- 网络Cultural preferences

Andy Jassy , senior vice-president of Amazon Web Services , said the decision was because of the " cultural preferences " of companies in the region .
The art market , that shrewd and volatile performance indicator of cultural preferences , has not been slow to cast its voracious eye over emerging nations .
Photos on resumes ( this is a cultural preference ).
China is not alone in these cultural predilections .
Low labour costs , lack of parking in big cities , and a cultural preference for being driven as a sign of status mean most car leases in China come with a driver .
And it is not just the baleful presence of a vast , assertive and highly flexible censorship apparatus that accounts for this evolution : the formative forces of . cn also include cultural preferences and social structures that are very different from those of the west .
The survey 's goal was to identify the lifestyles , attitudes and pop culture preferences of young people in major cities .
But if you are selling a pair of jeans , a watch or a car , this is going to be very important .
A phenomenon easy to be neglected is that the variation of outer forms of enterprises network is tightly related to the social institution conditions that it locates in and to the effect of informal institution embedded in social culture and moral value preference .
The charm of homemade movies is rooted in popular culture tastes and preferences , the type of movie themes and ideas expressed by the carrying value of universal .
Mate Preferences for Sexual Dimorphism in Height in China
The Decision Role of Cultural Factor to Sexual Hobby
The culture factor affects the preference for the entrepreneur 's utility and adjusts the incentive cost and means .
Those researches on consumer behaviour mainly included : hobby , usefulness , substitute effect , elasticity , income control , time control , etc.
They exchange the story in the forum predicted , feedback and other activities though the web , and build a common cultural space , the formation of the cultural habits and preferences , such as their class way of life .
Chinese culture tends to encourage negative use of language taboos , whereas English culture tends to prefer positive use of language taboos .