
Xīnɡ qī sì
  • Thursday;Thurs.;Thur.
  1. 委员会将在下星期四上午11:30开会。

    The committee will convene at 11.30 next Thursday .

  2. 警方拘留了两名与上星期四的银行抢劫案有关的男子。

    Police are holding two men in connection with last Thursday 's bank raid .

  3. 这商店每星期四都会开到很晚。

    The store stays open until late on Thursdays .

  4. 我星期四去了巴黎,第二周的星期一就回来了。

    I went to Paris on Thursday , and came back the following Monday .

  5. 我们下星期四见。

    I 'll see you Thursday week .

  6. 星期四晚上过来。

    Come over on Thursday evening .

  7. 下个星期四是4月12日。

    Next Thursday is 12 April .

  8. 星期四是赶集日。

    Thursday is market day .

  9. 上个星期四,尼克宣布公司收入创下34亿美元的纪录。

    Last Thursday , Nick announced record revenues of $ 3.4 billion

  10. 星期四我们出去玩了一天。

    On the Thursday we went out on a day trip

  11. 他的葬礼将于星期四在布莱克本大教堂举行。

    His funeral will be on Thursday at Blackburn Cathedral

  12. 星期四,巴雷特约我去喝两杯。

    On Thursday Barrett invited me for a drink

  13. 一到星期四我就忙得不可开交。

    I 'm always terribly busy on Thursdays .

  14. 他有可能被选中参加星期四对意大利的比赛。

    He is likely to be called up for Thursday 's match against Italy .

  15. 星期四上午,政府官员视察地震灾区,以协调救援工作。

    Government officials visited the earthquake zone on Thursday morning to co-ordinate the relief effort .

  16. 一些商店关门了,但在星期四下午这是很平常的。

    Some of the shops were closed but that 's quite normal for a Thursday afternoon

  17. 隆冬时节的一个星期四,一大早醒来我就发现外面刮起了暴风雪。

    Early one Thursday morning in the dead of winter I awoke to a blizzard .

  18. 星期四下了一整天的雷暴雨。

    Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday .

  19. 一些成员国担心德国可能于星期四提高利率,那有可能导致其与美国发生冲突。

    Some members feared Germany might raise its interest rates on Thursday . That could have set the scene for a confrontation with the US .

  20. 划船比赛已正式定于4月2日星期四举行。

    The boat-race has been officially fixed for Thursday , April 2 .

  21. 我们星期四不会客。

    We do not receive on Thursdays .

  22. 她预定星期四到达,这期间我们做什么呢?

    She 's due to arrive on thursday . meanwhile , what do we do ?

  23. 亚伯拉罕·林肯总统在内战期间颁布了一项公告,将这个节日时间定在十一月最后一个星期四。

    President Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War , issued a proclamation setting aside the last Thursday in November for the holiday .

  24. 除八月外,我们每月的第一个星期四19:30开始会谈。

    Our monthly talks start at 19:30 on the first Thursday of each month except August .

  25. 就像每个星期四晚上一样,这天晚上心理学家莫德·莱汉恩一次举行了两场法国人最爱的消遣活动,那就是喝咖啡和“谈话疗法”。

    This evening , as on every Thursday night , psychologist Maud Lehanne is leading two of France 's favorite pastimes , coffee drinking and the " talking cure " .

  26. 每年营地周的星期四是消防车日。

    Every year , the Thursday of the camp week is Fire Truck Day .

  27. 感恩节总是在星期四举行。

    Thanksgiving is always on a Thursday .

  28. 每个星期四,托马斯、乔伊和米西都微笑着欢迎我。

    Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas , Joey and Missy .

  29. 星期四,他写了一首诗给心爱的人。

    On Thursday the ostrich wrote a poem to his beloved .

  30. 星期四下午两点有两堂课是冲突的。

    There is a clash between two classes at 2 p.m. on Thursday .