp beam let-off devices of loom type 1511M by Shanghai Textile Machine Parts Factory .

  8. (八)驾驶机件不合安全要求的机动车辆的;

    Driving motor vehicles with parts not up to safety requirements ;

  9. 一种针对卫星执行机构故障的容错控制系统ph.1.技术故障,机件故障

    A fault-tolerant control system to handle actuator failures of a satellite

  10. 户外机件用软膜防锈油的研制

    Study on Preparation of Soft Film Antirust Oil for Outdoor Machinery

  11. 基于信息融合技术的多传感器智能轮椅避障系统ph.1.技术故障,机件故障

    Multi-sensor intelligent wheelchair obstacle avoidance system based on information fusion technology

  12. 这些钟表里的机件全部都是国产的。

    The work of these watches and clocks are all home-produced .

  13. 每间舱房总有些小毛病或机件失灵的事故上报。

    Every compartment had some minor breakage or malfunction to report .

  14. 用同位素测试封闭运动机件位移的实验研究

    Laboratory research on displacement measurement for enclosed moving machine-parts with radioactive isotopes

  15. 这是一块带有钻石机件的昂贵的表。

    It was an expensive watch with a diamond movement .

  16. 这些表的机件均系国产,耐磨性好。

    The works of these watches are all homemade and wear well .

  17. 这台机器每小时可冲压数百件机件。

    The machine can stamp out hundreds of components in an hour .

  18. 本文还采用了一种基于未知输入补偿观测器的方法来对刹车系统中的另一个关键机件-电液伺服阀进行了故障诊断研究。

    This dissertation adopts an unknown import compensate observer to diagnosis servovalve .

  19. 机件服役载荷的断口反推

    Restoring service loads of a component from its fracture surface

  20. 三维机件模型到工程图纸自动转化的研究

    Research on Transform From 3D Part Model to Engineering Drawings

  21. (指机件)沿直线往复移动双作用三直线电机往复泵运动特性研究

    Research on Motion Characteristics of Double-action Tri-linear Motor Reciprocating Pump

  22. 这是生产作业的装配线,包括不同制造过程中机件与人员的组合。

    Working on an assembly line can be incredibly boring and tiring .

  23. 他的车子保养得很好,各种机件状况极佳。

    His car has been well maintained and is in excellent condition .

  24. 纺织器材机件的新型修复技术(七)&胶接修复之二

    A New Repair know-how of Textile Accessories ( 7 ) Gluing Method

  25. 选定公差与配合对机件加工成本的影响

    The Effect of Determinating Tolerance and Mating of Machine Parts on Their Cost

  26. 由三维模型进行机件表达

    Do expression of machine parts from three dimensional model

  27. 矿山铸铁机件焊接修复的工艺探讨

    Approach to Mine Casting Iron Elements Welding Repairing Process

  28. 内部机件采用不锈钢精制,抗腐蚀,经久耐用。

    Refining the use of stainless steel internal mechanical , corrosion-resistant , durable .

  29. 每一个机件都装有一个可插入电源插口的充电器。

    Each came equipped with a charger that plugs into an electrical outlet .

  30. 船壳和设备机件的潜在缺陷;

    Latent defects in hull , machinery and equipment ;