
  • 网络Feathered dinosaurs
  1. 四翼兽脚类恐龙有羽毛恐龙的发现了所谓的,这些被认为是失踪的恐龙和鸟类之间的联系。

    Four Winged Feathered Dinosaurs called Theropods have been found ; these are considered to be the missing link between dinosaurs and birds .

  2. “看!”李小姐向他们展示一张有羽毛的恐龙的图画。

    " Look !" Miss Li showed them a picture of the feathered dinosaur .

  3. 小盗龙,生活在距今六千六百多万年前的白垩纪,是现今中国境内发现的众多体型娇小、长有羽毛的恐龙之一。

    Microraptor is one of many small , feathered dinosaurs found in what is now China that were alive during the Cretaceous period more than 66m years ago .