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  • 网络new energy vehicle
  1. 同时今年会取消专用车及新能源车的限制。

    Limits for special-purpose and new energy vehicles will be eliminated this year .

  2. 中国现在有超过100万辆新能源车。

    There are now over one million new energy vehicles on the roads in China .

  3. 比亚迪E6是一款纯电动四驱轿车,是比亚迪继F3DM之后打造的第二款新能源车。

    The BYD E6 is an electric-only powered car , the second model of new-energy cars developed by BYD after the F3DM .

  4. 蔡澈认为,新能源车将是未来戴姆勒在华的新增长点。

    Zetsche said alternative-energy cars will be the new growth point for Daimler in China .

  5. 政府把推广新能源车作为一种减轻环境压力的手段。

    The government has been promoting new energy vehicles as a way to ease pressure on the environment .

  6. 因为经济危机以后,石油价格的下降对新能源车是一种打击。

    Because of after the economic crisis , the decline in oil prices will be a strike to new energy vehicles .

  7. 据了解,新能源车可以简单分为混合动力车、纯电动车、燃料电池车和替代能源车。

    The new energy can be simply divided into hybrid vehicles , electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles and alternative energy vehicles .

  8. 同时中国也是世界上最大的新能源车制造国及消费市场,去年生产并销售了50万台新能源车。

    It is also the largest producer and market for new-energy vehicles , with more than 500-thousand built and sold last year .

  9. 中国新能源车确实呈现一派繁荣景象,不过,未来发展是否一帆风顺,还不能这么快下结论。

    China 's new energy to really become a flourishing , but the smooth development of the future , not so fast conclusion .

  10. 它的理念是,100座加氢站这个规模足以让那些大品牌在加州销售这种新能源车。

    The idea is that 100 hydrogen stations will create enough critical mass for the big automakers to sell their cars in the region .

  11. 作为品牌推荐,这不是一个坏的组合:比亚迪在2015年为世界提供了11%的新能源车。

    As brand endorsements go , it 's not a bad mix : BYD supplied 11 % of the world 's new energy vehicles in 2015 .

  12. 新能源车是解决使用汽车与保护环境两者之间矛盾的有效方法。

    The concept of new energy that is used for family cars is proposed to solve the problem effectively between using cars and protecting the environment .

  13. 现阶段的新能源车主要指运用电力作为驱动能源的一类车辆,包括电动车和混合动力车。

    At the present stage , new energy vehicles refer to the use of electricity as driven energy . It includes electric cars and hybrid cars .

  14. 另一方面,现在汽油和柴油发动机的技术发展也很快,它们在燃油经济性和排放上与新能源车的差距缩减得也很快。

    On the other hand , now the development of petrol and diesel engine technology are so quickly , they are reduce the gap very quickly between the inexpensiveness and emission of fuel and new energy cars .

  15. 东日本铁路公司研发中心一直致力于开发一种新能源车,其目标是通过革新驱动系统,减少铁路动车运行时对环境的影响。

    The Research & Development Center of the JR East Group has been developing an NE Train ( New Energy Train ) with the goal of reducing the environmental impact of railcar operation by renovating the propulsion system .

  16. 由于能源危机,世界各国一方面更经济而有效地使用石油资源以及深化石油资源的利用率,另一方面积极拓展新能源和车用清洁代用燃料。

    Because of energy crisis on the world economy , each country is taking efforts to enhance the efficient use of petroleum resource , and exploring new energy and cleaner vehicle fuels .

  17. 面向未来汽车市场需求的新能源、新动力车在本届车展上也悉数登场。

    Facing the future automobile market demand of new energy , new cars in the auto also .

  18. 除了E6,东风风神S30、长安志翔等新能源轿车也在名单中,这表明国家在加大新能源车的推广力度。

    Aside from E6 , the Dongfeng Fengshen S30 , Chang'an Zhixiang and other new energy cars are also found in the catalogue , indicating that China has improved the promotion of new energy vehicles .

  19. 据上海市新能源汽车推进办主任刘建华介绍,目前上海是全球唯一新能源车上牌推广量超过10万辆的城市。

    Shanghai is the only city in the world currently that has more than 100000 registered NEVs , said Liu Jianhua , head of the city 's new energy vehicles promotion office .