
zhuàn ɡǎo rén
  • writer;contributor;author;drafter
  1. 消息灵通的前编辑和撰稿人TinaBrown声称,6月3日或4日的时候,皇室会宣布婚礼的消息,可能会在11月份举行。

    According to well-connected former editor and author Tina Brown , aides plan to announce on either June 3 or 4 that a wedding will take place in November .

  2. 研究论文主要撰稿人JakkeTamminen称:“如果你能将新增记忆和自己已有的知识储备联系起来,新增记忆才算真正有用。”他还说他们的研究证实了人们在睡觉时大脑组织新记忆并将其与已有知识联系起来。

    Lead author Jakke Tamminen , said : " New memories are only really useful if you can connect them to information you already know . " he said their study identifies the brain activity during sleep that organizes new memories and makes those vital connections with existing knowledge .

  3. 所有撰稿人的姓名均刊登在扉页上。

    All the contributors are credited on the title page .

  4. 每盘磁带的撰稿人都是其研究领域的专家。

    Each of the authors of the tapes is an expert in his field .

  5. 所有的撰稿人都是非裔人士。

    All the contributors were of African descent .

  6. 我这位朋友是个电台撰稿人。

    My friend here writes for radio

  7. 作为一个电视撰稿人和记者,他一直很活跃。

    He has been active as a television writer and journalist .

  8. 四年前,乔尔克林放弃了杂志编辑的工作,成为了一名广告自由撰稿人,但现在他遇到了经济困难。

    Four years ago , Joel Kline gave up his job as a magazine editor to become afreelance copywriter for advertisements , but now he had money trouble .

  9. 当时我住在维也纳,是《科学》杂志(science)的一名撰稿人。

    I was living in Vienna and working as a contributor to science magazine at the time .

  10. 玛格丽特惠勒约翰逊是一名自由撰稿人、纽约大学(newyorkuniversity)文化报告与批评专业研究生。

    Margaret Wheeler Johnson is a freelance writer and graduate student in cultural reporting and criticism at New York University .

  11. 奈赫特曾经担任过《华尔街时报》(theWallStreetJournal)的撰稿人。

    Knecht is a former writer for the Wall Street Journal , and it shows .

  12. 他还是《IBM系统杂志(开放系统版)》的撰稿人和技术编辑。

    He is also a writer and technical editor for IBM Systems Magazine , Open Edition .

  13. 拜恩先生是最见多识广的商业作家之一,担任商业周刊的长期撰稿人和快速公司(FastCompany)的主编。

    Mr Byrne is one of the most knowledgeable business writers around - a long-term writer for Business Week and the editor-in-chief of Fast Company .

  14. 公共关系(PR)撰稿人。

    Tom , the public relations ( PR ) writer .

  15. Tim是我们最受欢迎的撰稿人之一,并且是一位多产撰稿人。

    Tim is one of our most popular and prolific authors .

  16. Brian很快就成了Java专区的定期撰稿人,他的Javatheoryandpractice系列(查看Java理论与实践系列的中文版)非常受欢迎,持续发表了5年多时间。

    Brian soon became a regular fixture on the Java zone with his popular series Java theory and practice , which ran continuously for more than five years .

  17. 他们将负责出版由SCI所收录的自由撰稿人的论文。

    They will be responsible for publishing the papers by free participations in journals indexed by SCI .

  18. 《财富》杂志(Fortune)撰稿人戴维•卡普兰最近对哈里斯进行了专访,他们讨论的话题是,倾听是否比动手学习更加重要。

    Fortune contributor David A. Kaplan recently spoke to Harris about how listening to others can be more important than hands-on learning .

  19. ABC新闻的尼克和作者,前摇滚乐撰稿人兰德尔·沙利文坐下来聊一聊这本书,让我们看一看。

    ABC 's Nick sat down with the author , former rolling song contributor , Randall Sullivan , take a look .

  20. 撰稿人之一、哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)教授本杰明•弗里德曼(BenjaminFriedman)最近重新提到了凯恩斯预测错的那个问题,并提出了一个发人深省的答案。

    One contributor , Benjamin Friedman of Harvard University , has recently revisited the question of what Keynes got wrong , and produced a thought-provoking answer .

  21. 他是数据库应用程序的作者,也是大量报纸、杂志和在线文章的撰稿人,他的研究兴趣包括Linux®上的开源编程以及语音控制应用程序。

    The author of database applications and numerous newspaper , magazine , and online articles , his research interests include open source programming , VoIP , and voice-control applications on Linux .

  22. Scott是比较新的dW撰稿人,他带来了新的想法&至少是在Java技术专区的统计数据方面。

    As a relatively new contributor to dW , Scott has skyrocketed to stardom & at least with regard to the Java technology zone statistics .

  23. 莎拉·莫瑞是“金融时报”的撰稿人。在她的新书“MakinganExit”中,她讲述了自己周游世界发现不同文化下人们如何执行丧仪纪念死者。

    In her new book " Making an Exit ", Sarah Murray , a contributor to the Financial Times , travels the globe to discover how different cultures conduct funeral rites and honour the dead .

  24. 根据这些邮件披露,林顿先生曾在去年秋季时,对《纽约客》(NewYorker)的撰稿人马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(MalcolmGladwell)谈到了自己想要入主纽约大学的愿望。

    According to the emails , Mr. Lynton discussed his desire for the job last fall with the New Yorker writer Malcolm Gladwell .

  25. 詹姆斯•艾伦•菲戈是美国本地服务点评网站Angie’sList的撰稿人兼摄影师。对他而言,摄影就是一场不断取得惊喜的练习。

    James Alan Figy , the staff writer and photographer at Angie 's List in the US sees shooting film as an exercise in surprising oneself .

  26. 《人车志》杂志(CarandDriver)撰稿人恰巴o西尔给这款新车型打了很高的“视觉创意”分数,指出“这款MINI骨子里是一台宝马。”

    Writing for Car and Driver , Csaba Csere gave the new model high marks for " visual creativity , " noting that " this MINI is essentially a BMW under its skin . "

  27. 本文作者ChrisLee曾任《娱乐周刊》、《洛杉矶时报》、《新闻周刊》和《野兽日报》等媒体的特约撰稿人,主要报道洛杉矶地区与娱乐、文化和商业有关的话题。

    Chris Lee is a former staff writer forEntertainment Weekly , The Los Angeles Times , NewsweekandThe Daily Beast . He covers entertainment , culture and business in Los Angeles .

  28. 去年初,本刊撰稿人JP•曼加林丹注意到,Workday已经迫使甲骨文和SAP等大公司开始采取防守策略。

    By early last year , as JP mangalindan noted at the time , workday had Oracle , sap and other giants on the defensive .

  29. AIDA是世界上每个文案撰稿人都熟知的经典的文案公式,然而我却觉得它没什么用。

    Its the classic copywriting formula , studied and used by almost every copywriter on the planet .

  30. 自由撰稿人Susan(化名)打算和朋友一起去看电影、唱歌,甚至准备在家办个照片展。

    Susan ( not her real name ), a freelancer , plans to invite her friends to see movies , sing karaoke together or even host a photo exhibition in her apartment .