
  • 网络full moon;moon night
  1. 月圆之夜,这种夜间活动的啮齿类动物会小心地呆在地洞里不出来。

    When there is a full moon , this nocturnal rodent is careful to stay in its burrow .

  2. 这是农历年中第一个月圆之夜!

    It 's the first full moon of the lunar year !

  3. 这是春节后的第一个月圆之夜。

    This is after the Spring Festival , the first full moon night .

  4. 草原上的月圆之夜!

    The full moon to the pasture .

  5. 在中国南方的部分地区,月圆之夜被认为是一个浪漫的时刻。

    In parts of Southern China the full moon is time for a little romance .

  6. 如果您在月圆之夜仍只身在外,千万要特别小心。

    If you are out at night during a full moon , be extra careful .

  7. 月圆之夜也快到了。

    And the moon is almost full .

  8. 今晚是月圆之夜,这让我想起你。

    But it 's a full moon tonight , which makes me think of you .

  9. 三天后我们就出发,月圆之夜,潮涨之时。

    We move out in three days , when the moon is full and the tide is high .

  10. 还有另一种解释是,在月圆之夜吃圆月饼,象征着合家团圆。

    Still another interpretation is that eating round moon cakes on a full - moon night symbolizes family reunion .

  11. 我不想他被达蒙干掉因为月圆之夜就要到了

    I -- I don 't want Damon to kill him , cause there 's a full moon coming up ,

  12. 关于元宵的故事一个传说告诉我们在农历新年后的第一个月圆之夜吃元宵的起源。

    A Legend of Yuanxiao A legend tells the origin of eating yuanxiao on the night of the first full moon after the lunar New Year .

  13. 因为正月又叫元月,正月十五的晚上是新年里的第一个月圆之夜,所以这个节日就得名元宵节。

    Yuanyue is another name for lunar month and the night is a full moon first in year . That 's why Chinese name it Yuanxiao .

  14. 正月十五是新年的第一个月圆之夜。因这一天还有观灯的悠久传统,故又称“灯节”。

    As the first full moon night in the new year , the fifteenth day is also called Lantern Festival , named after the long-time tradition of appreciating lanterns .

  15. 如果他成功的打破了吸血鬼的诅咒,那将会让狼人永远处在他们的诅咒中,狼人们将会在每个月月圆之夜经受变身折磨。

    If he succeeds in breaking the curse , it 'll bind the werewolves to their curse forever , and they 'll continue to endure painful transformations every month .

  16. 今后每个月圆之夜,大家都将一起共修满月冥想,由各地的昆达利尼老师们轮流组织。

    Full moon mediation will be arranged once a month in future organized by KY teachers in different areas in turn , friends from all the places are warmly welcomed .

  17. 甚至狗和狼,至少通过他们夜晚的嚎叫来判断,在月圆之夜它们似乎也会沉浸在一种超自然的情感中。

    Even dogs and wolves , to judge at least by their nocturnal howlings , seem to feel in some dim bestial fashion a kind of numinous emotion about the full moon .

  18. 泼水节在每年11月的月圆之夜举行,即是在湄公河退潮、恢复到正常水位之后。

    The water Festival is held on the full moon of the eleventh month each year , at the end of the rainy season when the Mekong River begins to sink back to its normal levels .

  19. 在一个月圆星稀之夜,第一场霜降临了。

    First frost comes in the night , a clear , scant-started night when the moon is near its fullness .