
fānɡ wèi cí
  • localizer;noun of locality;directional/place word
方位词 [fāng wèi cí]
  • [noun of locality] 名词的一种,是表示方向或位置的词,分单纯词的和合成的两类。单纯的方位词是上、下、前、后、左、右、东、西、南、北、里、外、中、内、间、旁。合成的方位词由单纯词构成

  1. 它的分布特征游移于一般名词与方位词之间,兼具二者的一些特性,这是虚化的结果。

    As a result , their distribution features waver between common noun and localizer .

  2. 汉语空间方位词是汉民族空间认知经验范畴化的结果。

    The noun of locality in Chinese is the categorization results of spatial cognition experience of the Han nationality .

  3. 方位词里可以附着在名词或者名词性短语后面组成X里的方位结构,也可以与介词构成介词短语。

    This direction word can be attached to the noun or noun phrase and constitutes a prepositional phrase with preposition .

  4. F-G法对于一般学习者而言过于抽象,不能直接运用于教学,因此,本文运用F-G法的原理对in和on的各种用法进行具体分析,并且与中文方位词上作对比。

    Considering that F-G approach is too abstract for ordinary learners , the author makes a detailed analysis of usages of in and on with F-G approach and compares them with shang .

  5. 英汉方位词所表达的尊与卑

    Expression of respect and humbleness in English and Chinese locality words

  6. 现代汉语方位词在自然语言处理中的重要性日益受到人们的重视。

    The importance of Chinese locative words has been increasing concerned .

  7. 古汉语的专书方位词系统研究更是凤毛麟角。

    The research on ancient Chinese special location words is rare .

  8. 现代汉语存现句与方位词

    Sentences of Existing and Appearing and Locative Words in Modern Chinese

  9. 认知语言学非常重视对空间方位词的研究。

    Cognitive linguistics stresses the study of special location nouns .

  10. 这种在认知上的分类也反映出单纯方位词在语法、语义上的特点,在表达空间方位概念时的不同。

    And this classification reflects their grammar and semantic characteristic .

  11. 现代汉语方位词东、西、南、北的语义分析

    A Semantic Analysis of Four Directional Words in Modern Chinese

  12. 同范畴内方位词的不对称关系主要表现在三个方面:形式不对称,意义缺失或意义为其他词语所担负;

    Such a relationship is mainly manifested in three aspects .

  13. 今天我给大家介绍一些方位词。

    Today I 'm going to teach you about places .

  14. 因此方位词的研究,具有很高的学术价值。

    Therefore , the word of direction , with high academic value .

  15. 汉语四方方位词的成词理据

    Basis of Word-formation of the Nouns of Locality in Chinese

  16. 心+方位词与动词组合的研究

    A Study of the Combination " Xin + Location Words " with Verbs

  17. 垂直方位词上/下UP/DOWN隐喻研究

    On Metaphor of Vertical Locality Words Up and Down in Chinese and English

  18. 方位词UP隐喻概念的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study on Metaphorical Conceptions of the Spatial Word " UP "

  19. 方位词基本上是对称和整齐的。

    Nouns of locality are basically symmetrical and neat .

  20. 方位词的形成受制约于民族文化。

    The formation of location words is culture bound .

  21. 语法化视角下的现代汉语单音方位词研究

    A Study on Monosyllabic Localizers in Modern Chinese from the Perspective of Grammaticalization

  22. 侗语空间方位词的认知和文化语言学研究

    A Cognitive and Cultural Linguistic Study of the Dong Words for Space and Locations

  23. 本研究采用中英方位词的对比方法来展开。

    A contrastive study on the locative prepositions in English and Chinese is adopted .

  24. 原型范畴理论与英语方位词范畴化初探

    Study on the Categorization of English Words of Locality Based on the Prototype Theory

  25. 方位词是现代汉语中用于表明方向或相对位置的一类词。

    Chinese Location words indicate directions or positions .

  26. 其先后有不少学者对方位词进行了多角度的研究。

    The position has a number of scholars from various angles the word research .

  27. 现代汉语方位词中头的构词方式辨析

    Differentiation of word formation pattern of " tou " in modern Chinese nouns of locality

  28. 汉语带有方位词前/后的表人名词研究

    A Study on Chinese Denoting-person Noun with an Orientation Word " before / after "

  29. 方位词的数量不多,但使用频率很高。

    Spatial words are a small number of words , but the high frequency of use .

  30. 从认知角度对空间方位词的研究

    A Cognitive Study of Spatial Words