
shí kè
  • time;moment;point;hour;minute;often;constantly;every now and then
时刻 [shí kè]
  • (1) [hour;moment]∶特定的时间

  • 雪中送炭,在他困难的时刻给予帮助

  • (2) [time]∶指具体的某一时间

  • 发车时刻安排

  • (3) [often;every now and then]∶经常;每时每刻

  • 要能画一幅画儿,画出祖国的面貌特色,时刻挂在眼前,有多好。--《茶花赋》

  • 他时刻不忘自己是个共产党员

时刻[shí kè]
  1. 这是公司盛衰的关键时刻。

    It 's make-or-break time for the company .

  2. 又一次到了与种族主义战斗的时刻了。

    It is time , once again , to contend with racism

  3. 他选在一个极其不恰当的时刻提出要求。

    He chose a singularly inappropriate moment to make his request .

  4. 那场棒球赛中有些时刻令人焦虑不安。

    There were a few anxious moments in the baseball game .

  5. 跟平常那个时刻一样,那地方空荡荡的。

    As usual at that hour , the place was deserted .

  6. 到这种时刻,我们只好等待了。

    At this point in time we just have to wait .

  7. 我一定会时刻睁大眼睛提防他的行为。

    I shall certainly keep a beady eye on his behaviour .

  8. 在危急时刻她总是挺身而出。

    She has always been to the fore at moments of crisis .

  9. 我打电话到车站询问火车时刻。

    I called the station to enquire about train times .

  10. 社会工作者必须时刻考虑其当事人的最佳利益。

    Social workers must always consider the best interests of their clients .

  11. 在难得清醒的时刻,她看看我,对我笑笑。

    In a rare lucid moment , she looked at me and smiled .

  12. 我不可能事事都按着你的时刻表安排!

    I can 't arrange everything around your timetable !

  13. 神志并非完全清醒的病人必须时刻有人照料。

    A patient who is not fully conscious should never be left alone .

  14. 她希望尽情享受自己的光荣时刻。

    She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory .

  15. 他们举办露天音乐会来庆祝这个特别的时刻。

    They marked the occasion with an open-air concert .

  16. 这是他一直最担心的时刻。

    This was the moment he had been dreading .

  17. 这是我生命中最荣耀的时刻。

    This is the proudest moment of my life .

  18. 这一时刻将在我们的记忆中留存许多年。

    This moment will live in our memory for many years to come .

  19. 战斗已到了关键时刻。

    The battle had reached a crucial juncture .

  20. 我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。

    I 'm not sure what I 'll do when the chips are down .

  21. 他碰运气看能否在最后时刻买到票。

    He gambled on being able to buy a ticket at the last minute .

  22. 她以为她生命的最后时刻到了。

    She thought her last hour had come .

  23. 可怕的时刻终于来到了。

    The dreaded moment had finally arrived .

  24. 大教堂的宏大规模使人时刻领略到宗教的威严。

    The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder of the power of religion .

  25. 原本应该是高兴的时刻,她却丝毫未感到快乐。

    It should have been an occasion for rejoicing , but she could not feel any real joy .

  26. 要时刻牢记把所有文件都备份。

    Always keep a copy of everything in your own files .

  27. 他时刻提防着任何有辱尊严之事。

    He is constantly on guard against any threat of humiliation .

  28. 刚学步的孩子时刻需要寸步不离的照看,并要牢牢看紧。

    A toddler requires close supervision and firm control at all times

  29. 若要当地公共汽车时刻表,请与达费德郡政务委员会联系。

    For a local bus timetable , contact Dyfed County Council .

  30. 这两天都将安排发出3列时刻不同的火车。

    On both days , three very different trains will be timetabled