
míng dǎng shēn
  • Changium smyrnioides;Radix changii
明党参[míng dǎng shēn]
  1. 通过实验初步表明,明党参根提取物具有非常明显的抗疲劳作用(P<0.01)和较为明显的耐缺氧作用(P<0.05)。

    The experimental results elementarily showed that water abstract of Radix Changii has an obvious antifatigue action ( P < 0.01 ) , which is superior to Radix Ginseng .

  2. 明党参幼苗存活与生长对光照强度的响应

    Responses of Changium smyrnioides seedlings survival and growth to light intensity

  3. 明党参对小鼠NK活性的调节作用

    The Regulating Effect of Radix Changii on NK Activity of Mice

  4. 建立明党参果实中主要成分含量的高效液相色谱法(HPLC)测定方法。

    To establish a determining method by HPLC for the main components of fruit of Changium smyrnioides .

  5. 目的:观察明党参多糖对转录活化核蛋白因子NF-κB(nuclearfactorofkappaB)结合活性的影响。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe effection of Changan on transcription activating nuclear factor of kappa B ( NF - κ B ) .

  6. ICP-MS测定不同产地明党参药材中无机元素

    Determination of Inorganic Elements in Radix Changii Obtained from Different Places by ICP-MS

  7. 结果:明党参根中含有脂溶性维生素E、K和水溶性维生素C、B1、B2;水煎膏中含有较高的钾、钙离子。

    Result : Ming Radix Codonopsis contains fat-soluble vitamin E , K and water-soluble vitamin C , B1 , B2 and the herbal decoction and paste contains higher potassium and calcium ion .

  8. 利用个体构件的外在数量特征通过Logistic函数估测明党参理论年龄上限为50a;

    We use the Logistic growth model to estimate the age of the individuals with the exterior quantity characters , and conclude the upper limit of age is 50a .

  9. 濒危植物明党参种子散布和种子库动态研究

    Seed dispersal and seed bank dynamics of the endangered Changium smyrnioides

  10. 明党参愈伤组织诱导及其细胞悬浮培养的研究

    Research on callus induction and cell suspension culture of Changium smyrnioides

  11. 明党参的濒危机制及其保护对策的研究

    Studies on the endangerment mechanism of and conservation strategies for Changium smyrnioides

  12. 珍稀特有植物明党参的比较解剖学研究

    Studies on comparative anatomy of endangered plant Changium smyrnioides Wolff

  13. 明党参种子休眠机制和发芽条件的研究

    Study on seed dormancy mechanisms of Changium smyrnioides and its germinating conditions

  14. 明党参叶柄愈伤组织的诱导与植株再生

    Callus Induction and Plantlet Regeneration from Petiole of Changium smyrnioides

  15. 明党参果实脂肪油成分GC/MSD分析

    GC / MSD Analysis on Fatty Oil in Fruit of Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae

  16. 明党参水煎膏中含丰富的钾和钙离子。

    Its decoction contains abundant potassium and calcium ions .

  17. 明党参干物质积累及多糖含量的动态研究

    Dynamic study on dry material accumulation and amylose content of cultivated Changium smyrnioides

  18. 结论明党参果实含有较多的不饱和脂肪油。

    CONCLUSION The fruit of Radix Codonopsis Pilosulae contain plenty of unsaturated fatty oil .

  19. 药用植物明党参多糖的研究

    Studies on the Polysaccharides from Changium smyrnioides Wolff

  20. 明党参不同提取物对大鼠肝匀浆上清液生成脂质过氧化物的影响

    Effect of Different Extracts of Radix Changii on Formation of Lipid Peroxide from Supernate of Rat Liver Homogenate

  21. 濒危种明党参和非濒危种峨参生态策略的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the ecological strategies of an endangered species Changium smyrnioides and a non-endangered species Anthriscus sylvestris

  22. 野外自然条件下,明党参光合碳闹定能力远低于峨参。

    The photosynthetic carbon assimilation ability of C. smyrnioides was lower than that of A. sylvestris under natural environment .

  23. 前言:目的:研究明党参种子品质检验方法,为明党参种子检验规程及质量标准的制定提供依据。

    Objective : To study seed quality test methods , and provide basis for establishing seed quality standard of Changium smyrnioides .

  24. 三物种的株高、冠幅、叶片形态大小和叶片数目均以峨参最大,明党参最小;

    Height , crown amplitude , size of leaves and leaf number of A. sylvestris were the largest among three species , and C.

  25. 方法:依据种子检验方法对不同产地、不同生长年限明党参种子的品质进行测定。

    Method : According to the seed testing regulations , the seed quality of C.smyrnioides from different producing area and in different growing years was measured .

  26. 目的:研究明党参种子的休眠机制和最佳发芽条件,为明党参种子检验提供依据。

    Objective : To study the seed dormancy mechanisms and the optimal seed germinating conditions , so as to provide basis for the seed testing of Changium smyrnioides .

  27. 方法:采用毛细管气相色谱质谱计算机联用方法分析明党参炮制前、炮制过程中、炮制后顶空气体成分。

    Methods : The headspace constituents of root of Changium smyrnioides before , during and after processing were analyzed by techniques of combined capillary gas chromatography mass spectrometry computer .

  28. 明党参和峨参具相似的光合特征:3月的光合速率、光饱和点及光补偿点均大于1月;

    Changium smyrnioides and Anthriscus sylvestris have similar photosynthetic characters : their net photosynthetic rates , light saturation points and light compensation points in March are greater than in January ;

  29. 明党参生长速率明显小于峨参,总生物量约为峨参的1/3~1/8,相对于峨参而言明党参是一个在幼苗阶段生长缓慢的物种。

    The total biomass of C.smyrnioides seedling was1 / 3 to1 / 8 of A.sylvestri , that meant it was a species with slowly growing speed during junior phase relative to A.

  30. 本文对明党参的资源状况、种群生态、种子结构、植株结实率与环境的关系及传粉生物学等方面进行了研究。

    The resource , the population ecology , structure and characters of seeds , pollination biology and the relationship between plumpness of seeds and environment were investigated in the rare plant Changium smyrnioides .