
  • 网络Japanese mythology
  1. 试论日本神话中的文艺思想

    A First Study of the Artistic Thought in Japanese Mythology

  2. 20世纪日本神话学的三个里程碑

    Three milestones in Japanese mythology of 20th century

  3. 日本神话的主要资料是《古事记》和《日本书纪》。

    But in Japan why there is not this kind of myths ?

  4. 日本神话与西南少数民族神话有很多相似之处。

    There are some similarities between Japanese and southwest China minority legends .

  5. 根据日本神话,西元前660年神武天皇即位,其后他的直系子孙代代继任,现在的天皇是第125代。

    According to Japanese myths , Emperor Jimmu was enthroned in660 B.C. , and from him , the current Emperor descended , becoming the125th ruler of Japan .

  6. 这种意识自古就存在于日本神话之中,而丰臣秀吉率先将侵略神话付诸实践,促使了日本侵略传统的进一步壮大;

    This concept has existed in the Japanese myth since old times . Then these myths had been practiced , which enabled Japan 's aggression tradition further to expand .

  7. 在古老的日本神话里,彩虹是连接天堂和人间的桥梁,人类的第一个男人和女人一起从这座桥上走下来,学习人间世事。

    In an ancient Japanese myth , the rainbow is a bridge from heaven to earth . The first man and woman walked down this bridge to learn the ways of the world .

  8. 苗族与日本起源神话之比较研究

    A Comparative Studies to Original Mythology between Japan and the Miao 's

  9. 促成日本经济神话的原因有很多,日本成功的公司治理结构即是其中的一个重要原因。

    There several reasons contribute the Japanese economic to be a mythical , one of which is the successful governance structure of Japan .

  10. 日本与中国神话的比较&以太阳信仰为中心

    Comparison and Contrast between Japanese and Chinese Mythologies : Centered on the Sun

  11. 神话与刑罚&日本与中国神话比较

    A Comparison between Japanese and Chinese Mythologies

  12. 《日本与中国神话的比较》,《贵州民族学院学报》2003年。

    Compared Japanese 's Myths With Chinese 's , in Journal of Guizhou University for Nationnalities , 2003 ;

  13. 《三国史记》、《三国遗事》的始祖神话&古代朝鲜、日本及中国神话之比较

    The First Ancestor 's Myth Recorded in " Historical Records on the Three Kingdoms " and " The Forepassed Incidents of the Three Kingdoms " & Comparison among ancient Korean , Japanese and Chinese myth

  14. “日本出生”中国神话

    Click here for " made in Japan Chinese legend "

  15. 日本人对刀剑抱有非同一般的感情,日本起源的诸多神话中,刀剑被认为寄宿着神圣而不可思议的灵力,即神圣的器物。

    Japanese swords have unusual feelings , many of Japanese origin myth , the sword was considered boarding sacred and incredible spiritual power , that is sacred artifacts .