
wàng lóu
  • belvedere;watchtower;lookout tower;belvidere
望楼 [wàng lóu]
  • (1) [belvedere]∶观望景色用的建筑物,如屋顶小阁或凉亭

  • (2) [watchtower;lookout tower]∶供远望敌方用的楼

望楼[wàng lóu]
  1. 他的一生所走的是一条偏僻小路,虽然不是熙来攘往、却也平坦愉快&它叫做平凡小巷,通向的是普通常识的望楼。

    His way takes him along a by-road , not much frequented , but very even and pleasant , which is called Commonplace Lane , and leads to the Belvedere of Common-sense .

  2. 吴起想拔掉秦国设置的对魏国百姓种田具有危害性的了望楼。

    Wu Qi wanted to remove the watchtower set up by the state of Qin that did harm to farming .

  3. 文章简要地介绍美国E2C鹰眼和E3A望楼预警飞机上使用的机载通信系统的通信终端。

    This paper gives a brief introduction to airborne communications systems & terminals currently in servic for U. S. E - 2C " Hawkeye " and E-3A " Sentry " early warning aircrafts .

  4. 竖着两座遥遥相对的望楼。

    There towered two belvederes , one facing the other .

  5. 8希西家攻击非利士人、直到迦萨、并迦萨的四境、从?望楼到坚固城。

    From watchtower to fortified city , he defeated the Philistines , as far as Gaza and its territory .

  6. 他又在旷野建造了一些了望楼,挖了许多贮水池,因为他在高原和平原上有很多牲畜;

    He also built towers in the desert and dug many cisterns , because he had much livestock in the foothills and in the plain .

  7. 此桥在明代曾大修过五次,并在桥墩上建起24座形式不同的“望楼”。

    This Bridge had overhauled five times in the Ming Dynasty , and on its piers , 24 different forms of " watchtower " were set up .

  8. 犹大人来到旷野的望楼,向那大军观看,见尸横遍地,没有一个逃脱的。

    When the men of Judah came to the place that overlooks the desert and looked toward the vast army , they saw only dead bodies lying on the ground ; no one had escaped .