
  • 网络universalism;ecumenicalism
  1. 全球化的现代性、文化及普世主义的问题

    Global Modernity , Culture and the Problem of Universalism

  2. 试论普世主义与欧洲一体化

    Universalism and the European Integration

  3. 评美国文化中的普世主义

    A Critical Review on Universalism in American Culture

  4. 商业普世主义法则·张力

    The Business Universalism Rule

  5. 经济发展的不平衡、国际间交往关系的普遍异化及普世主义情结共同导致和加剧了价值冲突。

    Economic imbalance , universal alienation of international intercourse and feeling of universalism result in and intensify conflicting .

  6. 欧盟极力主导气候政治在理念上是对欧洲普世主义传统理念的继承和发展。

    The idea of EU strongly dominated the political climate is the heritage and development of the traditional universalism .

  7. 面对西方异质文明的冲击,传统中国的文化普世主义出现严重危机。

    The Universalism of traditional Chinese culture was facing a serious crisis when the western heterogeneous civilization deluged into China .

  8. 可是也由于四大自由中暗含了美国式的普世主义,这也为以后的冷战埋下了伏笔。

    However , that the Four Freedoms Theory contained unity theory of American style , made the matting for the later cold war .

  9. 现代自由主义具有四个最为普遍的特征:个人主义、平等主义、普世主义和社会向善论。

    The modern liberalism has four most universal characteristics : The individualism , the egalitarianism , the Universalism and the society do good deeds discusses .

  10. 应当看到不存在普世主义的政党制度,坚定走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的信心。

    There is no ecumenical political party system and we must strengthen the confidence of keeping to the path of political development under socialism with Chinese characteristics .

  11. 在普世主义的美国本土化过程中,至关重要的两个理念是“上帝选民论”和“天定命运论”。

    Under the theory of Chosen People , the Americans pose themselves as people selected by God while Manifest Destiny colors American expansion as answering oracle from God .

  12. 由于对普世主义信念的坚守和文化自觉意识的缺乏,比较教育学科和研究者时常面临着身份认同危机。

    Because of the adherence to universalism and lack of cultural self-consciousness , the discipline and the researchers of comparative education are frequently encountered with crisis of the identity .

  13. 在国际政治实践中,发展中国家已经尝试着用民族传统和历史文化去对抗西方的普世主义政策,并取得了初步的成功。

    In fact , some developing countries have managed to resist against the Western universalistic policy with their national traditions and historical cultures in international political practice , and have achieved initial success .

  14. 新中世纪主义被定义为一个由民族国家体系和跨国市场经济的竞争性二元普世主义凝聚起来的权威重叠和多重忠诚的体系。

    In an analogous way , Neo-medievalism is defined as " a system of overlapping authority and multiple loyalty , held together by the competing universalistic claims of nation-state system and transnational market economy " .

  15. 在今天,如果强调理性、成就和普世主义的态度,如果理性导向的市场经济价值观和法治观能占主导地位,那么腐败程度就会降低。

    But corruption could decrease if rationality , achievement and universalism are promoted , and if the market economy value led by reason and value of rule by law occupies a leading position in society .

  16. 本文认为现代性由于其普世主义原则而显出全球性世界性意识,但对于现代性的不同的理解和解释使文化误读成为跨文化交往的本质特征。

    The author of this paper holds the view that though modernity , for the universalism principle it takes , shows the trend of globalism , its different understanding and interpretation makes the cultural misreading the intrinsic character of cross culture intercourse .

  17. 本文认为从教会教义的形成与发展以及圣经教训内容本身两方面来看,普世主义教会观直接秉承罗马普世主义思想文化资源;

    The article held that view from the two aspects , i.e.the formation and the development of the doctrine of Church and the contents of Bibles instruction itself , the Ecumenist perspective of Church directly succeeded the ideological cultural resources of Roman Ecumenism .

  18. 14世纪-15世纪,在封建关系解体和资本主义关系成长的过程中,基督教大世界的普世主义逐渐被近代民族意识和国家观念取而代之,以新君主制为特征的民族国家趋于形成。

    In the course of the transformation from the Feudalism to the Capitalism in the 14-15th centuries , the Universalism of the Christendom was gradually replaced by the Modern national consciousness and state 's ideas . At that time , the nation-states were taking form .

  19. 揭示了特殊群体的本质特征为是否欠缺辨认和控制能力或是否具备普世人道主义观念,并以此厘清刑法意义上的特殊群体范围,明确特殊群体刑事责任轻缓化的涵义。

    It reveals the essential characteristics of the special groups for lack of to identify and control or whether they have the concept of universal humanitarian .

  20. 美国的国家认同建立在新英格兰的历史经验、共同的革命经历以及对普世自由主义价值观和理想的信奉基础之上。

    American national identity arose from the New England experience , a shared history of revolution and a common faith in the values and ideal of universal liberty .

  21. 但是在经济恢复和全球动荡期间,就像这次的灾难提醒我们存在着我们共同拥有的普世的人道主义。

    But in the midst of economic recovery and global upheaval , disasters like this remind us of the common humanity that we share .

  22. 成为一个能够将美好与文明带给世界的电影导演,并且还能将普世的人文主义思想带给中国&我那充满苦难的祖国,就是我的梦想。

    To be a film director who can bring bliss and civilization to this world , democratic and free thoughts to China-my suffering , bureaucratic and totalitarian motherland by his films , this is my dream .