
  • 网络Staten;staten island
  1. 比如,在纽约马拉松赛上,参赛者在从起点斯塔滕岛(StatenIsland)经过韦拉札诺海峡大桥(Verrazano-NarrowsBridge)跑向布鲁克林时总喜欢在路边小便。

    For example , runners crossing the Verazzano-Narrows Bridge from Staten Island to Brooklyn , where the New York City Marathon begins , like to urinate off the side .

  2. 在大陪审团决定不起诉弗格森市和斯塔滕岛杀人案中的警察后,美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)呼吁展开全国性对话,以重建民众对地方警察力量的信任。

    In the wake of the decisions not to prosecute officers in the Ferguson and Staten Island killings , President Barack Obama has called for a national conversation to rebuild trust in local police forces .

  3. 7月17日,加纳因出售免税香烟在斯塔滕岛被捕。

    Garner was arrested on July 17th in Staten Island for selling untaxed cigarettes .

  4. 我去了斯塔滕岛。

    I went to staten island .

  5. 斯塔滕岛地区检察官正在调查此案,他会决定是否提起刑事起诉。

    The Staten Island District Attorney is investigating and will decide whether to bring criminal charges .

  6. 他找来了斯塔滕岛的辣椒,布鲁克林的芝麻菜甚至曼哈顿的蜜蜂酿的蜜。

    He finds peppers from Staten Island , arugula in Brooklyn , even honey made by Manhattan bees .

  7. 最初的土地生态分析方法是由麦克哈格提出并运用于纽约斯塔滕岛的土地利用规划中。

    The initial land ecological analysis methods introduced and applied by McHarg in the New York Staten Island land-use planning .

  8. 译文:华盛顿所率领的乌合之众要抗击的是当时全世界装备最精良,战斗力最强的军队。6月29日,45艘英国战舰向斯塔滕岛进发,浩浩荡荡向纽约逼近。

    TEXT : Washington 's ragtag troops are about to face he best-equipped and most powerful fighting force in the world.June 29th . 45 British warships mass off Staten Island .