
shí miǎo
  • second of time
时秒[shí miǎo]
  1. 搜索LarryPageandspeed(拉里o佩奇和速度),在第一个搜索结果的链接上方,你会看到约21100000条结果(用时0.47秒)。

    Search for Larry Page and speed and above the first link you may see About 21,100,000 results ( 0.47 seconds ) .

  2. 右边的截图显示了在用时6.5秒的对源代码树搜索字符串的过程中,所有的sampleprofile事件。

    The screen capture to the right is a table of sample profile events during a6.5 second period during a find string operation over a tree of source code .

  3. 搜索“LarryPageandspeed”(拉里o佩奇和速度),在第一个搜索结果的链接上方,你会看到“约21100000条结果(用时0.47秒)。”

    Search for " Larry Page and speed " and above the first link you may see " About 21100000 results ( 0.47 seconds ) . "

  4. 以平均钻时(秒)DT为钻时样本,取DT以2为底的对数为可钻性等级(DCG)。

    The average time interval in seconds is named Drillability Time ( DT ), and the logarithm of the DT to the base 2-the Drillability Classification Grade ( DCO ) .

  5. 一年前,刘翔夺得日本大阪世界锦标赛金牌,用时12秒95。

    A year ago , Liu snagged the gold at the world championships in Osaka , Japan , in12.95 seconds .

  6. 对于同一轨迹运动分别进行轨迹绘制,仿真系统用时12秒,机床样机用时10·8秒,二者结果基本一致。

    For drawing the same path , the runtime in simulation software system and the prototype of the PMT are separately 12 seconds and 10.8 seconds . The moving effects of the two ways are similar .

  7. 比如,设置了一个5秒的间隔,在间隔被改变为10秒时3秒已经过去了,那么下一个定时器事件将会在上一个定时器事件13秒后发生。

    For example , if the interval is set to5 seconds and3 seconds have already elapsed before the interval is changed to10 seconds , the next timer event will be13 seconds from the last timer event .

  8. 当需要快速构建LPAR或安装AIX软件时,几秒种就可以让VIO客户机访问ISO映像。

    When you need to build an LPAR or install AIX software quickly , making an ISO image available to the VIO client takes seconds .

  9. 东芝公司(Toshiba)社长田中久雄(HisaoTanaka)周二因12亿美元的会计丑闻引咎辞职时鞠躬15秒表示悔悟。

    Hisao Tanaka , Toshiba 's chief executive , gave a 15-second bow on Tuesday as he resigned over a $ 1.2bn accounting scandal .

  10. 当快门按钮按下时,10秒计时起被启动。

    The 10-second timer is activated when the shutter button is pressed .

  11. 麦克道森被罚时了两秒,但他仍然晋级了半决赛。半决赛将在周三进行。

    It was one of two two-second penalties Dawson received , but he still advanced to Wednesday 's semi-finals .

  12. 这段时长15秒的视频迅速走红,随后美丽的奥克桑娜就在社交媒体俘获了成千上万的粉丝。

    The 15-second video quickly went viral and beautiful Oksana has since amassed thousands of followers on social media .

  13. 跳下的半秒内失重,落地时的1/5秒,重量大约接近600磅。

    I jump for half a second , weightless hit the floor for about two-tenths of a second maybe close to600 pounds .

  14. 它们运用这,旋转动能,来制造巨大的磁场,用时只有5秒。

    Now , they use this rotational kinetic energy to create very strong magnetic fields on a time scale as short as five seconds .

  15. 该视频时长35秒,画面中一个小家伙似乎想在西瓜中给自己“吃”一条出路,偶尔他也会抬头看看镜头。

    The fun35-second clip shows the youngster is trying to eat his way out of a watermelon and occasionally looking up at the camera .

  16. 而他说的最后一件关于冲出来的事情非常重要,因为专家们称危机发生时每一秒都关乎性命。

    And that last thing he said about rushing out is really important because experts say that when a crisis happens , every second counts .

  17. 然后,可口可乐鼓励消费者通过扫描瓶身上的二维码在社交媒体上与朋友分享一段时长10秒的歌曲片段。

    Coca-Cola then encouraged consumers to share a 10-second clip of a song with friends through social media by scanning the QR code on the bottle .

  18. 并且我们自问:如果奥运冠军跑100米的用时是15秒而不是9秒,你会不换台吗?

    And let 's ask ourselves this : Would anyone stay tuned if the Olympic champion ran the 100 meters in 15 seconds instead of nine ?

  19. 从侧平板姿势开始,将手肘靠近膝盖,每边运动时间各达30秒,换边时休息30秒。

    From a side plank position , take it elbow to knee , working up to 30 seconds on each side with a 30-second rest between sides .

  20. 该套程序一共会向用户显示四组身份识别码,虽然完成全部认证需时约二十八秒,但与只显示一组识别码比起来,四组的安全度更高。

    The program shows the user four sets of PINs , which takes about 28 seconds to complete , but ensures a higher level of security than just showing one set .

  21. 针对的自由演化,研究了电子占据最低两个本征态时,阿秒脉冲作用所得光电子谱随时间的变化。

    For the free evolution of H + 2 , we use attosecond pulses as probe pulses and obtain the time-varying photoelectron spectrum , when the electron occupies the lowest two eigenstates .

  22. 申请人须提交一段时长30秒的视频,解释自己为什么适合这一工作。

    Applicants were asked to submit a 30-second video explaining why they would be good for the jobs , which come with a stipend of A $ 100,000 ( $ 105,400 ) .

  23. 现年58岁的比尔-盖茨在今年的福布斯富豪排行榜中,排在第二,仅次于墨西哥富豪卡洛斯。在比赛中,比尔盖茨可以有2分钟的比赛时间,而对手卡尔森的比赛用时仅有30秒。

    Gates , 58 , who was ranked by Forbes magazine this year as the world 's second-richest person behind Mexico 's Carlos Slim , had 2 minutes to make his moves against just 30 seconds for Carlsen .

  24. 实验结果表明,有机玻璃粉末连续通过长20厘米直径5厘米的金属管导时,4秒时间管导电压可上升到52.8KV。

    Experimental result shows voltage of metalline pipe ri - - ses up to 52.8 KV in four seconds , when the organics powder pass th - rough continually a metalline pipe 20 centimetre in Length , 5 centime - tre in diameter .

  25. 他用时4分23秒,刷新了4分24秒的原纪录。

    He recorded a time of 4 minutes 23 , bettering the old record of 4-24

  26. 因为某种原因,当一些电视节目插入商业广告时就会出现几秒很大的噪声。

    For some reason , when certain shows switched into a commercial , a loud noise would sound for a few seconds .

  27. 《Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen》(《PPAP》)的歌曲视频时长为45秒,在流行巨星比伯发推文称这是他“最喜欢的网络视频”后走红,自8月在YouTube上被发布以来已被浏览超过6700万次。

    The video for the 45-second long " Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen " has been viewed more than 67 million times since hitting YouTube in August , going viral after pop giant Bieber tweeted it as his " favorite video on the Internet . "

  28. 没有,只是在手术时醒了几秒。

    Nah , just for a few seconds during the surgery .

  29. 年,月,日,时,分,秒。

    Year , month , day , hour , minute , second .

  30. 连一条金鱼的注意力时长都有9秒。

    Apparently , a goldfish has an attention span of nine seconds .