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chāng shèng
  • prosperous;flourishing;thriving
昌盛 [chāng shèng]
  • [thriving;flourishing;prosperous] 蓬勃发展;兴盛

  • 建设一个繁荣昌盛的国家

昌盛[chāng shèng]
  1. 国家兴旺,民族昌盛。

    The country is thriving , and the nation is prosperous .

  2. 祝KRRP和你们各位都能有一个昌盛的未来,因为公司和个人的发展是相互依存、并驾齐驱的。

    Wish KRRP and yourselves a very prosperous future because the company and individual are developing in parallel .

  3. 英帝国在19世纪曾昌盛一时。

    The British Empire flourished in the 19th century .

  4. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志。

    People 's health is the foundation of a civilization 's progress and an important indicator of a nation 's prosperity .

  5. 人民健康是社会文明进步的基础,是民族昌盛和国家富强的重要标志,要把人民健康放在优先发展战略地位。

    The people 's health is the foundation of social civilization and progress and an important symbol of national prosperity , we should put the people 's health high on the development strategy .

  6. 使……昌盛;使……繁荣vi.繁荣,昌盛;成功他生意在新地方蓬勃发展。

    prosper His business prospered at its new location .

  7. 南朝是中国历史上文化昌盛的时代。

    The Southern Dynasties flourished in culture in the Chinese history .

  8. 然而在某种程度上,煤炭业依旧很昌盛。

    And by some measures , coal is still going strong .

  9. 这里经济活跃,文化昌盛。

    The area has a booing history of economy and culture .

  10. 尽管人们恐惧、愤怒,野生动物贸易依然昌盛。

    Despite the fears and anger , the trade is thriving .

  11. 公民们个个幸福欢乐,国家昌盛发达。

    Their citizens individually have been happy and the nation prosperous .

  12. 我相信,新公司定能兴隆昌盛。

    I 'm sure the new agency will be a great success .

  13. 它是社会进步、国家繁荣和民族昌盛的基石。

    It is the basis for the progress of the society and nation .

  14. 经济特区的设立给我们的社会带来了极大的繁荣、极大的昌盛。

    The setting of special economic zone ahs brought us a flourishing society .

  15. 他们的祖国因而与有荣焉,他们并因此而昌盛。

    Hence , their fatherlands were ennobled by it and they became prosperous .

  16. 南昌意思是中国南方昌盛之地。

    Nanchang means'a prosperous south part of China ' .

  17. 我的祖国,我祈祷你,平安,昌盛,永远。

    My motherland , I pray you , peace , prosperity , forever .

  18. 前者象征权力统一寰宇,后者象征子嗣昌盛。

    The former symbolizes power , unification and universality , and the latter fertility .

  19. 保护美国人的利益,从而让我们仍然是一个昌盛繁荣的国度

    And one that protects American interests so we remain a strong and prosperous nation

  20. 物理和生物科学是在罗马昌盛的硬土上枯萎而死的。

    Physical and biological science wilted and died on the stony soil of Roman prosperity .

  21. 我们总愿美的物种繁衍昌盛,

    From fairest creatures we desire increase ,

  22. 森林资源是国家最重要的自然资源,是国家富强、人民昌盛的重要物质财富。

    Forest resource is the most important natural resource and material wealth of our country .

  23. 我认为,中国将会在任何政治或经济制度下变得昌盛。

    I would argue that China would be booming under ANY political or economic system .

  24. 为使这一珍贵物种繁衍昌盛,同时还提出相应之建议。

    Several suggestions have been put forward for the development and prosperous of the plant .

  25. 儒商文化与现代企业制度&晋商昌盛500余年探析及启示

    Confucianism Business Culture and Modern Enterprise System

  26. 国家如此昌盛,皆因你像百姓的父亲。

    Our country is so strong because you are like a father to your people .

  27. 们必在这地昌盛。

    Shall be fruitful in the land .

  28. 无论是年长还是年幼的美国人,它都会令他们兴旺、富强和昌盛。

    It 'll help Americans both old and new to thrive , flourish and prosper .

  29. 这些墓地中发现的东西说明曾经有过一个昌盛的母系社会。

    The finds from these burial grounds point to the existence of a prosperous matriarchal society .

  30. 这两个飞跃的龙以及云朵传统地代表不朽以及兴旺昌盛。

    The two leaping dragons and waves are traditionally thought to bring eternal peace and prosperity .