
Although pandas were once found as far south as the northernmost parts of Vietnam and Myanmar , their modern range was thought to be restricted to a few mountainous areas of the Chinese provinces of Sichuan , Shaanxi and Gansu .
The Burma Army invited the SSA'South'for a peace talk in2007 .
We coasted South America on our trip last winter .
As a man who spent time during World War II on a South Pacific island , I recognized the symptoms of acute homesickness .
He was fluent in French , having spent stretches of time in Southern France .
Analysis of the Shelf-Margin Delta in the south of Zengmu basin , south China Sea
The highlight was working as a farmhand for a month on a farm in southern England for3.20 pounds an hour , he said .
A US-British scientist who worked in the South France and a husband-and-wife research team from Norway share this year 's Nobel Prize in medicine .
Roger , who worked at the Royal South Hants Hospital , hopes to raise 100,000 towards a new 750,000 spectrometer to help further cancer research at the university .
A British Crown Colony on the coast of S China ; leased by China to Britain in 1842 and returned in 1997 ; one of the world 's leading commercial centers .
Today we can prove on the basis both of the documental and of the archeological materials that the viewpoint declared by Japan 's newly published history textbook that ancient Japan had established the fortified point in the south of Korea and ruled there is absurd .
Also known as the Wandering City and the City of Patagonia , The City of the Caesars is a mythical city that is believed to have been located on the southernmost tip of South America in the region known as Patagonia .
Southern china ? We never admitted we sent troops into china .
The agency said gangs have repeatedly attacked humanitarian workers in the southern area of Haiti .
He also surveyed the Kajnag range in southern Kashmir and was the first to put Gulmarg on the map .
Pierre Fran ç ois P é ron , a French sailor , says he was marooned on Î le Amsterdam in the southern Indian Ocean .
The two companies drilled one test well in a basin in the southern part of the Taiwan Strait in 2005 , but no oil was found .
As you probably remember from history class , Texas , Arizona , New Mexico , Utah , Nevada and California were all once part of the US 's southern neighbor .
Last month China 's foreign ministry said it was nearing completion of some features in the South China Sea , an apparent effort to mollify criticism of its building works .