
mù mián
  • kapok;silk cotton;bombax malabaricum;red cotton tree;mockmain
木棉 [mù mián]
  • [kapok;silk cotton] 木棉科吉贝树种子外面的丝质纤维。也指一种常绿乔木,产于热带,高可数十丈

木棉[mù mián]
  1. 东印度群岛的一种木棉树,生产次于木棉的纤维。

    East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok .

  2. 而当地所出的棉和蚕为木棉和土蚕,客家传统服饰所需之棉布大量买自外地,丝绸则很少使用。

    Cotton and silk are produced by the silk cotton tree and the local silkworm respectively , while the cotton used for the traditional Hakka dress is largely purchased from other areas , but silk is rarely used .

  3. 众所周知,木棉是广州市的市花。

    As all we know , kapok is the city flower of Guangzhou .

  4. 我必须是你近旁的一株木棉,

    I must be a ceiba by your side

  5. 春天来了,木棉红了。

    Kapok becomes red when spring comes .

  6. 本品是采用薄型粘合法非织造布、PE流延膜、皱纹卫生纸或木棉加工制成、吸水性强、使用方便。

    Made up of non-twine cloth by thin-sticky way , PEmembrane , wrinkle toilet paper and kapok , strong absorbability , use easily .

  7. 用ICP-MS方法分析攀枝花市木棉树芯中元素含量来研究攀枝花市的工业生产环境污染问题是有效的。

    At the same time , it is effective to analyze the element contents of the ceiba tree-core by ICP-MS to study environmental problems of industrial production of Panzhihua .

  8. 提出了搜索引擎的自主学习式信息采集思想、内容信息提取模式和两级数据更新机制,并在华南木棉检索系统中予以实现,为用户提供更加准确有效的MP3搜索结果。

    The idea of self-study information collection , the mode of content information retrieval and the mechanism of two-level data updating are also proposed and then implemented in the Kapok search engine system . So , better MP3 search results with great veracity and validity can be provided to users .

  9. 来自木棉树,用于填塞和绝缘。

    From the kapok tree ; used for stuffing and insulation .

  10. 站在我身旁的木棉,走入我心田的木棉。

    The ceiba beside me , the ceiba inside my heart .

  11. 木棉花红色素的提取及其应用研究

    Study on Extraction and Application of Red Pigment from Bombax Malabaricum

  12. 木棉/三维卷曲中空涤纶复合浮力材料的探讨

    Research on kapok / 3D crimp hollow polyester composition buoyancy materials

  13. 木棉棉混纺纱性能的测试分析

    Test and Analyses of Java Cotton & Cotton Blending Yarn Property

  14. 这些木棉树壳让我的火种保持干燥。

    And the kapok tree shells have kept my tinder dry .

  15. 中国棉;锡兰棉;暹罗棉;木棉。

    China cotton ; Ceylon cotton ; Siam cotton ; tree cotton .

  16. 屈里曼先生得了那条木棉床垫觉得很得意。

    Mr. Tremaine was proud in the possession of the kapok mattress .

  17. 通过实验表征了国产木棉纤维的基本结构和性能。

    The structures and performances of the native kapok fibers were studied .

  18. 直接染料对木棉纤维的染色吸附特征

    Dyeing and adsorption character of kapok fiber with direct dyes

  19. 窗外的木棉树上开着耀眼的红花。

    Just outside the windows kapok flowers glowed red in full bloom .

  20. 辣椒,台湾相思,木棉各为一支。

    And chillies , Taiwan acacia , kapok formed a branch , respectively .

  21. 来自东印度红色丝光木棉树,次于木棉。

    From the red silk-cotton tree of E India ; inferior to kapok .

  22. 木棉剧团正在茁壮成长,就像美丽坚实的木棉花一样。

    Kapok is growing strong , just like the sturdy , silky flower .

  23. 木棉基活性炭纤维的结构与吸附性能

    Structure and adsorptive properties of kapok-based activated carbon fiber

  24. 棉与木棉纤维含量测定的不确定度评定

    Evaluation of uncertainty in determination of fiber content in cotton / kapok blends

  25. 我必须是你近旁的一株木棉

    I must be a ceiba tree beside you

  26. 余氏植物营养液扦插美丽异木棉生根试验初报

    Primary Report Rooting Test for Cutting Beautiful Kapok

  27. 木棉系列絮料的保暖性

    Warmth retention property of kapok range of wadding

  28. 天然的保暖纤维&木棉纤维

    Kapok Fiber : A Green Natural Thermal Fiber

  29. 枕芯内的硬材料是棕丝、木棉子等;

    The hard materials in the pillow inner are palm fibres , kapoks , etc.

  30. 所以木棉树的叶子非常细小。

    So the kapok has very small leaves .