
  • 网络News system;journalism system
  1. 所要做的是,推动有利于这次转变的新闻体制改革、新闻政策确立等等。

    What we should do is , Impels to be advantageous to this transformation news system reform .

  2. 第三章分析了在中国特殊的政治与新闻体制下,调查性报道如何发挥其作用,它又扮演了怎样的社会角色。

    The third chapter explains how investigative reporting operates , affects the society , and what kind of role it plays .

  3. 舆论监督难的根本原因在于地方主义的阻挠、权力干预以及新闻体制存在缺陷。

    Obstruction and interference by the local government and deficiencies in the press system are the basic causes to the difficult supervision by public opinion .

  4. 抛开新闻体制等宏观方面的阻碍不谈,对话精神的缺失可以看作是会议报道最大的瓶颈。

    Put aside the macroscopic block such as the system of the press , the biggest difficulty of conference report is the lack of real dialogue .

  5. 它是媒介摆脱常规化采访的局限,在符合新闻体制前提下实现新闻从业者表达意图的一种尝试,其中既有理想主义的成分,也有现实主义的考虑。

    It gives the media a new trial away from the interview restriction , conforms the intentions from news mechanism . Inside includes both idealism and Realism .

  6. 由于新闻体制存在差异,中韩两个国家的电视新闻节目的风格也非常不同。

    Due to the differences of the news system between China and South Korea , the styles of TV news broadcasts are also very different from each other .

  7. 展望未来,相信在新闻体制日臻完善的今天,在多方力量的共同努力下,新闻从业人员定会更好地履行自己所肩负的重要职责和神圣使命。

    In the future it is believed that in condition of the consummating news system journalists can fulfill their responsibility certainly with the endeavor of other social power .

  8. 而解决新时期舆论监督存在的问题,可以采取以下对策:(1)积极推进政治体制和新闻体制的改革,争取更大的舆论监督空间。

    To solve that problems , following measures can be taken : for one thing , push to the reformation of existing political and news media positively , strive for more realm to press superintendence .

  9. 虽然,我们的工业化、城市化运动在美国进步运动一百年之后,两国在社会政治制度与新闻体制方面仍然不可同日而语。

    In spite of our industrialization and urbanization movements a hundred years later than American progressive movement , the social and political systems and press system of the two countries still can not compare with each other .

  10. 同时,由于一元化党管国办新闻体制弊端的显露,民营报纸退场之后却余绪未了,至今掀起了三次余波。

    The same time , the " unified " party control of the State Office revealed the drawbacks of the systems , although privately owned newspapers exited , its thread unfinished , it has set off three times aftermath .

  11. 第2章对云南省新闻出版体制改革研究概括。

    The second chapter of the Yunnan province news publishing system reform research summary .

  12. 舆论监督立法滞后,新闻管理体制不完善;

    The sluggish legislation of public opinion supervision and imperfect system of news administration ;

  13. 长期以来,我国在特定的新闻宣传体制下,对突发事件报道一直控制得比较严。

    For a long time , the report of the unexpected events has always been under strict control .

  14. 目前,新闻出版体制改革正在全国各省市推进。

    At present , the restructuring of press and publishing industry is promoting to the provinces and cities .

  15. 它所采用的用户驱动模式是对以管理员为核心的传统新闻编辑体制的突破,其所采取的多级把关模式,也对传统的把关人理论形成了新的挑战。

    The user-driven model adopted by digg is a breakthrough to the moderator – centered traditional news editor system .

  16. 新闻传播体制与政治制度关系的实证分析&1949-1956年中国的政治传播

    Empirical Analysis on the Relationship between Mass Communication System and Political System & the Political Communication from 1949 to 1956 in China

  17. 第5章提出建立完善现代企业制度是云南省新闻出版体制改革方向。

    The fifth chapter proposed to establish and improve the modern enterprise system in Yunnan province is the news publishing system reform direction .

  18. 但随着新闻出版体制改革的不断深入,改革也走的越来越艰难,步伐越来越慢。

    But with the ever deepening reform of journalism and communication system , the reform has been increasingly difficult , and the steps have been increasingly slow .

  19. 第6章结合云南新闻出版体制改革实践体会,借鉴国外优秀传媒企业发展扩充之路,提出对应的具体对策和可持续发展思路建议。

    The sixth chapter combining Yunnan news publishing system reform experience , excellent foreign media business development to expand road , put forward corresponding specific measures and sustainable development suggestions .

  20. 究其原因,从根本上来说,与我们的新闻管理体制有关,即舆论监督在我国大多要得到官方的事先认可。

    It is due to the managerial system of the press in our country , which results in the fact that supervision by public opinion must be authorized by the government beforehand .

  21. 近年来,湖南出版产业势头良好,这主要得益于出版湘军敢为人先的精神以及湖南新闻出版体制的改革。

    In recent years , the momentum of Hunan Publication Industry is favorable , this is mainly due to the " daring to be the first " spirit of Hunan Army and reform of the Hunan Journalism and Publication system .

  22. 从新闻传播体制,思维理念,文化背景,受众需求四方面剖析中国体育新闻报道长久以来的优缺点及可改进之处。

    To analyses the deep reason behind this differentiation from four aspects : the news spread system , the thought idea , cultural background and the audience demand in case of the disadvantages and improvements of Chinese sports news report history .

  23. 随着新闻单位体制改革的推进和社会经济的进一步发展,一大批的新闻媒体将面向市场,接受市场的考验和挑战,要在竞争中站稳脚跟,就必须走产业发展之路。

    With the innovation of news media system and the further development of socio-economic , a large number of news media will be market-oriented and take challenges on the market . If want to gain a firm foothold in the competition , we must take the road of industrial development .

  24. 试论广西新闻出版业体制改革的现状与对策

    On Current Situation and Countermeasures of System Reform of Guangxi Press and Publishing Industry

  25. 就是要改革新闻舆论监督体制,健全新闻舆论监督法制,完善新闻舆论监督机制,不断提高新闻舆论监督主体素质,努力营造新闻舆论监督氛围。

    Those are reforming news and public supervision system , healing the law , improving the main body quality of the supervision and creating the atmosphere .

  26. 积极推进包括理论工作体制、思想政治工作体制、新闻出版工作体制、文艺工作体制在内的宣传思想工作体制改革;

    Advance actively including theory work system , ideological and political work system , journalism working system , literary and artistic work system in propaganda ideological work system reform inside ;

  27. 在新媒体格局下,中国十大晚报之一的《新安晚报》不断探索新闻生产管理体制,融入全媒体,全力推进新媒体,正走上纸媒的转型之路。

    Under the new media landscape , " Xin ' an Evening Post " continues to explore news production management system , fuse in " All Media ", Promote the development of new media .

  28. 新闻已对教育体制的不足之处作了大量报导。

    Deficiencies in the education system have been much in the news .

  29. 首先我国新闻网站不断进行体制转变。

    First of all our news sites constantly change in the system .

  30. 我国新闻网站完全解除体制束缚是不现实的。

    Completely charging the system restraint is unrealistic .