
bá jiān rén cái
  • Top talent;top-notch personnel
拔尖人才[bá jiān rén cái]
  1. 创建研究型自动化教学体系,培养创新型专业拔尖人才

    Create Research-based Automation Teaching System and Train Innovative Professional Top-notch Talents

  2. 我校优秀拔尖人才选拔培养的实践

    Practice on the Selection and Cultivation of Top Talents in our University

  3. 拔尖人才基本特征与培养途径探讨

    The essential characteristics and the training ways of outstanding talents

  4. 紧紧抓住培养拔尖人才不放;

    To firmly grasp educating and training tiptop talents ;

  5. 建立与管理拔尖人才库

    Establishment and Management of " Top Talents Resources "

  6. 以五种能力培养为核心培养财经拔尖人才

    Strengthening Five Core Abilities to Cultivate Top Talents

  7. 院里于1996年首次举办青年技术拔尖人才评选活动。

    Lpcsdi held the activity of outstanding technical personnel for the first time in1996 .

  8. 研究生教育与拔尖人才培养

    The Postgraduate Education and Prominent Talent Development

  9. 拔尖人才有明显的特征。

    They usually have clear characteristics .

  10. 如何做到不拘一格选拔医学创新拔尖人才?

    How to select the top-notch innovative medical talents , not sticking only to one pattern ?

  11. 第二,要创造一种环境,使拔尖人才能够脱颖而出。

    Second , we must create an environment that enables the brightest people to come to the fore .

  12. “优势积累”为科研拔尖人才做出杰出工作提供了最大可能。

    For scientific elitists , advantage accumulation provides them utmost possibilities of having outstanding scientific achievements in their research fields .

  13. 分析了高校思想政治理论课教师拔尖人才培养现状,指出存在的问题并找到原因。

    It states the present status of the ideological and political teachers , analyses the problem existed and seeks its cause .

  14. 我国拔尖人才的培养应注重广泛利用国际资源以及建立基于普遍性原则的竞争机制。

    To foster scientific elitists in China , attention should be paid to the international resources and the foundation of universal competition mechanism .

  15. 对改进我校本科生拔尖人才培养方式的思考鼓励拔尖创新人才成长。

    Research on How to Improve the Undergraduate Elite s Educating Model of GDUT ; We encourage top-notch talents with innovative ideas to come to the fore .

  16. 教师聘任制度设计是否科学、合理,关乎能否选用到优秀的、有持续创造力的人才,关乎拔尖人才能否顺利地脱颖而出。

    Teacher appointment system design is scientific , reasonable , about whether to good use , there is continuous creative talent , about top-notch talent can successfully stand out .

  17. 探讨了拔尖人才应具备的能力结构类型,包括创新精神和创新能力、团结协作能力、组织领导能力、理论联系实际能力、国际交往能力等。

    In this paper , the authors discussed talented person 's ability structure type including creating spirit and ability , uniting and cooperating ability , organization and leadership ability , uniting ability of theory and practice and international contact ability etc.

  18. 第五,通过对社会主义核心价值体系的学习,揭示出了科技创新型拔尖人才的核心价值观与社会主义核心价值体系之间的关系。

    Fifthly , the essay reveals the relationship between the core value system of the Chinese characteristic socialism and the core values of top-notch talents of scientific and technological innovation by studying the core value system of the Chinese characteristic socialism .

  19. 高校扩招引发人们对于人才培养质量的思考,促使高校进行教育教学改革,于是,荣誉学院和实验班等拔尖人才培养模式日益受到关注。

    The expansion of higher education raises up the thinking for the personnel training quality by people , prompts universities to reform the education teaching model , so talent training models like honors college and experimental classes , have been received increasing attention .

  20. 整篇文章涉及拔尖人才质量保障的输入、过程和输出环节,试图从系统化角度构建符合我国研究型大学现状和未来发展的拔尖创新人才的质量保障体系。

    Full article related to the input , process and output links of top-notch quality assurance personnel . From the perspective of trying to build a systematic quality assurance system of top-notch creative talents in line with our research universities ' current situation and future development .

  21. 大学美术教育,作为国家艺术文化传承的重要组成部分,除为国家培养了大批艺术拔尖人才外,还在为我国民族美术矗立于世界艺术之林发挥着重要作用。

    University art education as an important part of cultural heritage of the National Arts , in addition to train for the country a large number of top-notch artistic talent , still stands for our national art plays an important role in the forest of the world of art .

  22. 激活自我实现需要培养拔尖创新人才

    Stimulate the Need of Self-fulfillment and Cultivate the Talents of Creativity

  23. 造就拔尖创新人才与高等教育改革

    Cultivation of Innovative Talents and Reform of Higher Education

  24. 鼓励拔尖创新人才成长。

    We encourage top-notch talents with innovative ideas to come to the fore .

  25. 内蒙古拔尖科技人才地域结构研究

    A study of the regional structure of scientific and technological personnel in Inner Mongolia

  26. 信息生态下知识经济社会的发展需要人才,尤其需要拔尖创新人才。

    The development of knowledge economy society in information ecology needs talents especially top-notch talents .

  27. 农林院校拔尖创新人才培养模式研究

    Cultivation Model Research of Top Talents with Spirit of Innovation in Agricultural and Forestry Universities

  28. 拔尖创新人才的发现、培养和使用是一项复杂的社会系统工程。

    However , it is a complex project to find , cultivate and employ them .

  29. 拔尖创新人才思想政治素质养成:概念、特征与规律

    To Develop the Ideological and Political Quality of Top-notch Creative Talents : Concept , Characteristics and Laws

  30. 拔尖创新人才的培养与我国一流名校的建设

    The Training of the Excellent Innovation Talents and the Construction of the First - level Universities of China