
  • The Story of Spring;Spring Story;A Tale of Springtime;Conte de printemps
  1. 嘴里唱着《春天的故事》,心里想着夏季的欢愉。

    Mouth , singing " Spring Story ", thinking of summer joy .

  2. 改革开放创造了发展奇迹,今后还要以更大气魄深化改革、扩大开放,续写更多“春天的故事”。

    The opening-up and reform has created miracles of development . In the future , we should further deepen reform and expand opening-up with greater courage , and create more " Stories of Spring " .

  3. 是的,我知道。这是《春天的故事》。

    Lily : Yes , I know . It 's The Story of Spring .

  4. 春天的故事

    Story Of The Spring

  5. 《春天的故事》是一曲关乎电影角色的多维度三重奏,又难得,又精妙绝伦。

    A Tale of Springtime presents a rare and wonderful opportunity to discover a trio of multidimensional cinematic characters .

  6. 秋天的落叶已飘远,冬日的暖阳已降临,春天的故事在萌芽,夏日的清凉在期待。

    The autumn leaves in winter , the floating away has already come , warm sunshine in the bud of spring and summer story in the cool and refreshing .

  7. 在会旗入场、运动员宣誓等常规环节之后,进入第三篇章,白裙少女小提琴演奏《春天的故事》是这次表演的一大创意亮点。

    Admission to the flag , oath and other conventional aspects of athletes after the third chapter , white dress girl violin playing " Story of Spring " is a great idea this show highlights .

  8. 于是,我看到春风吹进亿万扇幸福的门窗,听到了“春天的故事”响彻华夏大地。辽阔的海疆飞驶英雄的战艇,西部边陲又腾起冲天的火箭。漫漫半个多世纪的历程中有过辉煌,有过挫折。

    I see the spring breeze blow into a hundred million happy doors and windows , heardthe story in spring resounding through China the earth.The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat , western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.It was glorious in the boundless process of half several centuries ,

  9. 春天里的故事(童话剧)预测指标为各自的顶层抗剪强度系数ξ值。

    The shear strength coefficient of yield story is taken as the prediction index .