
chūn xīn dànɡ yànɡ
  • 熟语the surging of lustful desire
  1. 我一见到你,就春心荡漾。

    When I see you , I have a wet dream .

  2. 她春心荡漾,真难以置信。

    Her pussy gets so wet , you can 't believe it .

  3. 我们的美女是不是令你春心荡漾?

    Has our girl melted your cold heart yet ?

  4. 他年轻强壮的身体使她春心荡漾。

    She desires his young , strong body .

  5. 在这个春心荡漾的日子里,我们很高兴能与小朋友一起欢度这买好的节日。

    In this love ripples days , we are very pleased to be able to celebrate together with kids .

  6. 事实上,是我们春心荡漾,喜欢了对方。在职员聚会上他已春心荡漾了。

    But the fact is that we have been so fascinated by him as to take a fancy to him . He became quite amorous at the office party .

  7. 四周的植物,正在精力旺盛、汁液饱满的时节,面对着这两个喁喁私语的天真人儿,也不免感到醉意撩人,春心荡漾。

    The wanton and vigorous vegetation quivered , full of strength and intoxication , around these two innocents , and they uttered words of love which set the trees to trembling .