
  • 网络Harmless treatment;innocuity;Detoxification;pathogen-free
  1. 城市粪便的无害化、资源化、减量化已经开始起步。

    Detoxification , resources and reduction of urban nightsoil has already begun .

  2. 有机废水无害化处理的首选方法是生物处理。

    The organic wastewater detoxification processing first choice method is the biological treatment .

  3. FM菌群对畜禽粪便无害化发酵处理的影响

    Influence of FM Bacteria Colony on Fermentation Processing of Poultry Excrement Detoxifi cation

  4. DMF废水资源化无害化处理研究

    Study on Resource Recovery and Harmless Treatment of DMF Wastewater

  5. 提出了制备活性碳纤维是实现废旧PVC无害化、资源化的切实可行的方法之一。

    Converting the waste PVC plastic into activated carbon fibers was one of the most practicable methods to reuse , resource and recycle the waste PVC plastic with harmlessness .

  6. 以堆肥的大肠杆菌最近似数(MPN)和蛔虫卵杀灭率等评定堆肥的无害化程度。

    Harmless level was evaluated by Bacillus coli MPN and roundworm egg kill ratio .

  7. 铬渣代替部分白云石,通过烧结、炼铁的煅烧、还原,把有毒的Cr6+还原成金属Cr,可实现铬渣的资源化和无害化。

    By substituting chrome-making slag partly for dolomites used in sintering and iron making , the poisonous Cr6 + could be reduced to metal Cr by calcination , thus making the slag harmless and realizing resources recycling .

  8. 指出CRI系统对实现污水无害化、资源化具有重要的现实意义。

    In addition , it was pointed out that CRI system is of a practical significance in innocuous effluent discharge and wastewater reuse .

  9. 指出了我国履行POPs公约需要不断完善POPs废物的环境无害化管理体系,并不断加强POPs废物的污染监督管理。

    And it is pointed out that China must improve the environmentally sound management system for POPs waste and strengthen the POPs waste pollution supervision to implement the Convention on POPs .

  10. 结论填埋场目前正处于产气高峰期,整个产气过程约持续30a才能达到稳定、无害化。

    Nowaday , the gas generation is on the peak , the whole generation process may be stable and harmless for about 30 years .

  11. 方法选择安微省WES项目县作为调查县,按改厕覆盖率不同选择调查点,对调查点的改厕户进行卫生厕所质量和粪便无害化调查。

    Methods WES pilot counties were selected as study counties . Sample sites were chosen to survey the effect of quality control and safe excreta disposal of sanitary latrines on basis of improved latrine coverage rate .

  12. 根据调查,我国POPs引起的场地污染比较严重,现有的环境管理法律法规、标准和制度政策是POPs污染场地管理的基础,但这种基础还比较薄弱,尚不能完全满足环境无害化管理的要求。

    The existed laws and regulations , systems and policies on environmental management are applicable basis on the management of POPs contaminated sites . however , the basis is still weak , and it cannot accord entirely with the demands of the environmentally sound management .

  13. 废弃钻井液无害化配套处理剂WH-858和配套技术可解决石油钻井施工中产生大量的废弃钻井液的污染问题。

    The pollution of great deal of driven well abandoned fluid produced in oil driven well construction can be solved by harmless treatment matched agent WH-858 and matched technology .

  14. 废旧电子电气设备的资源化与无害化技术

    Techniques for Recycling and Disposal of Scrape Electrical and Electronic Equipment

  15. 兴义市生活垃圾无害化处理工程的设计与施工

    The design and construction of Xingyi municipal solid waste treatment project

  16. 黄金矿山尾液的综合回收与无害化治理

    Comprehensive Reclaim and Non-harmful Treatment of Tail Stripper from Gold Mine

  17. 简易垃圾填埋场好氧发酵无害化处理工艺

    The Aerobic Decomposition Disposal Process of the Traditional Wastes Landfill Site

  18. 蓄电池酸雾的无害化处理设备

    Development of device disposing innocuously of the acid fume from battery

  19. 持久性有机污染物机械化学无害化处理的研究进展

    Advances in Study of Mechanochemical Process for Persistent Organic Pollutants Treatments

  20. 除臭菌剂在家禽粪便无害化处理中的效果研究

    Study on the effects of deodorizing microorganism on poultry manure composting

  21. 喷丸亚光机的危害性分析与无害化设计

    Hazard Analysis on Shot Blast Texturing Machine and Its Harmless Design

  22. 含铜污泥中铜的回收及污泥无害化处理

    Recovery of Copper from Copper-containing Sludge and Innocent Treatment of Sludge

  23. 城市生活垃圾无害化综合处理试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Harmless and Comprehensive Disposal of Municipal Refuse

  24. 粪便无害化卫生标准

    Sanitary Standard for the Non - hazardous Treatment of Night Soil

  25. 园林垃圾的简单处理不能适应可持续发展的要求,而无害化、资源化处理是其必然趋势。

    Its simple treatment is difficult to satisfy the sustainable development .

  26. 电镀污泥焚烧渣资源化及无害化处理研究

    Study on Metal Recovery and Innoxious Diposal of Electroplating Sludge Using Incineration

  27. 铜镍电镀污泥的资源化与无害化处理试验研究

    Experimental study of resource reuse and innocent treatment of copper-nickel electroplating sludge

  28. 油田污水站废泥浆的污染评价及无害化固化

    Research and assess the pollution of oily sludge at Shengli Oil Field

  29. 试验结果为陆上机油泄露事故的无害化处理提供依据。

    The result provides a reference for disposition of failed lubrication oil .

  30. 保护地草莓白粉病的无害化防治技术

    Harm-free Control of Strawberry Powdery Mildew on the Protective Area