
  • 网络origin of the moon
  1. 实际上,到现在为止,月球的起源还是个未解之谜。

    The origin of the room is virtually an open question at this time .

  2. 关于月球的起源、地-月起源关系、甚至宇宙起源国内外学者众说纷纭。

    With regard to the origin of the moon and the earth-moon original relationship and even the origin of the universe , scholars both at home and abroad have different opinions .

  3. 月球可能起源于一次大碰撞,这次碰撞是由一个火星大小的星球撞击原地球所引起的,撞击后的原星球残核以及溅射物质通过吸积作用形成了月球。

    Based on the most recent study , the Moon is the result of one big collision between the original Earth and another planet approximately to the Mars in size . Throuth the accretion , the remains of the planet and the splashed materials formed the Moon gradually .

  4. 所以你是说那是月球原始生命的起源吗?

    So are you saying that would be the primitive life of the moon ?

  5. 其主要科学目标之一是利用对绕月卫星的多普勒跟踪数据精确测定月球重力场,研究月球的起源与演化。

    One of its main scientific objectives is the estimation of high order and degree spherical harmonic coefficients for the lunar gravity field .

  6. 研究月球表面的矿物岩石组成对于研究月球的起源和演化有着重要意义,这是因为这些矿物和岩石都是在一定的地质条件下形成的。

    It is important to know the surface distribution of rock-forming minerals and the types of rocks on the lunar surface .

  7. 今日小常识从1961年到1927年,美国的阿波罗计划从月球上取回了380多公斤的岩石标本。这些带回来的标本对研究月球的起源和构造有很大帮助。

    The Apollo missions between 1969 and 1972 returned over 380kg of rocks from the Moon , which have been used to help us understand its origins and structure .