
zhāi lù
  • extract;excerpt;make extracts;take passages
摘录 [zhāi lù]
  • [take passages; extract] 选择需要的部分记下来

  • 从那本书中摘录了几个有趣的故事

摘录[zhāi lù]
  1. 看看这段从有关航空公司乘务人员工作的信息手册中摘录的文字。

    Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew .

  2. 语言教师常从语法书里摘录例子。

    Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books .

  3. 自从看到日记摘录,我就一直非常沮丧。

    Ever since I saw the diary excerpts I 've been cast down .

  4. 作者从这个妙趣横生的故事的每一个精心构思的情节中都摘录了尽可能多的内容。

    The author extracts the maximum from every carefully-crafted scene in this witty tale .

  5. 为了便于参照,仅摘录相关规则。

    For ease of reference , only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included .

  6. 这是一部小说的摘录。

    This is excerpts from a novel .

  7. 初级律师寄出一份契据的摘录本。

    The solicitor sent an extract of the deeds .

  8. 各学院从古代手稿里作了辛勤的摘录、总结和评注工作

    The schools produced diligent excerpting from older manuscripts , summarizing , and commentaries .

  9. 在这个XMLbyExample第二版的摘录中,您学习了如何读取XML文档。

    In this excerpt from the second edition of XML by Example , you learned how to read XML documents .

  10. 在不违反第(1)款(c)项的前提下,提供任何商业登记簿的证明或摘录;

    Subject to paragraph ( 1 )( c ), the furnishing of any certificate of , or extract from , a register of commerce ;

  11. 与Web箱一样,Web服务箱在页面空白处显示摘录信息;但是,Web服务箱可以从其他站点获得其内容。

    Like Web boxes , Web Service boxes display excerpted information in the margins of a page ; however , Web Service boxes can obtain their content from other sites .

  12. 标题为“制造商证书和零件证书”的cd包含有欧盟型号认证体系的相关摘录。

    The CD entitled " manufacturer 's certificates and parts certificates " includes a relevant excerpt from the EU type approval system .

  13. ec型号认证的相关摘录包括在“制造商认证和零件认证”cd中。

    The corresponding excerpt from the EC type approval is included in the cd " manufacturer 's certificates and parts certificates " .

  14. Google称对于那些受到版权保护书籍他们只会发布一些简短的摘录,除非得到明确的许可否则他们不会发布更多的信息。

    Google has said that it will only publish short extracts from material under copyright unless given express permission to publish more , but publishers are unconvinced .

  15. 雅丽氏Q10已特别制订的与自然摘录辅酶Q10。

    Alice Q10 has been specially formulated with natural extracts of Coenzyme Q10 .

  16. 一些问题和可能的解决方案列举如下:(摘录自今年2月的ACM通信大会)

    Some problems and potential solutions : ( excerpted from Communications of the ACM , Feb.2010 )

  17. 该解决方案摘录还描述了其它几个有用的JDT扩展,它们包含在TheJavaDeveloper'sGuidetoEclipse所附带的光盘中。

    The solution excerpt also describes several other useful extensions to the JDT that are included on the CD-ROM accompanying The Java Developer 's Guide to Eclipse .

  18. 我们将使用LDAP数据的摘录并创建自己的自由格式的搜索引擎以查找我们所需的确切信息。

    We will use an extract of the LDAP data and create our own free-form search engine for finding exactly the information we want .

  19. (xi)中国接收和传送作者稿费中心关于新闻媒体摘录已出版作品时接收和传送稿费的指示

    ( xi ) Direction of the Chinese Center of Receiving and Transmitting Author 's Remuneration concerning Receiving and Transmitting Remuneration About the Press Extract the Published Works

  20. 前美国国家安全局(NationalSecurityAgency)官员托马斯·帕朗蒂(ThomasParenty)目前经营着一家安全咨询公司,对于如何在中国确保设备和个人信息的安全,他提出了一些建议,摘录如下。

    Thomas Parenty , a former National Security Agency official who runs a security consulting firm , offered his views on how to ensure that devices and personal information stay safe in China . Here are excerpts .

  21. 清单6展示了一个CDA文档的摘录,其中加入了病人的地址信息。

    Listing 6 illustrates an excerpt from a CDA document , which was augmented with address information of the patient .

  22. 近10年SCI和EI摘录湖南省主要高校和研究院所科技论文的统计分析

    A Statistics of Research Papers Cited by SCI and EI from the Key Universities and Research Institutes in Hunan Province in the Recent Ten Years

  23. 要将这段摘录格式化为两边缩进的段,可使用以下XSL-FO标记

    To format this excerpt as a paragraph indented on both sides , use this XSL-FO markup

  24. 亲爱的Avis,附录是从我们的烹饪书里酱汁那一章中摘录的一部分

    Dear Avis , enclosed is part of our cookbook from the chapter on sauces .

  25. FDA管理药品注册和备案系统的药品代码数据库并在药品代码目录中发布摘录信息。

    FDA maintains the repository of NDC numbers in its Drug Registration and Listing System ( DRLS ) and publishes an extract of this information in its NDC Directory .

  26. 下面是NSD文件的示例摘录,其中的一个服务器进程涉及到崩溃

    The following is a sample excerpt from an NSD file where a server process is involved in a crash

  27. 下面是OnBar活动日志的摘录,展示了顺序恢复与并行恢复之间的不同之处

    The difference between a sequential and a parallel restore is shown by the following excerpts from the OnBar activity log

  28. 让我们来看下面的摘录,它取自用于上述简单Customer-Address示例的DD。

    Let 's look at the following excerpt from a DD for our simple Customer-Address example described above .

  29. 为了写一篇关于后现代主义和音乐的论文,他浏览了路易斯安那大学(UniversityofLouisiana)一位爵士乐教授的一本书的书评,以及由石溪大学(StonyBrookUniversity)两名音乐教授所著书籍的摘录。

    For an essay on postmodernism and music , he browsed the review of a book by a University of Louisiana jazz professor and an excerpt from a book by two music professors at Stony Brook University .

  30. 民用建筑电气设计规范(JGJ/T1692)摘录(一)11电气照明

    Civil Architectural Electrical Design Code ( JGJ / T16-92 ) Electric Lighting