- starry sky

[starry sky] 缀满星星的夜空
It was a beautiful sight outlined above the starry sky .
The esthetic characteristic comparison between " goddess " and " starry sky "
We sleep out under the stars , and eat our meals in the open air .
This latter geometry he called astral geometry .
The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence
Cooper : We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars , now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt .
A few years ago it cuts its stake in broadcaster Star China to below 50 % .
And five years later , 21st century fox ( Fox ) sold its controlling stake in Star China to China media capital .
Under the new proposals , all the English language channels run by star will be managed by Fox International channels .
Design of Simulation Star Field Based on OpenGL
News of Feer 's closure came a month after News Corp unveiled a wide-ranging shake-up of its Star Asian television group .
A Study of the Methods for Star Field Simulation in Vega
Digital zenith camera use area array CCD to get the stars image , to locate , identify and calculate the stars .
Based on OpenGL dynamic simulation star field , the MFC was used to establish the OpenGL filed .
He has the salutary example of Mr Murdoch , who bought Star TV from Mr Li and Richard , his younger son , in 1993 .
But this simulation shows what NASA expects NuSTAR will see when it surveys the extra galactic sky .
The first heading is " starry starry heights " and comes with a picture of the stars by Van Gogh .
Paul Aiello , chief executive of star , will leave the company in December .
Advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere , Mr Murdoch said then – the same year he purchased a majority stake in Star TV in Hong Kong .
When I left home at 17 to study engineering at the Indian Institute of technology in Delhi , my dad gave me this advice , " keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground . "
The microscopic masterpieces included a recreation of Vincent van Gogh 's " The Starry Night " by Missouri microbiologist Melanie Sullivan .
Star Electronic Factory is a production of music suitable for export AM / FM radio with MP3-based , our products quality , price concessions .
Earlier in his career , he was the chief executive of the British telecom BSkyB and the chief executive of Star , Fox 's Asian satellite television group .
The concrete steps include OpenGL initialization , setting OpenGL field , star coordinate transformation , establishing the simulation stat field display list , setting screen transformation and displaying simulation star filed .
We established genetic transformation system of lily callus ( Lilium ' Star Gazer ') and leaves ( Lilium ' Siberia ') mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens .
The decision to spin off publishing , education and Australian holdings from the fox , sky and Star TV and film brands had " nothing to do " with investigations stemming from the hacking scandal in its UK newspaper arm , he said .
It is also the perfect spot for upscale parties and exclusive events under the stars with features such as a dance floor and a DJ booth incorporated in the layout .
If enough citizen scientists agree that something looks fishy , their collective concern will direct SETI 's telescopes to zoom in on the questionable patch of sky .
Photoemissions of pd-ag-o-cs and sb-na-k-cs photocathodes under the illumination of clear star radiation
In 1998 commercial circle-makers acting for Mitsubishi , a Japanese carmaker , paid Mr Carson for the right to cut an outline of a new model named the Space Star in his fields .