
mù ɡùn
  • wooden stick
木棍 [mù gùn]
  • [stick] 木材作的棍子

  • 全副武装的警察,手里准备了木棍

  1. 木棍的下梢越来越细。

    The end of the wooden stick tapers to a point .

  2. 我想是用木棍或者木棒打的。

    My guess is with a wooden stick or a club .

  3. 我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在密林里开出一条路,穿了过去。

    We had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks .

  4. 我关上小屋的门,并用一根木棍将门楔住。

    I shut the shed door and wedged it with a log of wood

  5. 那只狗蹦跳着叼回了木棍,交给理查德让他再扔出去。

    The dog came bounding back with the stick for Richard to throw again .

  6. 他把那些木棍儿都削得细细儿的。

    He pared each stick down to a thin strip .

  7. 把木棍再削细点儿。

    Whittle the stick down a bit more .

  8. 7.Kindofpresents送你礼物狗:“我给你带来了这些脏袜子,还有些木棍和旧报纸,都送给你。”

    Dog - “ I 've brought these dirty socks for you . I 've some sticks and some old newspapers too . They are all yours . ”

  9. 起源于中世纪的JogodoPau,是用木棍作为战斗的武器。

    Having its origin in the Middle Ages , Jogo do Pau uses wooden staves as a combat weapon .

  10. 那个男孩用木棍在地上写字。

    The boy is writing on the ground with a stick .

  11. 这个女人总是拿着一台收音机,拄着木棍。

    The woman always takes a radiogram and leans on stick .

  12. 几千年以前,早期人类用木棍。

    Millions of years ago , early men used a stick .

  13. 固定在小木棍上的冰淇淋或冰块。

    Ice cream or water ice on a small wooden stick .

  14. 伙计,你不会用木棍去戳她吧。

    Dude , you 're not gonnapoke her with a stick .

  15. 用来点燃火柴的短细的木棍。

    A short thin stick of wood used in making matches .

  16. 用以吓唬鸟儿的破旧木棍上的破旧衣裳。

    Old clothes upon old sticks to scare a bird .

  17. 他们挥动木棍和刀子袭击与其作对的帮派。

    They charged the rival gang swinging clubs and knives .

  18. 我们应该把树绑在木棍的顶部。

    We should tie the tree to the top of the stick .

  19. 六,她在拣木棍。

    Five , six , she 's picking up sticks .

  20. 人们用木棍撑着这些平底船过河。

    These boats were pushed across the river with poles .

  21. 抓着你的木棍跑进丛林。

    You grab your Jesus stick and race off into the jungle .

  22. 我看见他正在用木棍打那只狗。

    I saw him hitting the dog with a stick .

  23. 第3组黑猩猩则会迅速地从石锤转变到木棍。

    And the third community switched from stone to wood more quickly .

  24. 我刚刚才看到我男朋友的尸体一根木棍戳进了他的心脏

    I just saw my boyfriend with a stake through his heart .

  25. 纺纱时用来缠纱线的木棍或栓。

    A stick or pin used to twist the yarn in spinning .

  26. 艾莉亚尖叫,随即一把抓起刚才掉落的木棍。

    Arya screamed . She grabbed up her fallen stick .

  27. 在一个角落里,正在进行一场使用铁头木棍作武器的友谊较量;

    In one corner , there was a friendly bout at quarterstaff ;

  28. 他用一根木棍来护酒吧的门。

    He used a bar to guard the door of the bar .

  29. 它叫什么名字山姆他肯定很喜欢玩木棍

    What 's his name ? Sam.He sure likes sticks .

  30. 快点山姆把木棍捡回来你去哪里

    Come on , Sammy . Pick up the stick.Where you going ?