
  • 网络Manny;money;Mani;Manny Ramirez
  1. 在2011年的终极四强冠军赛中,别克携手前北达科他大学(UniversityofNorthDakota)球星,来自尼日利亚的曼尼•欧豪姆,为儿童捐献了2000双鞋袜。

    With former University of North Dakota basketball star Manny ohonme , originally from Nigeria , Buick contributed more than 2,000 pairs of shoes and socks to children during the 2011 final four championship .

  2. 曼尼•洛佩兹,IDC分析员就企业市场而言,如果能够对商品正确定位,那么,它们当然就会有市场。

    MANNY LOPEZ , ANALYST IDC For the corporate market , if they place it right , then , yes , there probably actually can be a market .

  3. 本为作者海尔o阿尔孔德曼尼是伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(UniversityofIllinoisatChicago)城市规划与政策系教授。

    Kheir Al-Kodmany is a professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Policy at the University of Illinois at Chicago .

  4. 方法:根据曼尼阿蒂斯方法制备金黄色葡萄球菌P83的染色体DNA,利用核苷酸序列分析鉴定ISSA1,并通过Southern印迹法对其检测。

    IS SA 1 was identified by nucleotide sequence analysis and detected by Southern blotting analysis .

  5. 整个联赛的上座率都出现下滑,但在2013年,因为21世纪初期曾随波士顿红袜队(BostonRedSox)打出职业生涯最好成绩的外野手曼尼•拉米雷斯(MannyRamirez)来台湾打球,上座率又出现回升。

    Attendance leaguewide fell , but it perked up in 2013 , when Manny Ramirez , the outfielder who had his best years with the Boston Red Sox in the early 2000s , played in Taiwan .

  6. 塔维斯托克研究所(TavistockInstitute)群体关系项目总监、企业和组织顾问曼尼∠尔(MannieSher)认为,谣言通常是一种以个人为目标、范围更大的系统性现象。

    Mannie Sher , director of the group relations programme at the Tavistock Institute and adviser to companies and organisations , believes rumour is often a larger systemic phenomenon that often targets an individual .

  7. 曼尼我知道你很激动我也是

    Manny I know you are excited , I am too .

  8. 曼尼我不能抛弃我的孩子

    manny , I am not geting rid of my kids !

  9. 曼尼的初恋女友是个开野马的高三女生。

    Manny 's first girlfriend is a senior with a Mustang .

  10. 曼尼啊,有时候你有点守旧。

    Manny , sometimes you can be a little bit old-fashioned .

  11. 好了,曼尼,把这支笔从我这儿拿走。

    All right , Manny , take this pen from me .

  12. 我希望曼尼的事你们不会有什么想法。

    And I hope there 's no hard feelings about Manny .

  13. 曼尼她是你老师所以不合适

    Manny , it 's inappropriate because it 's your teacher .

  14. 曼尼你喜欢钓鱼吗钓鱼喜欢啊

    Manny , you like to fish ? Fishing ? Yeah .

  15. 曼尼,能让我们单独聊聊吗?

    Hey , Manny , would you give us a second ?

  16. 曼尼有约会对象这件事实在是太可爱了

    I think it 's adorable that Manny has a date .

  17. 曼尼只有一件事

    You know , Manny , I think the only thing ...

  18. 事实上,是我连累的你,曼尼。

    The truth is , I 've let you down , manny .

  19. 所以雇用杀手要他付出代价,曼尼?

    So what does a contract killer cost these days , manny ?

  20. 杰有什么话要跟曼尼说吗

    Jay , you don 't have anything to say to Manny ?

  21. 曼尼有女朋友了,他却没告诉我?

    Manny has a girlfriend , and he has not told me ?

  22. 曼尼两岁半才学会用座便。

    Manny learned to potty-train when he was 2 1 / 2 .

  23. 曼尼和我说了你打算抛弃哥伦比亚之根。

    Manny told me about your plans to abandon your Colombian roots .

  24. 曼尼亲爱的一切都会好起来的

    Manny , honey , everything 's gonna be fine .

  25. 曼尼你去照顾艾莉等我们回来

    Manny , you take care of Ellie until we come back .

  26. 曼尼我做的咱们的一家

    Manny ... I made it myself . Our family .

  27. 加油曼尼踢球啊踢啊

    Vamos , Manny ! Kick it ! Kick it !

  28. 如果曼尼能踢好这球,我们就领先了。

    If Manny makes this one , we go ahead .

  29. 你继续装,但我了解曼尼。

    Okay , play it like that , but I know Manny .

  30. 但是曼尼需要他的父亲

    But it 's good for Manny to be with his father .