
  • 网络concept of time;time concept;notion of time;temporal concept
  1. 比如:“back”所表示的时间概念就是建立在这个空间概念之上。

    For example , the time concept represented by back is based on this spatial meaning . 4 .

  2. 具体表现在形式上否定与肯定的对立是以意念构想上一维逆向与一维顺向的差异为根据的:没有VP之前是逆向构思时间概念。

    Reflecting in form , the antithesis of affirmation and negation is based on the differences of one-dimension inverse thought and one-dimension normal thought . " Meiyou VP Zhiqian " shows time concept in an inverse direction ;

  3. 你会因过于专注某项活动而失去时间概念。

    You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time

  4. 论文基于面向对象的思想,提出一个灵活的时间概念框架,这个时间框架能够容易地用XML模式表达,并能与GML模式结合实现时空模式。

    A flexible object-oriented temporal framework for describing spatiotemporal information has been proposed . This schema can be combined with the existing GML schema to realize a powerful spatiotemporal XML-Schema .

  5. 节点时差是CPM网络中一个重要的机动时间概念,在各种机动时间中最为直观,计算和应用起来最为简便。

    Node slack is of great importance in CPM network , and it is the most intuitive and the simplest for computing and applications in a variety of slacks .

  6. 近年来,随着GIS研究和应用的不断深入,时间概念被引入到GIS中,当前时态地理信息系TGIS(TemporalGIS)的研究已经成为GIS理论界和开发应用单位关注的前沿研究热点之一。

    In recent years , along with the continuous deepening of the study and application of GIS , GIS introduced to the concept of time . Temporal GIS ( TGIS ) has become the hotspot of GIS theoretical and applied study .

  7. 本论文运用认知语言学中Lakoff提出的概念隐喻理论分析中英两种语言中的时间概念隐喻,并从文化因素的角度对中英时间隐喻进行对比分析,揭示其背后所隐藏的中西文化差异。

    This thesis employs Conceptual Metaphor Theory from cognitive linguistics put forward by Lakoff to analyze Chinese and English time conceptual metaphors , and to try to find out the cultural factors which lead to the similarities and differences between Chinese and English time conceptual metaphors .

  8. 注重历史和时间概念的分析,等等。

    Claim history and time concept analyse , and so on .

  9. 教学对儿童掌握持续时间概念的作用

    Teaching Effects on Children 's Grasping the Concept of Duration Time

  10. 空间和时间概念是怎样进入经典力学的

    How the concepts of space and time entered the classical mechanies

  11. 求出了呆滞空间沼气传质方程的解析解,据此阐述了沼气积聚的空间、时间概念;

    Thus the conception of accumulation space and time is expounded .

  12. 中国人的时间概念是循环的。

    You know , Chinese have a cyclical concept of time .

  13. 范畴化理论与时间概念的共性现象

    Universals in Time Conception Within a Framework of Categorization Theory

  14. 中国和加拿大儿童对持续时间概念的掌握

    Formation of Duration Time Concept in Chinese and Canadian Children

  15. 我已经没有了时间概念,也未曾觉察到时间的存在。

    I was already lost in time ; I never noticed it .

  16. 时间概念都是通过其他概念来认识的。

    The concept of time is recognized through other concepts .

  17. 力与时间概念无关。

    Force is not connected with the idea of time .

  18. 时间概念在所有语言中都以某种形式表现出来。

    The notion of time is presented in every language .

  19. 新时间概念定义浅探&为对立的时空概念寻求弥合之路

    Discussion of the Definition of the Conception of New Time

  20. 也许日常琐事使我失去了时间概念。

    Perhaps in my daily routine I had lost track of time .

  21. 英汉时间概念隐喻中的方向对比

    Orientation in the Temporal Conceptual Metaphors in English and Chinese

  22. 国际问题研究的时间概念

    The Concept of Time in Studies of International Issues

  23. 我失去了时间概念,所以我不知道现在几点了。

    I lose sense of time , so I don 't what time .

  24. 下面这个图表或许可以帮助你理解和记忆整个时间概念。

    This chart might help us remember and comprehend the concept of time .

  25. 桂涅斯完全丧失了时间概念。

    Gwyneth had lost all track of time .

  26. 某种程度上,现代性概念就是时间概念。

    To some extent , the concept of modernity is the concept of time .

  27. 不过是一个大略的不太可能出现的时间概念。

    It 's a foggy generalization of a time that will likely never come .

  28. 汉语中时间概念的表达纷繁复杂,其中时间词是常见方式。

    Time expression in Chinese is complicated , and time word is a common way .

  29. 英语时间概念的表达

    Expression of the Time Concept in English

  30. 口语中时间概念的视觉表达&对英语和汉语的考察

    The visualisation of time in oral language & with special reference to English and Chinese