
  • 网络service image
  1. 浅析塑造企业服务形象的途径

    An analysis of ways to create service image of enterprise

  2. 通过对在渝旅行社的抽样调查,基本掌握了在渝旅行社服务形象现状。

    Hence , it is important for travel agency to set up favorable service image .

  3. 塑造良好服务形象构建和谐医患关系

    Building a good image and a harmonious doctor-patient relations services

  4. 行为文化层-塑造良好的服务形象;

    Behavioral culture level-to mold a good serving image ;

  5. 医务人员服装与服务形象图书馆工作人员形象建构浅论

    MEDICAL WORKERS ' COSTUME AND IMAGE OF SERVICE Discussion on the Librarians ' Image Building

  6. 建文明窗口,树服务形象,创优质品牌;

    Sixthly , establishing window for civilization , setting up serving image and create high quality brand .

  7. 在饭店品牌资产所有因子中,仅有产品及服务形象和功能质量对顾客重购产生直接影响;

    Secondly , among all hotel brand equity , only image of product and functional quality affect repurchasing behavior directly ;

  8. 在此基础上,结合服务形象结构要素,对在渝旅行社如何提升服务形象提出了若干具体建议。

    Based on the existing researches , this paper puts forward theoretical hypothesis in the structure of travel agency 's service image .

  9. 从医院服务形象建设、质量形象建设、环境形象建设3方面入手,建立融洽的新型医患关系。

    The author suggested to develop new harmonious physician-patient relationship by creating positive hospital image of medical service , quality and environments .

  10. 塑造图书馆公益服务形象和特色服务形象是图书馆兴盛的关键。

    In the end , it is the key for flourishing library to shape her image of public service and featured service .

  11. 政府绩效评估是当下地方政府提高效率、重塑为民服务形象的重要工具。

    The government achievements appraisal is an important tool for the Local authority enhancing the efficiency , remolding the image for the people serves .

  12. 严抓产品质量,提高服务形象,不断探索创新,在江浙沪地区享誉盛名,家喻户晓。

    Strict product quality , improve service image , and constantly explore innovative , prestigious area in Jiangsu , Zhejiang , a household name .

  13. 旅行社服务形象结构分析及在渝旅行社服务形象现状调查

    Analysis on the Structure of Travel Agencies ' Service Image and Investigation on the Status Quo of the Travel Agencies ' Service Image in Chongqing

  14. 交通民警应当用一身正气、一张好脸、一番好话、一腔热情来树立执法权威,塑造良好服务形象。

    Then traffic policemen should establish the power of adminstration and mould the good service image by serving people heartedly and enthusiastically with healthy trends .

  15. 高校图书馆服务形象要素分析及重庆高校图书馆服务形象调查研究

    The Analysis of Factors in the Service Identity of the University 's Library and the Investigation on the Service Identity of the University 's Library in Chongqing

  16. 通过充分展示服务形象美、服务产品美、行为品质美和服务环境美,来实现馆员与读者心理相容和情感相悦的无障碍双向交流。

    Image display services through full service products , services acts and service environment , librarians and readers to realize the psychological compatibility and emotional accessibility two-way exchanges .

  17. 服务形象通过提升顾客满意度间接影响顾客的商店忠诚度,但由于缺乏承诺的作用,这种间接影响的长期稳定性较差。

    Service image influences online-shoppers ′ loyalty through satisfaction , but without the mediating effect of commitment . This indirect influence is not stable in the long term .

  18. 这将对改善甘肃电信的服务形象,提高营销服务能力,赢得客户市场起到积极地推动作用。

    This will play an active role in improving the service image of Gansu Telecom Company , advancing the ability of marketing service and gaining the customer 's market .

  19. 分析了旅游集散地形象建设的重要性,并从视觉形象、居民形象、旅游服务形象、管理形象、节事活动、核心地段等方面对旅游集散地的形象塑造进行了阐述。

    The importance of image-building of tourism center is emphasized , which covers the image of sight , residents , tourism service , festivals , management and important sites .

  20. 自编的“旅行社服务形象调查问卷”具有可以接受的信度和效度,可以作为调查旅行社服务形象状况的工具。

    With the help of the investigation 's result and the structural factors of the service image , this paper puts forward some advices to improve the travel agencies'service image in Chongqing .

  21. 服务形象是指企业工作人员凭借有形的设施设备,将服务传递给顾客的过程,以及顾客由此形成的对该企业服务的认识与评价。

    Service image refers to customers ' cognitions and evaluations about a corporation 's service , which are formed during the process when staff members resort to visible equipment to provide service to customer .

  22. 在网络化时代,图书馆的建设和发展,需要全面更新传统观念,改变以馆藏图书和馆员为中心的观念,重塑图书馆读者服务形象。

    Now , in Network time , the concept of library construction and development needs comprehensively to renew , change the collection books and the librarian as the center , remould the service image .

  23. 同时,本研究根据实际需要对员工服务形象和顾客感知价值进行了操作性界定,为今后此类研究打下一定的基础。

    At the same time , this study achieve the actual needs of the staff service identity and customer perceived value of the operational definition for the future and lay a foundation for such research .

  24. 商店形象对核心竞争力的影响最大,其次是商品形象、社会形象、消费者购后满意,服务形象,组织形象影响最小。

    Store the image of the core competitiveness of the greatest impact , followed by the commodity image , social image , consumer-purchase satisfaction , service image , the image of the organization with minimal impact .

  25. 在此情况下,特殊标志这一原本代表大型公益活动的标志被大范围地运用在商业领域,成为商家提升其商品、服务形象,证明其相应品质的途径。

    In this case , special signs which use to be used to present public events have been used in the business fields extensively and become the way companies to upgrade the image of their products and services .

  26. 论文论述了形象营销的特征及作用,尝试以企业形象、产品形象、服务形象等为主体构建形象营销体系,并提出了企业形象营销的运作模式。

    Thesis discusses the feature and function of image marketing , attempted that regard corporate image 、 production image and service as main part to build image marketing system , and put forward operating model of corporate image marketing .

  27. 根据分支维度层回归方程系数可知,五个形象维度对品牌形象影响程度依次是:店铺形象、产品形象、消费者形象、企业形象和服务形象。

    According to the regression equation coefficient , the influence degree of each factors was store image , product image , consumer image , corporate image , service image . First , store image has made great progress in Chinese-style clothing .

  28. 其中服务形象、安全形象、商品形象和价格形象对顾客满意有着显著的正向影响,而网站形象和便利形象对顾客满意无显著影响。(3)网络商店形象对顾客忠诚有着显著影响。

    Service image , safety image , commodity image and price image all have positive impact on customer satisfaction , but website image and convenience image has no significant effect on customer satisfaction . ( 3 ) Online-store image has a significant effect on customer loyalty .

  29. 第五章,六味斋老字号品牌管理存在的主要问题及成因分析,从产品形象、服务形象、品牌个性、品牌传播、品牌管理面临的挑战分析六味斋老字号在发展过程中面临的问题及成因。

    Chapter ⅴ deals with the main problems and reasons of the management of " Liuweizhai old brand " . It analyzes the problems and reasons from the product image , service image , brand personality , brand communication , the brand challenges in its development process .

  30. 有趣地是,研究发现种类形象、服务形象这两个维度并未像实体环境中那样与顾客忠诚有显著地正向影响关系,笔者认为这是网络购物的自主性、便捷性等特殊性质所引起的。

    Interestingly , the research finds that another two dimensions ( the category and service image ), do not have significant positive influences on customer loyalty as that in physical environment . I think this is caused by specific characters of online shopping , such as the autonomy and convenience .