
  • 网络Lagrange Multiplier
  1. 本文研究了ADF单位根检验中参数联合约束的拉格朗日乘数检验。

    In this paper we propose Lagrange multiplier tests of joint hypotheses based on the ADF unit root tests .

  2. 根据SEEM特性曲线和由效用函数得到的无差异曲线,提出了用于决策的无差异曲线法和拉格朗日乘数法,并据此得到了最优的经济增长速度和经济剩余组合决策;

    Second , this paper proposes two kinds of decision-making methods , non-difference curve methods and Lagrange multiplier methods . The optimal decision of speed of economic increase and surplus is made in terms of SEEM curve and Non-difference curve .

  3. 基于动态CSIT模型估计得到的信道信息,通过拉格朗日乘数法推导出闭式的THP预编码器。

    Based on the dynamic CSIT mode , closed-form solution of Tomlinsion-Harashima precoding ( THP ) is derived through a Lagrangian approach .

  4. 第五章研究了带切矢约束条件的Bezier曲线中的等周问题,是在第四章实现的等周问题的基础上,多加了一个约束条件,并用拉格朗日乘数法解决这个问题。

    The chapter V researches the isoperimetric problem for Bezier curves with tangent vector constraint , which is to add a constraint on the basis of chapter IV and solve the problem using Lagrange multiplier method .

  5. 针对支持向量机在线训练算法训练速度较慢和无法处理边缘支持向量集合为空的缺点,以KKT条件和拉格朗日乘数法为基础,用严格的数学推导得到一种改进的训练算法。

    In order to increase training speed of original on-line support vector machine training algorithm , and to deal with the case of margin support vector set being empty , a new algorithm was obtained by strict mathematical deduction based on KKT condition and Lagrangian multiplier method .

  6. 拉格朗日乘数u0和λ0具有相同的数值,分别等于排污企业的边际削减成本和边际排污收益,它们可以作为排污权交易市场定价的重要依据。

    The Lagrange multipliers and have the same value , and are equal to the marginal cost of reduction and the marginal profit of emission , Both of them can be the important basis for appraisal in the market of emission permits deals .

  7. 探析拉格朗日乘数λ的经济意义

    Discussion and analysis of the Economic meanings of Lagrange multiplier λ

  8. 泛函型约束条件下的拉格朗日乘数法

    Lagrange 's Method of Multipliers for Restricted Conditions of Functional Type

  9. 我们就此学过拉格朗日乘数法的。

    So , then we 've seen the method of Lagrange multipliers .

  10. 现在我们来用拉格朗日乘数法方程。

    Now we try to apply our Lagrange multiplier equations .

  11. 我国总产出的动态特征研究&基于最小拉格朗日乘数单位根检验的实证分析

    The Stationarity of Chinese Outputs : Evidence from Minimum LM Unit-root Testing

  12. 约束极值拉格朗日乘数法的一个充分条件及其推论

    Ample Condition and Deduction of Lagrange Multiplier Rule of Constrained Extreme Value

  13. 基于拉格朗日乘数法计算大坝结构可靠度

    Reliability analysis of dam based on Lagrange multiplier rule

  14. 本文使用了拉格朗日乘数法,通过迭代实现了原型滤波器的设计。

    An efficient iterative Lagrange multiplier approach is devel-oped to design the filter banks .

  15. 详细描述了最小二乘法、拉格朗日乘数法及Lemke3种算法的原理。

    Principles of the least square method , Lagrange method and Lemke method are described .

  16. 接下来要讲到的,就是你们可能听说过的拉格朗日乘数法。

    And so what we will see is you may have heard of Lagrange multipliers .

  17. 拉格朗日乘数和对偶选择变量

    Lagrange multiplier and dual choice variable

  18. 在满足组合不确定度最小的情况下,利用拉格朗日乘数法进行加权值的求解。

    Under the condition of minimum combined uncertainty , the weight values are calculated by Lag .

  19. 这门课程也包括了对最适化条件,拉格朗日乘数理论,和对偶理论的综合论述。

    There is also a comprehensive treatment of optimality conditions , Lagrange multiplier theory , and duality theory .

  20. 基于梯度和启发式算法的收敛,拉格朗日乘数,对偶理论。

    Convergence for Gradient-Based and Heuristic Algorithms , Lagrange Multipliers , Duality Theory Willcox , and de Weck .

  21. 拉格朗日乘数的解释

    Interpretation of Lagrange multiplier

  22. 随机结构动力可靠度估计算法的对比分析基于拉格朗日乘数法计算大坝结构可靠度

    Approximate methods for dynamic reliability calculation of stochastic structures RELIABILITY ANALYSIS OF DAM BASED ON LAGRANGE MULTIPLIER RULE

  23. 运用拉格朗日乘数法,以最大制冷量为优化目标,对该系统进行了优化,得到最大制冷量的一般表达式。

    Applying the method of Lagrange multiplier , the system is optimized for maximum cooling rate and gets the rate general expression .

  24. 上述矩阵分解过程可以转化为一个最优化问题,这个问题可以借助增广的拉格朗日乘数法解决。

    The inference process is formulated as a minimization problem , which is convex and can be solved efficiently with augmented Lagrange multiplier method .

  25. 有一个极值问题,也有关于拉格朗日乘数法的,链式法则也会有的,约束条件下偏导数当然不会漏掉。

    Expect one about a min / max problem , something about Lagrange multipliers , something about the chain rule and something about constrained partial derivatives .

  26. 在允许卖空的情况下,运用拉格朗日乘数法求出了效用最大化投资组合的最优投资策略,并证明了其有效前沿和均值-方差投资组合的有效前沿相同。

    Under short sales situation , the optimal investment strategies are obtained by using Lagrange method , and the efficient frontiers ' character is also studied .

  27. 然后利用拉格朗日乘数法与隐函数定理,求出了使其中一不等式局部反向的临界值。

    Furthermore , utilizing the Lagrange method of multipliers and the implicit theorem to work out the critical value which makes one of those inequality locally inverted .

  28. 使用拉格朗日乘数方法,算法通过迭代求解线性方程来获得期望的原型滤波器系数矢量。

    By using the Lagrange multiplier approach , the design procedure is formulated as solving the linear equation iteratively to obtain the desirable prototype filter coefficient vector .

  29. 其中一个是找出一个函数的极小值,极大值,这个函数的变量是相关的,这种方法称为拉格朗日乘数法。

    One of them is to find the minimum of a maximum of a function when the variables are not independent , and that is the method of Lagrange multipliers .

  30. 用拉格朗日乘数法确定天体周日视运动过程中方位变化速度最慢点的位置,从而使有关结论完整化。

    By means of the Lagrange Multiplier , this paper points out the position of celestial bodies when their azimuth varies the slowest during diurnal motion , thus consummating the conclusion concerned .