
shài gān
  • dry in the sun
晒干[shài gān]
  1. 那衬衫在阳光下很快就可以晒干。

    The shirt will soon dry in the sun .

  2. 我决定多摘些果子把它们在太阳下放一阵晒干。

    I decided to take a lot of the fruit , and to put it to dry in the sun for a time .

  3. 他去钓了鱼,并把钓来的鱼钉在牛棚的墙上晒干。

    He fished and nailed up his catch to dry on the wall of the byre .

  4. 咸鱼在太阳下就要晒干了。

    The salted fish is frizzling up in the sun .

  5. 太阳很快就会把道路晒干的。

    The sun will soon dry up the roads .

  6. 粮食晒干才能入仓。

    Grains must be aired in the sun before it can be stored .

  7. 湿衣服放在太阳下面很快就会晒干。

    The wet clothes will soon dry out in the sun .

  8. 他们把叶子扯下来晒干。

    They pull off on the leaves and dry them .

  9. 割下来晒干用作饲料的草。

    Grass mowed and cured for use as fodder .

  10. 特别是冻干片的维生素C含量远高于晒干片。

    , especially Vitamin C in the freeze-dried slices is retained much more than those in the heat-dried pieces .

  11. 分析结果表明,冻干片中果胶、总酸、总糖、总黄酮以及维生素C、B1、B2、E等营养成分明显高于晒干片;

    It is shown that the nutrients such as the pectine , the total acid , the total carbohydrates , the flavone and Vitamins C , B1 , B2 , E etc.

  12. Jerky是被切成长条,烟熏或晒干的肉。

    Jerky is meat that has been cut into long strips and smoked or dried .

  13. 高纯度的绿原酸在PH3-4条件下最稳定、在碱性条件下不稳定,鲜湘蕾金银花经过60℃沤制处理、冷冻后晒干处理,绿原酸基本被氧化,含量极低。

    The chlorogenic acid of high purity was the steadiest in PH3-4 , and unstable in alkalescence solution .

  14. 晒干的番茄使这道菜味道特别浓郁。

    The sun-dried tomatoes give the dish a wonderfully rich flavor .

  15. 使头发和衣服在太阳光下晒干。

    Let wet hair and clothes dry off in the sun .

  16. 太重的覆盖物会锁住水分,使洋葱不能充分晒干。

    Heavy coverings will and keep the onions from drying fully .

  17. 首先要把采来的贝叶晒干。

    First , dry the collected palm leaves in the sun .

  18. 从前砖是在太阳下晒干的。

    In former times , bricks were baked in the sun .

  19. 秋后采其根,鲜用或切片晒干入药。

    Late-autumn adopt its root , Fresh use or slice dried medicine .

  20. 哪种水果在晒干后会变成李子脯?

    Which fruit becomes a prune when it is dried ?

  21. 这些砖是太阳晒干的还是由火焙制的?

    Were these bricks baked by the sun or fire ?

  22. 回到家后老耿把他的获物在屋顶上摊开晒干

    Back home , Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry

  23. 不过,晒干的动物肉和鱼很受欢迎。

    However , sun-dried animal flesh and fish can be highly acceptable .

  24. 难听的话,待会再说,晒干的袜子我还没收。

    Hey , I gonna go , don 't say any word .

  25. 各种可以新鲜时食用或晒干后食用的豆。

    Any of numerous beans eaten either fresh or dried .

  26. 岛上的人在忙于收集和晒干纺织原料。

    Islanders were engaged to collect and dry the textiles .

  27. 太阳出来把马路晒干了。

    The sun came out and dried up the streets .

  28. 切成片在太阳下晒干的肉。

    Meat cut in strips and dried in the sun .

  29. 炙热的太阳晒干了路上所有的泥水坑。

    The hot sun dried up all the puddles in the road .

  30. 我在想除了晒干,还能怎么办?

    What else could the sun dry , I wonder ?