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  1. 如果只能用一种颜色形容SKY的话,那就是&无限接近透明。

    If you can only be used to describe a color SKY , it is-infinite nearly transparent .

  2. 利物浦和AC米兰、英超对手伯明翰很长一段时间与28岁约万诺维奇发生了转会传闻,现在看起来利物浦已经无限接近他们垂涎已久的球员。

    The Reds , along with AC Milan and Premier League rivals Birmingham , have long been linked with the28-year-old and now seem to be on the verge of getting their man .

  3. HARPS能检测到到由像地球一样小的行星引起的轻微的引力摇摆,只要它们无限接近运行轨道。

    HARPS can detect the slight gravitational wobble caused by planets as small as Earth , if they have incredibly close-in orbits .

  4. 理论分析和仿真表明,LETF算法的时间复杂度为O(N),能达到100%吞吐量。一般情况下,在加速比最小时能无限接近于最优调度。

    The theory analysis and simulation results demonstrate that the novel algorithm runs at O ( N ) time complexity , achieves 100 % throughout and performs abysmally close to the optimal scheduling in average cases by using minimum speedup .

  5. 虽然离完美还很遥远,但却可以无限接近。

    Although is not perfect , but I can infinitude adjacence .

  6. 理想化的幸福是人类追求的目标,人类可以无限接近但无法完全达到。

    But the idealized happiness is the goal which the humanity pursues .

  7. 让我们无限接近人类极限。

    to sail very close to our absolute limits as human beings .

  8. 当你欣赏卓越时,你就与卓越无限接近。

    Next to excellence is the appreciation of it .

  9. 我们只能无限接近真相!

    We can only close unlimitedly truth !

  10. 解决费米问题的方法在于通过一系列估算而无限接近正确答案。

    The puzzle is solved by multiplying a series of estimates to get to the right answer .

  11. 由于这台望远镜用于探测红外线,其反射镜必须无限接近绝对零度。

    Because the telescope studies infrared heat , its mirror must be kept very close to absolute zero .

  12. 当你把这些再与出色的身体天赋结合在一起,你便无限接近胜利。

    When you combine those attributes with superior talent , you provide yourself with an opportunity to win the game .

  13. 师生在联合式的教学生活中,去无限接近并保持对这一世界的共同探寻状态。

    In the alliance teaching life , teachers and students approach and maintain the state of exploring this world together .

  14. 寻找体现出人类普遍的悲剧性存在&终极目标永远在前方,人们只能无限接近,但却永远无法抵达。

    " Seeking " incarnates the universal tragic existence of human beings & the ultimate objective is forever beyond their reach .

  15. 不过,如果能在正赛中夺冠的话,在积分榜上遥遥领先的普莱斯将无限接近年度总冠军。

    However , if can wins the championship in the match , will lead Place on the scoreboard the infinite close year total champion .

  16. 分析表明,当重叠部分的涡面无限接近物体(升力面)表面时,涡面的作用趋于消失。

    It can be shown that when the overlapping vortex sheet approaches close to the body surface infinitely , its effect on the flow vanishes .

  17. 如果说公平只是一种无限接近的可能,那么对于教育公平的期待则是人们永不放弃的信念。

    If the fair is only a possibility of infinite close , then the expectation of educational equity is the faith that people never give up .

  18. 与一些别的发展中的量子系统不同,这个量子记忆可以在室温下工作,而不需要无限接近于摄氏度的工作温度。

    In contrast to some other quantum systems under development , which require temperatures close to absolute zero , this diamond memory works at room temperature .

  19. 由无限接近的思想产生出来的数学概念,主要用于研究函数在接近它们没有定义的点的过程中的行为。

    Mathematical concept based on the idea of closeness , used mainly in studying the behaviour of functions close to values at which they are undefined .

  20. 记住两个无限接近的表面在接触之前的最短距离是沿着接触点法线方向。

    Bear in mind that the shortest distance that two infinite short surfaces can approach each other before contact is in the direction of the contact normal .

  21. 由于先在逻辑与提问方式的局限,美的言说方式尚不能无限接近美的本质。

    Because of the first-logic and the localization of the way to ask , the speech ways of " beauty " cannot infinitely near to the character of beauty .

  22. 然而,如果你能拥有可以经受时间考验的艺术作品或者哲学著作或者科学成就,那么你就无限接近永生了。

    However , if you can have an artistic or philosophical or scientific creation that withstands the test of time , then you have come as close to it as possible .

  23. 一切都好&理想中的概念!虽不可达,却给了我们无限接近的目标与动力!

    " All Good !( Everything is fine !)" which is the concept of the ideal that can 't be reach , has given us goals and motivation to infinitely close to it .

  24. 近日点是最接近母恒星的轨道上的点,而序号为2000BD19的小行星拥有最小的轨道,与太阳无限接近。太阳是巨大的伴有核爆炸的火球,它为人类提供了温暖和生命。

    Perihelion is the point in orbit nearest the parent star , and asteroid 2000 BD19 has the smallest orbit , getting incredibly intimate with the giant , hot ball of nuclear explosions that keeps us warm and alive .

  25. 好好设想一下自己的梦想是什么样子,枕它入睡,不断地推敲,计划如何实现它,并为之努力奋斗,这样会让我们无限接近于梦想的实现。

    Vivid visualization , taking it to sleep , thinking constantly about it , talking about it , planning it , adding all the spices to our dreams will make us a bit closer to the realization of our dreams .

  26. 理想的状态下,译作与原作在风格上应完全相同,但是由于语言各有其独特之处,译作与原作的风格只可能无限接近而不会完全等同。

    Ideally , the eventual style of the target text should be identical with that of the source text , but since each language has its unique linguistic features , the two styles can only achieve some similarity at best .