
  1. 他立即借来了五六只好猫,关了门窗捕捉,还专门雇人搬砖移瓦,用水灌洞,四面围剿。

    He immediately borrowed five to six good cats , closed the doors and windows , and let them catch the rats . He also engaged men to move bricks and tiles , fill up the holes with water so as to close in on the rats on all sides .

  2. 整个社区曾被迫进行搬砖或被迫在采石场工作。

    There are whole communities that are forced to work on brick or forced to work in stone quarries .

  3. 我们知道屌丝的主要工作是搬砖,但事实好像并非如此

    We 've heard that the diaosi 's main profession is moving bricks , but this doesn 't seem to be the real situation

  4. 三年前,他还在以搬砖为生的时候,他的车看起来就像小孩子的玩具。

    Three years ago , when he was lifting bricks in lieu of picking up acting work , his ride was more a health hazard than a boy 's toy .

  5. 现阶段我国搬砖车控制还处于全手动操作模式,驾驶员手动控制搬砖车的各个手臂动作实现拢砖、抱砖和码垛等操作。

    At present , the brick-carrying car is still in direct manual control mode in China , the driver of the car manual control each arm to sum up bricks , raise up bricks or stack bricks .