
  • 网络Dunkirk;Dunkerque
  1. 敦刻尔克人造奶油工厂,法国

    Margarine Factory in Dunkerque , France

  2. 然而在那个时候,德军已经到达索姆河,并继续向敦刻尔克挺进了。

    By that time , however , the German forces were at the Somme and closing on Dunkerque .

  3. 哈卷的好哥们——NickGrimshaw,曾经在《敦刻尔克》中饰演角色。在与另一位明星谈话时,不小心说出来这个秘密。

    Dunkirk star Harry 's close friend Nick Grimshaw nearly laid bare the secret during an interview with the star .

  4. 大多数船都是划艇,或者级别稍高一点,包括1940年参与营救被围困在敦刻尔克(Dunkirk)的英军官兵的一些小船。

    Most of the vessels were rowing boats , or one step up , including some of the small craft that took part in the rescue of beleaguered forces from Dunkirk in 1940 .

  5. 我们得先去敦刻尔克

    We have to go to Dunkirk first .

  6. 敦刻尔克太远了为什么不能在加来上船

    Dunkirk 's so far . Why can 't they just load at Calais ?

  7. 保持高度152米节省燃料以在敦刻尔克战斗40分钟

    Stay down at 500 feet to leave fuel for 40-minute fighting time over Dunkirk .

  8. 贺拉斯是在1940年英国敦刻尔克撤退时被希特勒的部队抓获的。

    Horace was captured by Hitlers forces during the British retreat to Dunkirk in 1940 .

  9. 他们在敦刻尔克遇害。

    They bought it at Dunkirk .

  10. 我去年夏天看了《敦刻尔克大撤退》,很开心看到克里斯托弗·诺兰执导的另一部影片。

    I watched Dunkirk last summer , and was glad to see another film by Christopher Nolan .

  11. 支持:《敦刻尔克》讲述了一场重要的历史事件,深受观众和影评人喜爱。

    For : Well-received by both audiences and critics , it tells a crucial slice of history .

  12. 第二次世界大战时期,我叔叔正在敦刻尔克,他说那时处境的确非常困难。

    During World War II my uncle was at Dunkirk and he says it was certainly no picnic .

  13. 关于英国和法国军队从敦刻尔克撤退,已有翔实而完善的记载。

    Accurate and excellent accounts have been written of the evacuation of the British and French armies from Dunkirk .

  14. 高炉被关闭后,钢厚板由公司位于敦刻尔克的海边钢厂运到内陆来。

    With the blast furnaces shut , steel slabs are shipped inland from the company 's coastal furnaces at Dunkirk .

  15. 京晶:可他没有得到最佳导演奖,《敦刻尔克》因为技术运用获得了差不多三个其他奖项。

    He didn 't win Best Director , though . Dunkirk got three or so other awards , for technical stuff .

  16. 本文重点探讨了敦刻尔克条约的缘起及相应时期英国外交政策变化状况并尝试对敦刻尔克条约的战略意图做出评估。

    This thesis discusses the origins of the Treaty of Dunkirk and the changing conditions of British foreign policy in this period .

  17. 敦刻尔克条约签定以后,形势很快发生了变化:1947年初的经济危机的严重影响使本来就十分虚弱的英国经济雪上加霜;

    But situations changed soon : The economic crisis of early months in 1947 made the weak economy of Britain even worse ;

  18. 其他最佳剧情片的提名影片还包括《请以你的名字呼唤我》,这是另外一部青春片;以及二战惊悚片《敦刻尔克》。

    The other best motion picture drama nominees are Call Me By Your Name which is another coming-of-age tale , World War II thriller Dunkirk .

  19. 但是,哈卷都可以在克里斯托弗?诺兰的新电影《敦刻尔克》中扮演军人,我们还能说什么呢?

    But , hey , Harry Styles plays a soldier in Christopher Nolan 's new war movie " Dunkirk , " so who are we to judge ?

  20. 与此同时,东部沿海沿江地带的工业为了发展战时生产、支持抗战,也纷纷迁往大后方,这一事件被称为中国实业界的敦刻尔克。

    Meanwhile , the eastern coastal region industry also moved to inland , not because to expand the wartime production , but also to support the Anti-Japanese War .

  21. 继《黑暗骑士》三部曲、《盗梦空间》和《星际穿越》之后,克里斯托弗?诺兰执导了《敦刻尔克》,该片似乎是迄今为止最宏大的历史战争题材电影之一。

    Director Christopher Nolan follows up the Dark Knight trilogy , Inception and Interstellar with what 's set to be one of the most ambitious historical war movies yet .

  22. 但是那样做与把所有工作都集中于沿海地区相比低效,比如在敦刻尔克,一端输入铁矿石,另一端产出精炼钢。

    But that in turn is less efficient than doing everything at integrated coastal sites , such as Dunkirk , which import ore at one end and roll out finished steel at the other .

  23. 比如,英国下任首相可以诉诸于英国选民的敦刻尔克精神,要求他们共同分担一场新财政战争带来的痛苦吗?

    Could the next British prime minister , for example , appeal to the Dunkirk spirit of UK voters and ask them all to embrace shared pain in the face of a new fiscal war ?

  24. 革命战争年代,儿童团员、共青团员创造了可歌可泣的英雄业绩。在敦刻尔克之役可歌可泣的历史中,它将年复一年地傲然前进。

    During the years of revolutionary wars , members of the Children 's Corps and the Communist Youth League performed stirring deeds of heroism . She 'll go sailing proudly down the years in the epic of Dunkirk .

  25. 法国的路易十六,为什么要自掏腰包到敦刻尔克去置办一些捕鲸船,还到我们南塔开特来礼邀几十份人家到敦刻尔克去?

    Why did Louis XVI of France , at his own personal expense , fit out whaling ships from Dunkirk , and politely invite to that town some score or two of families from our own island of Nantucket ?

  26. 英国在敦刻尔克撤退后,丘吉尔便担心法国的舰队会落入德军手里,可想而知,法德联合舰队对于英国皇家舰队而言是多大的威胁,于是他认为必须要解决这个风险。

    After the British evacuation at Dunkirk , Churchill was worried that the French Fleet would fall into German hands . A joint French-German Fleet would be a serious threat to the Royal Navy , and Churchill thought the risk should be dealt with .

  27. 1940年,30多万受困盟军士兵从敦刻尔克海滩撤退,诺兰重现了这一历史事件,他告诉《完全电影》杂志说,“这是一部大制作”,但“与其说它是战争片,不如说这是一个关于生存的故事”。

    Nolan has re-enacted the 1940 evacuation of more than 300000 stranded Allied troops from the beaches of Dunkirk , telling Total Film " it 's on a colossal scale , " but " it 's a survival story more than a war film . "