- 网络Transportation;Handling Analysis;Carrying Analysis;SHA;Carry Analysis
Reliability Analysis and Evaluation of Material Handling System in Logistics Center
Influence of Ammunition Package upon Ammunition Handling
The analyzed results of the provenances and transport processes of aeolian deposits reveal that the sand-dust sources are various , and the dust transport paths , types and spatial distribution vary with the time .
By analysing the process of military material handling system , a simulation model of the military material handing process was built in Extend simulation software .
Analysis on Equipment Disposition for Military Materials Handling System
Biomechanical Analysis and Ergonomical Evaluation of Mail Sack Lifting
The essential elements of handling system are analysed and the basic model of logistics handling system is given out . The article analyses the equipment disposition of military material unitization and container handling and looks forward to the development of military material handling system .
This paper makes an analysis on the in - whole and in - part portage of hydraulic support , In which is showed that in whole portage can make the adjacent mining face portage technology simplified , the portage period shorten and the cost reduced .