
  • 网络digital transformation
  1. Google图书馆为传统图书馆数字化转型提供了平台。

    Google library for the digital transformation of traditional libraries provide a platform .

  2. 信息技术早已渗入企业的业务流程,但这次却有所不同:推动这场数字化转型的应用、数据和应用程序接口(API)不仅仅是让企业提高运营效率而已,它们正在成为企业密不可分的一部分。

    Information technology has been working its way into business processes for decades , but this is different : the apps , data and APIs that are driving this digital transformation are not just enabling business ; they are becoming its very fabric .

  3. 我们正在与几家致力于数字化转型的传媒公司合作,巴拉特•阿南德说。去年9月份,他被任命为哈佛在线平台HBX的首席教授。

    We are piggybacking on media companies that have tried to make the digital transition , says Bharat Anand , who was named faculty chair of HBX , Harvard 's online platform , last September .

  4. 当年Netflix公司刚刚起步时,我觉得他们简直是疯了;此外,我还认为教科书租赁网站Chegg也只是一项中期创新(但是现在看来,他们在数字化转型的道路上走得都很成功)。

    I thought Netflix was crazy when it started , and I also think chegg is a intermediate innovation as well ( but they seem to be transitioning to digital pretty well ) .

  5. 在图书业数字化转型加速的同时,传统书店也走向了穷途末路。

    The drift to digits will speed up as bookshops close .

  6. 沈阳师范大学学报数字化转型项目管理研究

    Research on the Project Management to the Digitized Transition of Shenyang Normal University Journal

  7. 历经长达十年的冲突之后,叙利亚正试图东山再起,恢复国家的数字化转型。

    After a decade of conflicts , Syria is trying to and resume the country 's digital transformation .

  8. 近年来,传统出版社对数字出版的认识日渐加深,开始重视自身的数字化转型。

    Traditional publishing house have increasingly deepened their understanding toward digital publication , starting to emphasize on their own digital transformation .

  9. 我们力图证明,报业的数字化转型是其品牌持久发展的必然趋势。本文所做的只是对报纸媒体转型的建设性探讨,对于是否能真正实施和推行,这是进一步的研究要做的。

    We tried to prove that the digital transformation of the newspaper is the inevitable trend of the brand to maintain vitality .

  10. 美国的大型出版集团已经基本完成数字化转型,并且形成了一些成熟的商业模式。

    In America , some large publishing groups have been basically completed the digital transition , and formed some mature business models .

  11. 特别是传统出版的一些优势资源如教育出版由于终端的限制,还难以大规模实现向数字化转型。

    Due to the limitation of terminal devices , traditionally advantaged resources , such as textbooks are experiencing difficulties in transiting to digital forms .

  12. 商务部发言人高峰表示,网络零售加快了市场的数字化转型,促进了新的商业形式和模式,为数字经济注入了动力。

    Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Gao Feng says online retail has accelerated the digital transformation of the market , boosted new business forms and models , and momentum the digital economy .

  13. 我国的数字出版产业发展也十分迅猛,但是由于市场上缺乏一个真正有说服力且利于整体出版产业长期稳定发展的商业模式,传统出版单位的数字化转型进程缓慢。

    Because of lacking a truly persuasive business model , which is good for the overall development of the publishing industry keeping long-term stability , traditional publishers ' digital transition process is slow .

  14. 媒介融合所涉及的范围非常广泛,由于能力和时间有限,本文仅以都市报为例,研究分析其怎样实现向数字化转型,并最终实现与网络媒体的融合。

    Due to capacity and time limits , this essay simply chooses metropolitan paper as its research objective , analyzing their process of digital transformation and their eventual integration with the network media .

  15. 虽然不少传统媒体依然缺乏方向(依然搞不清如何将那个被称为互联网的东西变成一个可持续的商业模式),被戏称为“灰色女士”的《纽约时报》已经较好地完成了数字化转型。

    Yet while much of old media remains adrift ( and still trying to figure out how to turn that thing called the Internet into a sustainable business model ) , The Gray Lady has managed its digital transformation relatively well .

  16. 他表示,华为将继续发挥积极作用,推动沙特信息通信技术行业发展,并与当地合作伙伴共同发展,建立更加深入的信息通信技术人才生态,促进行业数字化转型。

    He said Huawei will continue to play an active role in driving the development of the kingdom 's ICT sector and collaborate with local partners to build a deeper pool of ICT talent empowered to enable the industry 's digital transformation .

  17. 南非通信与邮电部部长奎莱表示:“双方合作协议的签署,是加快实现南非数字化转型、消除南非数字鸿沟的新起点。通过这种政府和私企的合作,我们期待一个连接更畅通的南非。”

    The Minister of the DTPS , Dr. SiyabongaCwele says " The Cooperation Contract signed between us is a start of bigger things to happen in the industry , and it is through such partnerships between the public and private sectors that we can achieve a better connected South Africa . "

  18. 我们试着帮助他们成功把握向数字化商业转型的过程。

    We are trying to help them successfully navigate the transition to digital commerce .

  19. 随着计算机和数据库技术的迅猛发展,传统的图书馆正在向数字化图书馆转型。

    Along with the rapid development of computer and database technology , traditional library is reforming to digitized library .

  20. 推进高校图书馆向数字化图书馆转型,进一步实现现代化管理和计算机及信息技术在数字图书馆中的应用十分重要。

    To promote the transition to digital library and accomplish modernization management . computer and IT are of great importance .

  21. 世界的矿产开发正经历从粗放型到精细型的数字化开发的转型,越来越多的矿山企业通过内部经济技术指标与生产经营策略的优化来获得市场竞争的持久优势。

    The world mineral development is undergoing a transition from extensive form to fine digital form , more and more mine production enterprises are gaining a lasting competitive advantage through internal production technical indicator optimization .

  22. 华为是全球领先的信息和通信技术基础设施和智能设备供应商,在推动沙特政府的数字化目标、国家转型计划和2030愿景方面发挥了重要作用,因此获得了“哈立德国王责任竞争力奖”表彰。

    The King Khalid Responsible Competitiveness Award recognized Huawei , a leading global provider of information and communications technology ( ICT ) infrastructure and smart devices , for its transformative impact in driving forward the kingdom 's ICT sector in line with Saudi government 's digitization goals , National Transformation Program and Vision 2030 .

  23. 在数字化横行的时代,数字化转型迫切成为了各大报纸品牌面临的一个重要议题,要采用怎样的战略措施才能让自身继续保持不会消亡的状态从而成功转型?这是本文力图研究的问题。

    In the digital era , digital transformation is become an urgency issue of newspapers facing to , what strategies and measures could making themselves successful maintain their own state thus will not die ? This is what this paper intends to research .

  24. 在数字化大潮中,文化综合类期刊积极进行数字化转型,必然会开拓新的市场、促进期刊行业的持久繁荣。

    In the digital tide , the digital transition of Cultural Comprehensive Journals will certainly open up new markets and promote lasting prosperity of the industry journal .

  25. 传统出版产业作为重要的内容提供者,在数字化的冲击下,必须加快传统出版产业的数字化转型,才能在市场竞争中立于不败之地。

    Traditional publishing industry , as important content providers , is now under the impact of the digital . Only by speeding up its digital transformation , can traditional publishing industry be in an impregnable position in the market competition .