
huī fā xìnɡ rónɡ jì
  • volatile solvent
  1. 另外,该胶粘剂不含挥发性溶剂,具有无污染、“绿色”等环保特性。

    In addition , the adhesive has the characters of no volatile solvent and no pollution .

  2. 挥发性溶剂可蒸发进入膜的孔隙并在另一侧凝析出来。

    The volatile solvent may vaporize into the pores of the membrane and condense out on the other side .

  3. 超临界CO2为溶剂型丙烯酸涂料快挥发性溶剂喷涂的初步研究

    Elementary Study on Solvent Based Acrylic Acid Coating Spraying Using Supercritical CO_2 as Quick Volatile Solvent

  4. 用于多气泡物料和易挥发性溶剂较多的工艺中。

    It is applicable for production with multi bubble materials or volatile solvents .

  5. 色漆,清漆,喷漆及相关产品用挥发性溶剂中不挥发物质的试验方法。

    Standard Test Method for Nonvolatile Matter in Volatile Solvents for Use in Paint , Varnish , Lacquer , and Related Products .

  6. 人体呼吸的空气被涂装过程粉尘、漆雾和挥发性溶剂的污染直接危及人体健康。

    Air polluted by the powder dust , paint mist and volatile solvent in the coating process will harm to health of people who breathe with the air .

  7. 无火香薰挥发精油的挥发介质是挥发性溶剂,它的主要作用是帮助香味散发,但又要保证挥发使用时间足够稳定,才会使产品的性价比更高(香味持久稳定)。

    There is a slowly evaporating solvent in Aroma Reed Diffuser Oil that helps scent to disperse into the air at a very slow rate making for a long lasting scent .

  8. 离子液体不仅是有毒挥发性溶剂的理想替代品,而且在加快反应速率、提高产率和产物选择性方面也大有作为,因此在工程技术、有机合成、材料科学等领域获得广泛应用。

    IL is not only toxic volatile solvent ideal alternative , but also contributes much in speeding up the reaction rate , increasing the yield and product selectivity . Therefore IL is widely used in engineering technology , organic synthesis , material science and other fields .

  9. 结论平板法的抗菌剂用量大,适于测最小抑菌浓度,牛津杯法适于抗菌剂的量较少时的抑菌试验,熏蒸法适于挥发性溶剂提取抑菌物质的抑菌试验。

    CONCLUSION Plating method needs more antimicrobial agent , it is suitable for detecting Minimal Inhibitory Concentration , the Oxford Cup method is suitable for using less antimicrobial agent in antimicrobial test , the fumigation method is suitable for testing antimicrobial activity using the antimicrobial agent extracted by volatile solvent .

  10. 对于高沸点液体样品,将样品用挥发性有机溶剂稀释,采用浸渍法制样,即把空白KBr压片在稀释后的溶液中浸渍后挥发掉有机溶剂制样;

    For high boiling point liquid sample , dipping a blank KBr pellet is used ;

  11. 以水做溶剂,避免使用有毒的挥发性有机溶剂(VOC),30%的双氧水做氧化剂,用做醇类的绿色氧化反应。

    To avoid toxic volatile organic solvent ( VOC ), we use water as the only solvent , and30 % H2O2as oxidant for oxidation of alcohols .

  12. 为了避免挥发性有机溶剂造成环境污染,研究了无溶剂条件下的Knoevenagel缩合反应。

    The Knoevenagel condensation under solvent-free conditions was studied in order to develop an environmentally benign process for the preparation of compounds containing double bonds .

  13. 化妆品中有毒挥发性有机溶剂标准检验方法的验证研究

    Study on standard method for detection of toxic volatile organic solvents in cosmetics

  14. 油墨色彩鲜艳,不含挥发性有机溶剂,无刺激性气味,环保,安全,无毒。

    This bright-colored ink does not contain volatile organic solvents and has no irritating smell .

  15. 浊点萃取是近年来出现的一种新兴的液-液萃取技术,它不使用挥发性有机溶剂,不影响环境。

    Cloud point extraction ( CPE ) is a kind of new environmentally benign liquid-liquid extraction method .

  16. 离子液体作为一种绿色溶剂可以较好的解决原有的挥发性有机溶剂造成的环境污染问题。

    As a green solvent , ionic liquid is one of the alternatives for volatile organic solvents .

  17. 然而,分离领域每年都要消耗大量挥发性有机溶剂对环境造成危害。

    However , many separation processes are harmful to environment because of the huge consume of volatile organic solvent .

  18. 离子液体是一种室温熔融盐,具有优良的物理化学性质,对纤维素、壳聚糖等生物大分子有很好的溶解能力,可以代替挥发性有机溶剂。

    Ionic liquids are mental salts at room temperature which are promising solvent for dissolving polysaccharides such as chitosan and cellulose .

  19. 离子液体替代传统挥发性分子溶剂在有机合成和含酚废水处理中的应用

    The Employments of Ionic Liquids as Replacements for the Traditional Volatile Molecule Solvents in Organic Synthesis and the Treatment of Phenol Waste Solutions

  20. 随着人们对环境和健康问题越来越关注,科研工作者正在寻求可替代挥发性有机溶剂的无公害的新型绿色溶剂。

    With growing concern over the environmental impact and health hazards of traditional volatile organic solvents , researchers continue to search for greener alternatives .

  21. 环氧树脂不溶于水,在实际应用中主要溶解在有机溶剂中使用,挥发性有机溶剂容易造成环境污染并带来安全隐患。

    Epoxy resin is not water-soluble , thus in practical applications it mainly dissolves in organic solvents , which maybe bring about environmental pollution and potential security .

  22. 离子液体已经在分析化学的多个领域,包括色谱、质谱、光谱及电化学中作为挥发性有机溶剂的绿色替代物。

    Ionic liquids have been used as green alternatives to volatile organic solvents in various analytical applications including chromatography , mass spectrometry , spectroscopy , and electrochemistry .

  23. 简单的无规线团状态聚合物溶解在挥发性的溶剂配置成稀溶液,在有潮湿空气在表面流动时浇铸到玻璃片上。

    Dilute solutions of a simple , coil-like polymer in a volatile solvent are cast on a glass slide in the presence of moist air flowing across the surface .

  24. 但是,通常需要采用挥发性有机溶剂作为萃取剂和分散剂构成一个萃取体系,不可避免地对环境和操作人员的健康产生潜在的威胁。

    However , it usually utilized toxic organic solvents as dispersive solvent and extraction solvent for extraction , and which would put potential threat on the environment and the health of operators .

  25. 离子液体是近年来迅速发展起来的一种对大气无污染的绿色溶剂,被广泛应用于各个领域以取代市售的挥发性有机溶剂。

    Ionic liquid is an atmospheric pollution-free " green solvents " which developing rapidly in recent years and it has been widely used in various areas to replace the traditional volatile organic solvents .

  26. 新型反应介质主要包括超临界流体和离子液体,它不仅可以替代传统的有毒有害的挥发性有机溶剂,同时可以提高反应的活性和选择性,并且易于回收利用。

    New reaction medium mainly include supercritical fluids and ionic liquids . These medium can not only substitute traditional toxic , harmed and volatile organic solvents , but also improve reaction activity and selectivity .

  27. 辐射固化型涂料,因其不含挥发性有机溶剂,对环境无污染,涂膜干后无残留溶剂以及优异的应用性能而被推为环保型涂料之首。

    Radiation solidified coatings are regarded as one of the most environmental friendly paint , because they include no volatile organic solvent and no left-over solvent once the coating is dry , in addition , they have other excellent applied properties .

  28. 离子液体是实现绿色化学过程的重要途径之一,作为一种绿色溶剂它因其独特的性质可取代传统挥发性有机溶剂,用于化学研究的很多领域。

    Ionic liquid is one of the most important way in realizing green chemistry process . As a green solvent , ionic liquid is one of the alternatives for traditional volatile organic solvents due to its unique properties and is used in many fields of chemistry .

  29. 三苯为无色、有芳香味、挥发性、易燃溶剂。

    Three benzene are solvents with features of colorlessness , aroma , volatility and nammability .

  30. 挥发性强电解质混合溶剂体系的汽液平衡研究

    Studies on the Vapor Liquid Equilibria for Strong Volatile Electrolyte Mixed Solvent System