- spherical wavelet

Seismogram synthesis method based on spherical wave and AVO analysis
Based on the spherical carrier wave 's analytical design method of holographic lens , we get the holographic lens image after calculating with matlab .
The characteristic of aplanatic system shows that non-aplanatic point imaging can produce aspherical holographic interference for high resolution zone plate fabrication used for X-ray imaging .
Proved divergent spherical wave incident does not affect SSD and the DOE Joint smoothing properties .
Talbot Shearing Interferometry with Spherical Wave for Determining Curvature
The images of similar plane wave among Talbot images of spherical wave illumination
Analysis on property of Brewster polarizer for spherical wave
Numerical calculation results for axial and transversal intensity distributions are given to compare our results with the Kirchhoff diffraction integral , first and second RS diffraction integrals .
In conventional x-ray tube based experiments , the x-ray tube emits spherical wave , the fan or cone-beam algorithms are more suitable .
The approximate estimation method for spherical-wave travel time is discussed in detail , and Schneider method is improved in its realization procedure .
Based on PO / SWE method , a simplified approach for calculating radiation patterns of the paraboloidal antennas with struts is presented .
Plane and spherical waves solutions of the field equation for a complex scalar field with a cubic nonlinear term in four dimensional Minkowski space
Based on the angular-spectrum representation and the Weyl representation of a spherical wave , the vectorial RS diffraction formulae of the first and second kinds are derived in a simple way .
In this paper , a discussion is held on the self-images of weak phase grating , illuminated by spherical waves . It has been found that self-image phenomenon exists , too , with the phase grating when the relative phase distribution is much smaller than one radian .
We have worked on the follows : 1 . The mutual coherence function ( MCF ) of spherical wave propagation in atmosphere was calculated , and the curve of the MCF was given .
The field excitated by basic magnetic current with arbitrary position and arbitrary orientation is expressed by series of sphere waves whose centers are at the coordinate origin using the addition theorem of sphere Hankel function .
In this article , a calculation method of convolution integration for near field diffraction of aperture antennas is discussed . This method can accomplish fast calculation by FFT , and it is a more efficient one than direct integration or spherical wave expansion method ( SWE ) .
By employing the X-ray photoelectron diffraction ( XPD ) method and the XPD theory based on the single scattering cluster-spherical wave ( SSC-SW ) model , we have studied the surface polarity of the ZnO film .
The field equation for a complex scalar field with a cubic nonlinear term in tour-dimensional Minkowski space is studied . Two classes of exact solutions , corresponding to solutions of plane and spherical waves , are presented .
Analysis and Simulation of the Plural Amplitude and Distribution of Optical Intensity about Fresnel Diffraction of Ronchi Grating on Spherical Wave A Fast SA Algorithm for the Design of DOE for Uniform Illumination
Combining Talbot effect with experimental mechanics , this paper presents the principle , method and optical arrangement system about the diffraction and Talbot shearing interferometry with an oblique incidence spread spherical wave for determining curvature of a plate surface .
The input signals of the equivalent spherical waves are expressed as spherical wave input filed array ( SWIFA ) according Huygens principle . Then the calculation speed is increased largely .
A New Viscous Boundary Method Under the Condition of Spherical Wave
Calculation of the Shifted Focal Axis Antenna by Spherical Wave Theory
Precision measurement of the radius of curvature of convergent laser beam
Focal shift in a spherical wave focused by lens-diaphragm separating system
Achieving Non-exact Fractional Fourier Transform in the Rays of Spherical Waves
Calculation of Spherical Wave Refraction and its Application to Angle Probes
Intensity distribution of converging spherical waves passing through an annular aperture
Near-Field Scattering Characteristics of Spherical Wave from the Fractal Rough Surface