
  • 网络digital advertising
  1. Facebook的即时通讯和数字广告服务在全球范围扩张的同时,它遭遇的监管也在不断加强。

    The scrutiny is mounting as the company 's messaging and digital advertising services spread globally .

  2. 第二,Facebook为数字广告带来的转变,能否像谷歌(Google)在过去十年中做到的那样深刻?

    Second : can Facebook change digital advertising as profoundly as Google has done in the past decade ?

  3. 十年前,我受邀主持参加了《革命》(Revolution)杂志首届数字广告奖的评选团。

    Ten years ago , I accepted an invitation to chair the judging panel for Revolution magazine 's first ever digital advertising awards .

  4. 根据普华永道(PwC)的数据,数字广告支出在过去10年中翻了10倍。

    Digital advertising spending has grown 10-fold in the past decade , according to PwC data .

  5. 毫无意外,Google和Facebook仍然控制着绝大部分数字广告份额,两家公司2017年全球数字广告份额总和为49.2%。

    It 's no surprise that Google and Facebook still control the lion 's share of digital ad revenues , with a combined 49.2 % of the worldwide market in 2017 .

  6. WPP旗下的数字广告公司Akqa的董事长汤姆•贝德卡雷(TomBedecarré)表示,IE这个已经20岁的品牌早已过了保质期。

    Tom Bedecarre , chairman of Akqa , a digital advertising agency owned by WPP , said the 20-year-old brand was long past its sell-by date .

  7. 谷歌和Facebook两家占数字广告收入的五分之三——这样的市场能量让这些公司设定自己的税率、将竞争对手排除在外、并自行选择遵守什么规则。

    Google and Facebook together account for three-fifths of digital advertising revenues - allows the companies to set their own tax rates , to shut out competitors , and to choose what rules to apply .

  8. 互动通数字广告平台(hdtMEDIA)总裁邓广梼(MichaelTang)认为,侵入式的广告和手机移动网络普及的趋势是促进韩流现象迅速发展壮大的部分原因。

    Intrusive ads and a going-mobile trend have in part helped the Hallyu phenomenon to proliferate , said Michael Tang , president of hdtMEDIA , a digital advertising company .

  9. 随着Facebook在欧洲遭遇越来越多来自监管方面的障碍,这些严密审视可能会分散公司对提供包括网络即时通讯、在线出版和数字广告在内的一站式服务的注意力。

    And as Facebook runs into an increasing number of regulatory hurdles here , the scrutiny could potentially distract the company from its ambitions of becoming a one-stop shop for Internet messaging , online publishing and digital advertising .

  10. 《大西洋月刊》(TheAtlantic)最近撰文称,数字广告是“互联网的原罪”。因此,有少数内心崇高又雄心勃勃(可能也有点幼稚)的公司希望能摆脱这种默认的业务模式。

    The Atlantic recently called digital advertising " the Internet 's original sin . " And so , we have a handful of noble , ambitious , possibly naive attempts to repent by reeling back Web 's default business model .

  11. 科技巨擘腾讯、阿里巴巴和百度-通常被称为BAT公司-如果以品牌价值和全球数字广告收入份额为标准,这几家公司都算得上是全世界最有价值的品牌。

    Technology giants Tencent , Alibaba and Baidu - often referred to as the BAT companies - are typically ranked among the world 's most valuable based on metrics like brand value and share of worldwide digital ad revenues .

  12. WPP上半年50亿英镑的营收中,约30%来自亚太和拉美等快速增长中的市场,还有同样比例来自数字广告。

    WPP generated about 30 per cent of its £ 5bn of first-half revenue in fast-growing markets such as Asia-Pacific and Latin America , and the same from digital advertising .

  13. “以我在数字广告的经验来看,这是我们看到的自谷歌之后的最大增幅,”tbg首席执行官西蒙曼赛尔(simonmansell)表示。

    " In my experience of digital advertising this is the biggest growth that we have seen since Google , " said Simon Mansell , chief executive of TBG .

  14. 在数字广告领域,微软曾斥资63亿美元收购aQuantive,然后在2012年将其减记了62亿美元。

    In digital advertising , the $ 6.3bn purchase of aQuantive was followed by a $ 6.2bn writedown in 2012 .

  15. 据eMarketer的乐观估计,2016年数字广告方面的支出将占到中国整体广告支出近三分之一,这意味着近60%的增长。

    By eMarketer 's bullish estimates , digital ad spending in 2016 could account for nearly one-third of the China total , implying nearly 60 per cent growth .

  16. 这种高科技小轮摩托配备了由荷兰tomtom公司生产的导航和追踪系统以及一台镶嵌在仪表盘上的三星智能手机和一块装在后方的可以登数字广告的数码写字板。

    The scooters are high-tech , kitted out with navigation and tracking systems by the Dutch firm TomTom and a Samsung smartphone which is locked into the dash and a tablet on the back , which is used for digital advertising .

  17. 经过短短三年的疯狂扩张、产品开发和资金筹集,两兄弟的公司i-level已经在上海的出租车上安装了4000个数字广告显示屏,并已签下合同,将在北京的出租车上再安装4000个。

    After just three years of feverish expansion , product development and money-raising , the brothers ' company , i-level , has 4,000 digital advertising screens installed in taxis around Shanghai and has contracts to put another 4,000 into the Beijing taxi armada .

  18. 直到现在,数字广告公司才在大客户的账单上占据了主导地位。

    Only now are digital agencies taking the lead on large client accounts .

  19. 一个是广告牌,传统的广告牌或数字广告牌都可以。

    One is the billboard , both the traditional kind and the digital ones .

  20. 这至关重要,因为数字广告正迅速成为广告业最大收入来源。

    This matters because digital is fast becoming advertising 's biggest source of revenue .

  21. 当被问及在出租车数字广告屏市场上谁将收购谁的时候,宋仡文只是一笑置之。

    Ian Sullivan just smiled when asked who will acquire who in the digital taxi screen business .

  22. 没人喜欢数字广告,但为人们喜欢下载的那些免费软件买单的却是数字广告。

    EVERYONE hates digital ads. Yet the ads pay for the free apps that people love to download .

  23. 可口可乐和宝洁说,它们仍在央视上投放广告,但正在加大投放数字广告的力度。

    Coca-Cola and Procter Gamble say they are still advertising on the network but are revving up digital pushes .

  24. 在中国,企业明年在数字广告上的资金投入,预计会超过电视广告。

    Next year companies are expected to spend more money on digital advertising than on television campaigns in China .

  25. 才能更好的使用新媒体数字广告这一推广模式宣传自己的品牌。

    Only by satisfy the clients ' needs can a brand use new digital advertisement model to make promotion .

  26. 经过四年大学她谋得了数字广告公司初级主管的一个职位。

    After four years at the university she landed a position as a junior executive at a digital advertising firm .

  27. 经常有人问我们,可口可乐的电视广告投资是否在减少,社交/数字广告投资是否在增长。

    Too often , we get asked if our TV investment is declining and our social / digital investment growing .

  28. 一位行业专家提出,数字广告正在越来越多地利用社会网络论坛作为找寻消费者的一种方法。

    Digital advertisers are increasingly using social networking forums as a means of targeting consumers , an industry expert has suggested .

  29. 正如苏铭天指出,其一半的业务(新兴市场和数字广告)10年前根本不存在。

    As Sir Martin points out , half its business – emerging markets , digital – did not exist a decade ago .

  30. 事实上,eMarketer2017年根据数字广告净收入占比预估的全球顶级公司也证实了这一现象。

    In fact , eMarketer 's 2017 estimates of the top companies worldwide ranked by net digital ad revenue share bears this out .