
wú xiàn diàn pín lǜ
  • Radio frequency;air wave
  1. 该部门将确保新发射的卫星不使用会干扰现有卫星的无线电频率,安排新卫星的发射时间。

    The department will make sure that newly launched satellites don 't use radio frequencies that would interfere with existing satellites , and schedule when such new satellites can be launched .

  2. Simplisafe系统获得了我们“编辑推荐奖”的殊荣,它应用一个特殊的系统,能够分离出来自目标信号攻击者的偶然的无线电频率干扰。

    SimpliSafe , winner of our Editor 's Choice distinction , utilizes a special system that 's capable of separating incidental RF interference from targeted jamming attacks .

  3. DataTechnology数据处理技术。2012年,无线电频率标识芯片、计算机和探测器将要产出难以置信的信息量。

    In2012 , radio frequency ID chips , video cameras , computers and sensors will generate incredible amounts of information .

  4. UWB发射机在一个很宽的无线电频率上发送几十亿个短脉冲。

    A UWB transmitter sends billions of short-duration pulses across a wide spectrum of radio frequencies .

  5. 利用这一特点,使用与ST连接的纳米颗粒结合近红外线或无线电频率能量吸收热烧蚀术,使得鸟苷酸环化酶C成为了转移瘤消融的一个潜在靶。

    This makes GCC a potential target for metastatic tumor ablation using ST-bound nanoparticles in combination with thermal ablation with near-infrared or radiofrequency energy absorption .

  6. 这项专利实时无线电频率扫描仪使用计算机X射线断层术,并靠使用与手机一样的技术工作,但是只有它能量的一小部分。

    The patented real-time radio frequency scanner uses computer tomography and works by using the same technology as a mobile phone , but with only a tiny fraction of its power .

  7. MRI是利用强大的磁场,低强度的无线电频率脉冲和数据处理软件来得到软组织、肌肉、神经、脂肪和骨骼的精细的图像。

    MRI uses a powerful magnetic field , low intensity radio-frequency pulses , and data-processing software to create detailed images of soft tissue , muscles , nerves , fat and bones .

  8. 这种无线技术称为无线电频率识别(RFID),曾在成千的存储器运用追踪以及在正电子发射体层摄影的鉴定植入芯片中鉴定识别。

    The wireless technology , called radio frequency identification ( RFID ), has been used in thousands of stores for tracking inventory and in identification chips implanted in some pets .

  9. 新款路由器往往能以两种无线电频率——2.4吉赫兹和5吉赫兹——传输数据,让你可以将它们分成两个独立的Wi-Fi网络。

    Newer routers typically can transmit data over two radio frequencies - 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz - and give you the option to split them up into two separate Wi-Fi networks .

  10. syneron公司也使用无线电频率(rf)能量,向表皮下的皮肤层输入热量,避免其它皮肤治疗方法带来的烧伤。

    Syneron also uses radio frequency ( RF ) energy to deliver heat layers of the skin below the epidermis , avoiding burning associated with other skin treatments .

  11. 让全球气象学家如临大敌的原因是,新的5G网络将使用的无线电频率会影响气象卫星对地球观测的关键数据。

    The crisis facing the world 's meteorologists stems from the fact that the radio frequencies the new 5G networks will use could contaminate critical Earth observations made by weather satellites .

  12. 关于我国无线电频率规划使用现状的思考

    The Consideration about the Present Condition of domestic Radio Spectrum Planning

  13. 预测直流换流站无线电频率干扰的数学模拟法

    A Digital Model for Predicting RFI from DC Converter Stations

  14. 《无线电频率划分规定》学习心得

    Achievements from Studying ″ Regulations for Radio Frequency Division ″

  15. 其他反假药的方法还包括使用无线电频率识别标签。

    Other anti-counterfeit efforts include the use of radio frequency identification tags .

  16. 计算机无线电频率管理系统的功能及实现方法

    Function and Implement Method about Computer Radio Frequeney Management System

  17. 从外陆来源的无线电频率范围内接受电磁射线。

    Picks up electromagnetic radiations in the radio-frequency range from extra-terrestrial sources .

  18. 但是可获得的无线电频率波段有限。

    But there is a limited amount of radio frequency spectrum available .

  19. 他给了我们令尊安保部队的无线电频率

    He gave us the radio frequency for your father 's security team .

  20. 不同组织发出截然不同的无线电频率在计算机上变成图像。

    Different tissues emit different radio frequencies which a computer turns into images .

  21. 很宽的无线电频率波段。

    A very wide band of radio frequencies .

  22. 美国联邦通讯委员会为各种使用者分配不同的无线电频率。

    In the u.s. , the Federal Communications Commission assigns users to specific frequencies .

  23. 电磁频谱监测对于无线电频率管理、电子对抗等领域具有重要意义。

    Radio monitoring plays an important role on radio frequency management and electronic countermeasure .

  24. 无线电频率放射测试射频电子超导加速器

    Radio frequency emission testing ectron superconducting accelerator

  25. 提出了地铁中由于频率配置不当产生无线电频率干扰问题。

    The inappropriate frequency configuration in subway often generates the problem of radio frequency interference .

  26. 汽车电控单元无线电频率传导噪音的电压法测量

    A Voltage Measurement Approach of Radio Frequency Conducted Noise for an Automotive Electronic Control Unit

  27. 无线电频率资源是地面电视广播不可或缺的关键传播介质,如何合理的规划频率资源是无线电工作者面临的一个重要问题。

    Radio frequency is the indispensable key medium in the transmission of terrestrial television broadcast .

  28. 无线通信的蓬勃发展产生了个人无线电频率的新技术和应用。

    The vigorous developments of the wireless communication produce personal radio frequency technology and applications .

  29. 无线电频率规划的目标是实现频率资源的合理开发和永续利用。

    Radio frequency planning goal is implementation frequency resource for the rational development and sustainable use .

  30. 迄今开展的详尽检查没有揭示不同的无线电频率调制有任何特有的危害。

    Detailed reviews conducted so far have not revealed any hazard specific to different RF modulations .