
gǒng qiáo
  • arch bridge;humpbacked bridge
拱桥 [gǒng qiáo]
  • [arch bridge] 以拱作为主要支承构件的桥梁

  • 黄石拱桥

拱桥[gǒng qiáo]
  1. H型拱桥式接骨板治疗股骨干骨折

    Therapy of Femoral Shaft Fracture by H-type Arch bridge shaped Plate

  2. PC系杆拱桥施工阶段暂态结构安全控制

    Security control of provisional structure of tied PC arch bridge at construction stage

  3. 客运专线中V型刚构拱桥极限承载力研究

    Research into ultimate bearing capacity of V-type rigid-frame arch bridge in passenger special line

  4. 大跨RC有支架施工拱桥砼时效分析

    Analysis of concrete aging effect in long-span RC arch bridge

  5. 大跨RC拱桥有支架施工中的几个技术问题

    Some technical problems in the supervision of long span RC arch bridge construction with scaffold

  6. 斜靠式拱桥(又称斜靠背式拱桥或双提篮拱桥、复式提蓝拱桥,doubleX-archbridge)是近些年来在提篮拱桥基础上发展起来的一种新型拱桥结构型式。

    Double X-arch bridge , derived from X-arch bridge , is one of the new arch bridge types .

  7. 其次,从变宽度X型肋拱桥稳定性分析出发,给出内倾角度对稳定的影响并特别提出了最优角度。

    Furthermore , from the stability analysis of the X-type double ribs arch bridge , this paper show how changes inclined inward angle would affect the stability , and the optimum design is presented .

  8. 最后以重庆轻轨PC梁以及一中承式拱桥的实测及计算固有频率结果验证了实际边界条件变化对固有频率的显著影响。

    On the basis of the tested and calculated frequencies of PC beams on Chongqing light rail bridge as well as on a through arch bridge , the remarkable effects of boundary condition are verified .

  9. 本文研究的RC&石砌体组合拱桥是一种新的桥梁形式,它以RC拱肋作为先期的跨越结构和后期石砌体砌筑的施工支架,最终由石砌体和RC拱肋共同形成主拱圈。

    This paper studies a new type of bridge & RC-masonry combination arch bridge . It makes RC arch ribs as former spanning structure and falsework of masonry 's construction .

  10. 采用ANSYS有限元软件对茅草街钢管混凝土拱桥的振动频率及振型进行了分析,并讨论了主要结构参数对其动力特性的影响,为本桥的动力设计提供参考。

    The ANSYS software is utilized for calculating the vibrating frequencies and vibration shapes and discussing the effect of major structural parameters on dynamic characteristics for the dynamic design of this bridge .

  11. 谈20m、25m跨实腹式石拱桥拱圈施工监理质量控制

    A Discussion on Construction Supervision and Quality Control of 20m , 25m-span Arch Circle of Solid-Spandrel Stone Arch Bridge

  12. 240m跨拱桥钢管混凝土施工

    Steel Pipe Concrete Construction in A 240m Span Arched Bridge Project

  13. 并最终通过时程分析验证了TMD运用于拱桥减震控制的有效性。

    Finally , the fact that fixing TMD in arch bridge is a effective method to reduce the seismic response of the structure is verified by the time-marching analysis result .

  14. 以新安江两等跨箱形混凝土拱桥为工程背景,采用大型有限元分析软件ANSYS建立三维有限元模型并对其进行动力特性分析,并用实桥脉动测试结果进行校核;

    ANSYS was used to establish a finite element model of the box-shaped concrete arch bridge with two equal spans , and an analysis of dynamic property was preformed , and measured impulse data was used to verify the analysis result .

  15. 该类桥将大跨预应力混凝土V形墩连续刚构和拱桥两种体系有机结合在一起,整体受力以V形墩连续刚构为主,拱对主跨起加劲作用。

    This combined sysytem bridge is to combine large span PC V-shaped pier continuous rigid frame bridge and arch structure , and the bearing force characteristics of overall structure is on the former , then the later is to play a role of stiffening the main span .

  16. 丹东月亮岛大桥是宽跨比为1/22.44的下承式钢管混凝土系杆拱桥,采用单片桁架式X形拱肋,利用桥面板内张拉钢铰线作为拱的系杆。

    Dandong Moon Island Bridge is a through concrete-filled steel tubular ( CFST ) X type tie arch bridge with ratio of width of deck to span 1 / 22.44.The section of the arch ribs adopts monolithic truss type , and the tie bar adopts the deck of the bridge .

  17. 以兰渝铁路线上的渭河沟拱桥为例,运用Midas软件建立了其有限元模型,并进行了模态分析和动力时程分析。(3)减隔震装置的选取。

    Taking the Wei-he-gou arch bridge on Lanzhou-Chongqing Railway as example , this paper creats F.E.M model based on MIDAS to conduct modal analysis and dynamic time-history analysis . ( 3 ) Choice of seismic reduction and isolation device .

  18. 基于有限元理论,应用大质量法(LMM)和拱脚固定法建立大跨度钢箱提篮连拱桥的空间动力计算模型。

    Based on finite element theory , the3 dimensional dynamic evaluation model of long-span X-style steel box-section arch bridge was created with large-mass method ( LMM ) and fixed arch foot method .

  19. 分别对其中最常用的斜拉杆式桁架拱桥和斜腿刚架桥进行了跨径为20m、30m、40m和50m时的矢跨比和分跨比参数分析。

    Moreover , parameter analysis of rise-to-span ratio of truss arch bridge with oblique tension link and span ratio of slant legged rigid frame bridge are carried out in four kinds of span which are 20m , 30m , 40m and 50m .

  20. 着重评述了在我国高层建筑(最高达72层)、大跨度拱桥(最大跨度达420m)和地铁车站等工程中应用钢管混凝土结构的成就。

    The general situation in application of STCC in tall buildings ( up to 72 stories ), long span arch bridges ( up to 420m span ) and metro-stations is emphatically described .

  21. 本文选择了跨径在20m以上的两种典型小城镇桥型&钢筋混凝土桁架拱桥和钢筋混凝土刚架桥进行研究,探讨了这两种桥型的结构受力特性、构造特点以及施工方法。

    The paper chooses two kinds of typical bridge whose span is over 20m in small town as objects for research , such as reinforced concrete truss arch bridge and reinforced concrete rigid frame bridge . It studies their mechanical characteristics , structural features and construction methods .

  22. 这在伦敦的伦敦Shoreditch改装铁路拱桥位于大概是伦敦最好的俱乐部之一,现在场地,拥有两个摇滚,舞曲音乐的无与伦比的清晰的音响系统。

    This refitted railway arch in London 's Shoreditch is located probably one of the London 's best club venue right now , possessing a sound system of unequalled clarity for both rock and dance music .

  23. 大桥全长251m,主跨为180m的桁式拱桥,边跨为18m和14m、13m的刚构,施工经历了两年的时间。

    The main span of the bridge is a type of 180m truss arch bridge , with full-length 251m , and the side span is a rigid frame with spans of 18m , 14m and 13m , whose construction lasted two years .

  24. 在构建动力分析有限元模型的基础上,采用时程分析法对一主跨132m的钢管混凝土拱桥进行地震反应分析,并得出了相应的结论。

    Based on constructing the finite element module of dynamic analysis , this paper carries out the analysis of seismic responses on the steel-tube concrete arch bridge with main span of 132 meters by using the time-history analysis , and gets the corresponding results .

  25. 钢管混凝土拱桥地震反应分析

    Analysis of Earthquake Response on Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Arch Bridge

  26. 刚架式系杆拱桥施工过程结构稳定性分析

    Analysis of Structural Stability for Rigid Frame Tied-Arch Bridge in Construction

  27. 钢管混凝土拱桥几个应注意的问题

    Some problems that merit attention to concrete-filled steel pipe arch bridge

  28. 拱桥的健康检测与模糊综合评价理论研究

    Study on Health Inspection of Arch Bridge and Fuzzy Evaluation System

  29. 大跨度石拱桥支撑技术的研究与应用

    Research and application of scaffold for long span stone arch bridge

  30. 既有双曲拱桥承载能力的空间分析与评估

    Spatial Analysis and Assessment of Exiting Double-arched Bridge 's Loading Capacity