
  • 网络ols;least squares;LSCE
  1. 最小二乘估计法优化电力系统网络等值参数

    Optimizing of Equivalent Network Parameters of Power Systems Based on Least squares Estimation

  2. 故障诊断的最小二乘估计法

    The Least Squares Estimation Method for Fault Diagnosis

  3. ARMA谱的自适应广义最小二乘估计法

    An On-Line ARMA Spectral Estimator Using a Generalized Adaptive Least-Squares Algorithm

  4. 网络控制系统T-S模型的建立&基于非线性最小二乘估计法

    The Building of T-S Model in Network Control System Based on the Nonlinear Least Square Method

  5. 作为应用实例,将最小二乘估计法b值与稳健估计b值的偏离度作为中强震的前兆判定指标,对新疆地区b值进行时间扫描。

    As an application example , difference ( Db ) between b value by least square estimation and by robust estimation is used as a discriminating index for precursor of moderate and strong earthquake .

  6. GM(1,1)与DM(1,l)模型的实质及其参数的最小二乘估计法

    The Crux of Models GM ( 1,1 ) and DM ( 1,1 ) andthe Least Square Estimation Methods of Their Parameters

  7. 曲线方程参数的最小二乘估计法

    Least-Square Estimation of Parameters of Nonlinear Equations

  8. 本文利用数据分组的思想,提出分组最小二乘估计法进行参数估计,减少了参数估计的偏差。并且在只知道误差界的情况下,利用分组最小二乘能给出几种度量误差模型的相合估计。

    Combining the grouping technique and the least squares method , the paper give a new estimator in the linear Measurement Error Models .

  9. 具体研究内容如下:目前在状态估计软件中常采用的算法是经典的加权最小二乘估计法。

    The contents presented in the paper are as follows : At present , the algorithm mostly used in state estimation software is classical weighted least square estimation .

  10. 在模拟和数据分析中,我们将该方法用到基因调控网络中去,证实了该方法的估计值确实比拟最小二乘估计法(Liang&Wu2008)有明显改进。

    We apply the DA-PLS method for gene regulatory network in simulations and real examples , and verify that the DA-PLS method highly improve the accuracy of estimates compared to the PLS method ( Liang & Wu 2008 ) .

  11. 文中首先从测量数据集合的数学描述引出了异值斑点的数学模型,然后在对最小二乘估计法存在的缺陷进行分析的基础上提出了鲁棒辨识异值斑点方法-稳健似然比法。

    Firstly , the mathematic model of unusual dada group was founded from the mathematic description of measuring data set , then , a robust likelihood ratio method for identifying unusual data was introduced on the basis of analyzing the shortages of the least square estimation .

  12. 采用高阶累积量最小二乘直接估计法提取语音参数进行编码;

    Extracting speech features with HOS based on least square estimation method .

  13. 第三章和第四章分别介绍了最小二乘初值估计法和目标轨迹粒子滤波递推估计法。

    Chapters 3 and 4 introduced the least squares estimation method and the target trajectory initial particle filter recursive estimation method .

  14. 另外还采用了抗差最小二乘估计修正法,分析了面平均降雨的分级,初值的不同选取对抗差效果的影响。

    The other correction method , robust least square estimation , also was introduced . The impact of average rainfall graded and different initial value on correction results was study .

  15. 首先对数据进行了预处理,然后使用最小二乘法和稳健估计法分别建立了自回归滑动平均模型。通过模型提前预测了下个30分钟的风电场出力,总共预测了10次。

    Firstly preprocess the data , and then use the least squares method and robust estimation method respectively to build an autoregressive integrated moving average model , finally forecast the wind power in the next 30 minutes , and repeat 10 times .