
  • Nihonbashi;【电影】Nihon bashi
  1. 日本桥与中国现代文艺思潮观

    " Japanese Bridge " and Chinese Literary Thoughts

  2. 日本桥规中的抗震性能

    Earthquake Resistant Behavior in Japanese Bridge Specifications

  3. 豪华现代的国际酒店相继进驻东京,有六本木的君悦酒店、汐留的港丽酒店和无比雅致的东方文华酒店,诱人地巍然耸立于日本桥上。

    Modern , luxury international hotels have opened one after the other , with the Roppongi Grand Hyatt , the Conrad in Shiodome and the supremely elegant Mandarin Oriental perched above Nihonbashi among the slickest offerings .

  4. 石山仲子静静地坐在公寓的客厅中,这里位于东京日本桥旧区,离著名的石板桥很近。江户时期,曾以石板桥为中心测童过通往日本各地的距离。

    Nakako Ishiyama sits quietly in the living room of her apartment in the old Nihonbashi quarter of Tokyo , not far from its famous stone bridge - the point from which , in Edo times , all distances in Japan were measured .

  5. 它很像莫奈的《日本的桥》(TheJapaneseBridge),那幅画5月7日在纽约苏富比的拍卖会上以1590万美元的价格卖给了一位亚洲买家。

    It closely resembled Monet 's " Le Pont Japonais " ( The Japanese Bridge ) , which was sold to an Asian bidder at Sotheby 's in New York on May 7 for $ 15.9 million .

  6. 1973年建造的南楼仍在正常运行,业主计划重现旧的大堂中,在日本画作《梦桥》(BridgeoftheDream)基础上修建的楼厅,以及其六角形的顶灯。

    The South Wing , erected in 1973 , will remain operational , and the owners plan to replicate the lobby 's mezzanine , based on a Japanese painting known as " Bridge of the Dream , " and its hexagonal ceiling lights .

  7. 根据作者过去在这一方面的设计经历,介绍了日本现行铁路高架桥设计采用的构件延性率计算方法,以供桥梁抗震设计参考。

    In this paper , in connection with the author 's design experiences in this regard , the current calculation methods for structural ductility ratio of railway viaducts in Japan are described with an aim to providing reference to the seismic design of similar bridges .