
  1. 军史价值与文学价值的统一《赤壁之战》与《曹刿论战》比较分析命运拷问与性格悲剧试析曹禺《雷雨》的创作意图

    The Unity of Military Historic Value and Literary Value On destiny of Torture and Disposition 's Tragic ── On Analysis Intension Guiding Creation of Thunder Rain

  2. 《赤壁之战》与《曹刿论战》是我国历史上以描写战争著称的两篇历史散文。这两篇文章在许多方面有相似之处,又有各自的独特风格。

    The War at Red Cliff and Cao Kui 's Prose Works on Ware , two historical prose writings fa - mous for their descriptions of wars , bear a lot of similarities while each maintains its individual style .