
  • 网络Jasper Tsang;Tsang Yok-sing
  1. 香港立法会主席曾钰成(JasperTsang)说,刘进图似有好转。周五上午,包括曾钰成在内的几名立法会议员去医院探望了刘进图。

    Legislative Council President Jasper Tsang , who was among several legislators who visited Mr. Lau in the hospital Friday morning , said he appeared to have improved . '

  2. 但当杀局草案在二读阶段出现票数不足而遭否决的危机时,民建联主席曾钰成转,令杀局草案得以进入最后表决阶段。

    But when the bill a eared in danger of being defeated at the second reading , Mr Tsang said his party would su ort it so it could go on to the final stage of the legislative proce .