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  1. 曹植前期与后期的诗歌在内容上有很大的差别。

    Cao Zhi early and late poems in content is very different .

  2. 曹植及其作品的效果史研究

    Cao Zhi and Study of Effect History of His Works

  3. 曹丕与曹植都是曹操的儿子,二者均有才华,特别是曹植更具文采。

    Tsau Pi and Tsau Jr were sons of Tsau Tsau . Both were very gifted writers , and Tsau Jr was especially quick-witted .

  4. 曾有一位学者说道:“如若天下文采共有十斗,曹植一人独占八斗。”

    One scholar said of him : " Heaven gave the world ten decalitres of talent , and Tsau Jr alone has eight of them . "

  5. 曹植文采俱佳,热爱学习,他曾做过不少才华横溢的文赋,均令世人感叹不已。

    Tsau Jr was very intelligent and loved to study . He wrote many outstanding articles which showed his artistic1 talent and earned him the admiration2 of many people .

  6. 有一天,曹丕要求接见曹植,他要求曹植在他七步之内作诗一首,如果做不到,就会有生命危险。

    One day , Tsau Pi called Tsau Jr into see him . He ordered his brother to make up a poem within the time it took to walk seven steps , adding that if he could not , his life would be in danger .

  7. 在曹操死后,曹丕继任大统,但他嫉妒曹植的才华,同时也惧怕曹植会谋反,所以一直在伺机杀害曹植。

    After Tsau Tsau 's death , Tsau Pi took over the throne of the kingdom of wei . Jealous of Tsau Jr 's literary ability , and afraid that he might cause problems , Tsau Pi was always looking for a way to kill his brother .

  8. 悲愤之下,曹植急中生智,作出七步诗,是的意思就是“本来就是亲兄弟,为什么要这样步步紧逼,伤及感情?”

    Greatly saddened , Tsau Jr began to walk and to think . Before he had taken the seven steps , he had already finished his poem , the meaning of which was : " Brothers are of the same family , so why should the oppress each other ? "

  9. 曹植《朔风诗》的写作背景及其解读。

    The background and explanation of Cao Zhi 's North Wind .

  10. 论曹植对中国诗歌的三大贡献

    On Cao Zhi 's Three Contributions to Chinese Poem

  11. 浅论曹植诗歌的意象寄托手法

    On the Image-Reposing Technique in CAO Zhi 's Poems

  12. 最后列专章分析曹植的两篇代表作。

    Final column end with analyses of two representative work of Cao Zhi .

  13. 论曹植失败与成功的原因

    The Cause of Success or Failure of CAO Zhi

  14. 在画卷中,曹植和洛水女神反复多次出现。

    On the scroll , Cao Zhi and the Goddess appear many times .

  15. 曹植诗歌之骨气析

    Analyzing the Character of " Moral Integrity " in Cao zhi 's Poetry

  16. 曹植的神仙艺术世界研究

    On the Immortal Art World of Cao Zhi

  17. 试论曹植的悲剧性格

    On the Tragic Character of Cao Zhi

  18. 论曹植的诗歌创作对中国诗歌文人化的奠基作用

    On the Foundational Function of Cao Zhis Poem Making for Chinas Poets to be Literati

  19. 东阿王曹植及其酒诗

    Cao Zhi and His Poems on Wines

  20. 在曹植的诗歌中,它是诗人抒情言志的载体;

    However , it is in the pay of hoverer and clothes in the mythology world .

  21. 在文学的意见上,曹丕和曹植表面上似乎是不同的。

    Opinions in the literature , Cao Pi and Cao Zhi on the surface seems to be different .

  22. 一幕人神恋爱的悲剧&曹植《洛神赋》赏析

    A Love tragedy about Man and God & Appreciation and analysis on CAO Zhi 's Luo Shen Fu

  23. 曹植的咏侠诗丰富了侠文化的内涵,引起中国文人的心理共鸣;

    The knight poetry enriches the knight culture connotation and causes the Chinese writer 's psychological sympathetic chord ;

  24. 激流勇进与退避三舍&曹植与阮籍文学创作之比较

    Torrent Brave with Try Best to Avoid & CAO ZHi with RUAN Ji the Comparison of Literature Creation

  25. 曹植的赋在题材上最大的特点就是为细小题材的立足做出了不可忽略的贡献。

    Cao Zhi has made the contribution being not allowed to ignore out in upper maximal subject matter characteristic .

  26. 在此基础上,各个朝代基于不同的时代背景和文化思潮,形成曹植接受的不同特色。

    Each dynasty owing to the different background and culture trend , form different characteristic acceptance of Cao Zhi .

  27. 关于屈原对曹植文学创作的影响和曹植对屈原的继承与发展,古人和今人对之都有不同程度的提及和论述。

    Both the ancients and the modern people mentioned or discussed the impact of Qu Yuan on Cao Zhi to different extent .

  28. 公元229年由曹植创制的鱼山梵呗,标志着外来佛教音乐开始迈入中国化的进程。

    In 229 AD Cao Zhi created Yu - shan Fan-bei , signifying the beginning of Chinesization of Buddhism music from abroad .

  29. 第二部分论析了影响曹植神仙方术观形成的三个主要因素:传统文化渊源;

    In the second part , theories Xi affect Cao plant the 3 major factors that immortal art view forms : Traditional cultural origin ;

  30. 建安时期士人普遍具有强烈的建功立业愿望,以曹植为代表的游侠类诗歌应运而生。

    The scholars have strong desire to make contributions and achievements in the Jian'an period , and then the ranger poetry represented by Cao Zhi was created .