
xīn yuē shènɡ jīnɡ
  • books of the new covenant
  1. 在希腊文新约圣经的原文中,几次用到eikon–例如,耶稣要一枚硬币,问上面有谁的肖像(eikon),然后对听众说,要把凯撒的归于凯撒.

    In the original Greek New Testament it isused several times - for instance when Jesus calls for a coin and asks whoseimage ( eikon ) is on it , then telling his hearers to render unto Caesar what isCaesar 's.

  2. 新约圣经中,地方群体是有会员制的。

    The New Testament assumes membership in a local congregation .

  3. 感谢神的恩典我们能够照新约圣经所说的信耶稣!

    Thank God we can believe Jesus according to what he said !

  4. 《新约圣经》甚至不到100字你们准备好了吗?

    The new testament in 100 words or less : you ready ?

  5. 我是说一部不到100字的新《新约圣经》

    I mean a new new testament in 100 words .

  6. 新约圣经需要经常为接踵而来的每一代重新加以解释。

    The New Testament needs constantly to be reinterpreted for each succeeding generaton .

  7. 旧约圣经的预言在新约圣经中部分实现了。

    What the Old Testament foretells the New Testament fulfils , in part .

  8. 新约圣经记载了保罗写的十四封书信。

    Paul wrote 14 letters in our New Testament .

  9. 在新约圣经中,人信主后便立刻接受洗礼。

    In the New Testament , people were baptized as soon as they believed .

  10. 新约圣经不断重申这里所提出的各项原则。

    The principles laid down in these verses are re-emphasised in the New Testament .

  11. 新约圣经的使徒书信;

    The Epistles of the New Testament ;

  12. 圣经考古有两个主要分支:旧约圣经考古和新约圣经考古。

    Biblical archeology has two main branches : Old Testament archeology and New Testament archeology .

  13. 新的《新约圣经》就是亵渎

    The new new testament is sacrilege .

  14. 之后在新约圣经中,它快速地增长

    and then it increases much more rapidly in the new books of the New Testament .

  15. 新约圣经的使徒书信;约翰的新书几时能出版?

    The Epistles of the New Testament ; When will John 's new book come out ?

  16. 新约圣经是上帝的基督所犯错误所做的记录,并会做可是。

    The New Testament is God 's infallible record of what Christ has done-and will yet do .

  17. 洗礼之后信仰的教训是新约圣经里的核心。

    The message of belief , followed by baptism , is at the heart of the New Testament .

  18. 耶稣的使徒;约翰的兄弟;在《新约圣经》中《詹姆士使徒书》的作者。

    Disciple of Jesus ; brother of John ; author of The Epistle of James in the New Testament .

  19. 其次,他编辑的希腊文《新约圣经》成为马丁·路德的《新约全书》、《旧约全书》的德文译本的主要参考资料。

    Secondly , New Testament that Erasmus edited in Greek was main reference of Martin Luther 's German edition .

  20. 直到许多年之后,我们现知的新约圣经才被完整地收集起来。

    It took many years before the New Testament as we know it was gathered and available as a whole .

  21. 新约圣经在不同的地方,都曾经指出基督再来的那刻会发生此事。

    It will all happen when Christ comes back again , we are told in several places in the New Testament .

  22. 属于或关于基督教派的,该派信仰圣经教义(尤指新约圣经中的四福音书之一)的毫无错误,信仰个人悔改的。

    Relating to or being a Christian Church believing in personal conversion and the inerrancy of the Bible especially the4 gospels .

  23. 这杯是新约圣经在我的血,这是大棚,为您提供减免的罪孽。

    This cup is the new testament in My blood , which is shed for you for the remission of sins .

  24. 在新约圣经里,有许多基督徒生活的教导,尤其是在家庭方面。

    In the New Testament God has given us so many instructions regarding living the Christian life , especially in our homes .

  25. 本科讲授初级希腊文文法,以培养学生阅读希腊原文新约圣经之能力。

    A study of elementary New Testament Greek grammar to prepare students to read the New Testament in its original Greek form .

  26. 有一个他的邻居送了他一本荷语跟英语的双语的新约圣经,他就很乐意接受过来想借着这个来学习英语。

    A neighbor gave him a Dutch English parallel bible which he received mostly with an eagerness to learn the English language .

  27. 这与新约圣经的教导互相呼应:没有任何一位信徒可以独善其身,信徒需要互相建立、彼此相交。

    There is no place in the New Testament for Christians who always want to be alone and not in fellowship with others .

  28. 除了神以外,可能没有人看见他们的工作。新约圣经教导我们,神看见我们在暗中行善,将来必公开地赏赐我们。

    The New Testament says that the Lord who sees in secret will reward us openly for the work we do for him .

  29. 认为以色列国是《新约圣经》启示的体现,主张美国应全力支持以色列。

    They believe that the peace could only be assured by marital artifice and Israel is the incarnate of " the New Testament " .

  30. 我将引用路加福音的话我相信我的拉比会原谅我出于正当原因对新约圣经的引用

    As the Gospel of Luke says and I am sure my rabbi will forgive me for quoting the New Testament in a good cause :