
  • 网络Zeng Guang
  1. 尽管病例数量激增,但是曾光依然充满信心的认为病毒可以在中国范围内得到控制。

    In spite of the sharp increase of cases , Zeng Guang says he is still hopeful the A / H1N1 flu can be kept under control in China .

  2. 曾光表示,他对全聚德的IPO感到乐观,但其他中国连锁餐饮企业的成功取决于它们在门店的标准化方面做得如何,一如外国竞争对手那样。

    Mr. Zeng says he is optimistic about Quanjude 's IPO but that the success of Chinese chains depends on how well they can standardize their restaurants , as foreign competitors have .

  3. 因为感到受困于学历不高,曾光后悔自己14岁就不再念书。

    Mr Zeng regrets having left school at 14 because he feels trapped by his lack of qualifications .

  4. 他在牛仔裤厂的时候,每天要工作12个小时,每个月只能休息一天。后来曾光的家人生病了,老板不准假,于是他辞了职。

    Mr Zeng was working 12-hour days and could only take one day off a month . When his boss refused to give him extra time off to deal with an illness in the family , Mr Zeng quit .

  5. 假如这就是目标,那它们很可能会被即将到来的BPDM取代&如果后者曾见光的话。

    In that goal , they might be surpassed by the upcoming BPDM , if that ever sees the light of day .

  6. 他记起了曾被刺光头发,被迫换上囚服的耻辱。

    He recalled the humiliation of having his hair shorn and being forced to exchange his clothes for the prison uniform .

  7. 你曾否被光污染所影响?

    Have you ever been suffered from light pollution ?

  8. 她的身躯长成了,皮肤白净了,头发润泽了,蓝眼睛的瞳孔里燃起了一种不曾见过的光采。

    Her figure was formed , her skin had grown white , her hair was lustrous , an unaccustomed splendor had been lighted in her blue eyes .

  9. 理论模型和数值结果可为使用马赫-曾德尔调制器的光微波系统如光纤无线电(RoF)和光控微波波束形成网络等提供定性和定量性能分析的基础。

    The theoretical model and numerical results can provide the basis of qualitative and quantitative analysis of fibre radio application system using MZM such as radio over fibre ( RoF ) and optical controlled microwave beam forming network .